Females are socially inept

Females are just as socially inept as males when it comes to interpreting body language and other social cues.
It is often said that women are more socially savvy and much better than men at reading social situations. But the reason it might appear this way is because in this culture women (as a whole) take virtually no risks and always play on the safe side. They are so hell-bent on getting society's approval that they go to all these extra lengths to make sure that they don't do anything "wrong". So as a result, we never or rarely see women make a fool of themselves. Of course not; they don't do anything! Men do all the work, take all the risks, get rejected, and then (many of us) go back to the drawing board to "up our game". And the PUA is merely an extreme case of this.[1]
White knights read too deeply into female body language. Here is an example of a comment by a white knight:
The rejections are your TEACHER AND FEEDBACK, imo. They teach you the subtle signs girls show when they don't like you (you learn to see through friendliness which SO MANY even normal guys can't do) and the not so subtle signs they show when they do like you. It's such a game of making sure to make your intentions clear non-verbally while seeing what the girl will let you get away with. All these subtle little moves are made.
Explanation[edit | edit source]
Women have reproduced twice as often as men, which means they have been subject to less selection pressure, hence retained older adaptations, but also more mutations, inaptness etc. This shows e.g. in statistics of reproductive success with regards to various mental diseases. In particular female autists are around twice as likely to reproduce than male autists (see the graph on the right). This may suggest women are more autistic, but better at hiding it, are subject to fewer social expectations or have more opportunities to practice their social skills.
If women do have better social skills as most research suggests, then the apex fallacy may explain the false expectation that all women would be superior in social skills, even though they only have better skills on average. Furthermore, the women-are-wonderful effect may explain why people perceive women to be more socially capable than they are.