
Mogging (a verbification and apheresis of the acronym AMOG for alpha male of the group) is the act of dominating another person. A person who mogs others is called a mogger. A person who gets mogged is a moggee or mog-victim.
The most cringe-worthy forms of mogging occur when it happens to particularly low-status individuals. Since the terms inceldom and femceldom are umbrella terms, there are many ways through which moggees get mogged, such as having a disability (a disabledcel) next to a non-disabled person, having cognitive issues (a mentalcel) next to a neurotypical person, etc. This kind of dominance display is common among animal species with dominance hierarchies, especially in animals with high sexual dimorphism and high sex differences in parental investment.
Origin of the term[edit | edit source]
The term originated in the PUA community, who commonly advocated mogging other men as an effective tactic to attract women. It is typically used to describe a man (though the term is often incorrectly used in a gender-neutral fashion) who is more sexually attractive overall than another person. Especially when this higher sexual attractiveness threatens the mog victim's chance of becoming a reproductive success or related self-confidence
Examples[edit | edit source]
- Breastmogging: having a larger (female) breast than someone else.
- Buttmogging
- Heightmog: being taller than someone else.
- NT-mog: being more neurotypical or social.
- Voicemog: have a better (in men: generally a deeper, louder, clearer) voice. Can also be associated with having an accent associated with greater prestige or higher social status.
- Dickmog: longer or intact penis.
- Agemog: younger, thus healthier and with more lifetime left.
- Jawmogging: a superior, usually more masculine, sharp jawbone undermining a man with roundish jaw.
- Hairmogging: man with hair on top of head mogging bald or balding men.
- IQmog: Superior skills and intelligence.
- Skinmog
- Torsomogging
Mogging gallery[edit | edit source]
- Men getting mogged
- Women getting mogged
Mogging videos[edit | edit source]