Incel Glossary

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This Incel Glossary contains terminology and slang that is commonly used within incel communities and the broader incelosphere. Usage of these terms may be shared among the wider manosphere.

-cel[edit | edit source]

Suffix denoting involuntary celibate. Used in the formation of the words: gymcel, heightcel, baldcel, workcel, wristcel, etc. The stem word indicates the condition that made him incel, an activity that the incel pursues to compensate or cope with his lack of success with women, or just an incel that happens to possess the quality. For example, a baldcel is a balding man who is unattractive to women because of his hair loss. A gymcel is a man who spends his free time exercising in the hopes that a fit body will cause him to become more attractive to women. A currycel is a South Asian male who happens to be an incel. See incel for specifics. It is also used more generally to refer to people that possess a specific trait, even if they aren't incels, usually as a form of trolling. This latter form of usage originated on the PSL forums.

-maxx/-maxxing/-max[edit | edit source]

An effort to improve an aspect of one's life to secure sexual and/or romantic intimacy. "Maximize" it. Used to denote self-improvement in general.

-mogged[edit | edit source]

Suffix indicating being dominated by another person. The stem word denotes the feature that one is being dominated by. Derives from the PUA term AMOG, or "alpha male of the group".

Deliberately trying to humiliate or otherwise dominate others was advocated as a form of increasing your perceived social value to women by pick-up artists, this usage later morphed to refer to any feature that supposedly contributes to perceptions of social dominance in general, many of which are proposed in a facetious manner.


heightmogged[edit | edit source]

Being dominated by another man’s height.

wristmogged[edit | edit source]

Being dominated by a man with a thicker wrist.

skullmogged[edit | edit source]

Being dominated by a man with a better shaped or bigger skull.

akabusimogged[edit | edit source]

Being dominated by a man of Kriss Akabusi-like prowess. Awooga indeed.

DOLPHmogged[edit | edit source]

The hardest of -mogged. It means an individual got dominated by Dolph Lundgren and is now facing a proverbial decision: to leap or not to leap.

-pill[edit | edit source]

Refers to embracing a type of philosophy or worldview. Coined from the movie The Matrix where the character Morpheus gives the protagonist Neo the option to either accept his harsh reality by swallowing a red pill or to go back to being connected to the matrix (a comforting illusion) by swallowing the blue pill. This analogy spawned several terms that use the word -pill as a suffix to denote different realizations or worldviews:

redpill[edit | edit source]

In regards to involuntary celibacy, confronting the idea that exchanges of material value largely drive one's mating success, as opposed to abstract concepts like "love", and that female hypergamy limits the majority of men's sexual success. A guy like Undead Chronic is a good example:

bluepill[edit | edit source]

The preference of believing in a comforting or convenient lie, especially when it concerns a person's worldview. In regards to involuntary celibacy, this essentially refers to attitudes that minimize the role of individual differences, such as physical attractiveness, or social constraints in driving human mating success in favor of platitudes such as "you'll find someone one day" and the like.

blackpill[edit | edit source]

A fatalistic/depressed version of red pill, particularly one focused on external solutions as opposed to individual ones or on the importance of physical attractiveness in driving men's dating success.

purplepill[edit | edit source]

The stance of being neutral or on the fence with regards to gender relations; i.e. not on the manosphere side, nor on the feminist side. In certain manosphere circles, the term is utilized in a pejorative way to refer to men who have internalized certain "redpill truths" but still hold to certain "bluepill" ideals.

whitepill[edit | edit source]

The acceptance phase of the blackpill. When one seeks to assimilate blackpill knowledge to either improve your life or to find ways of coping with being a male that is disadvantaged by factors the blackpill discusses. The term has also been used by some to refer to the negation of the black pill i.e another form of the bluepill.

pinkpill[edit | edit source]

The femcel version of the blackpill that either inverts several blackpill claims (i.e accusing men of being the hypergamous sex) or otherwise asserts that women are disadvantaged in the dating market vis-à-vis men. A femcel philosophy.

-pilled[edit | edit source]

The act of accepting one of the "pills" as the truth.

-fuel[edit | edit source]

Motivation for something. ex. Lifefuel (Inspirational, motivating, induces warm emotions), suicidefuel (depressing, demotivational).

A[edit | edit source]

ABine[edit | edit source]

A kind term to refer to a female AB, or a woman inexperienced in romantic or sexual relationships. Used in the German AB community.

adipophilia[edit | edit source]

Attraction to fat people

AFC[edit | edit source]

An "Average Frustrated Chump". A term favored by the incelosphere of the 1990s. Variations include WBAFC (Way-Below AFC), BAFC (Below AFC) and AFChick (a female AFC).

AF/BB[edit | edit source]

Alpha fucks / beta buxx. Refers to a woman who gets fucked by alphas and settles down with a beta. The term is inspired by a concept in evolutionary psychology, known as strategic pluralism. The strategic pluralism hypothesis maintains that women are evolutionary adapted (in certain circumstances) to cheat on their male long-term partners with men that possess "good genes" in order to both receive provision and protection from the beta while getting the "good genes" for their offspring from attractive men.

albino[edit | edit source]

A term originating from the user TomCruise. It is a disparaging remark used towards SlutHate Users of European Descent

alpha[edit | edit source]

The opposite of a beta male. Takes on risk and confrontation, is confident, a leader, high status, and attractive to women. Part of the sociosexual hierarchy innovated by PUAs.

all-or-nothing[edit | edit source]

Theory which states that you're either a slayer or an incel.

alt[edit | edit source]

Stands for alternate account.

AMALT[edit | edit source]

Femcel version of AWALT. "All men are like that" or "All men are literal trash."

AMOG[edit | edit source]

Short for 'alpha male of the group', a term originating in the PUA community. Also 'alpha male other guy' (The PUA student is an alpha male Himself).

AMOGing [edit | edit source]

Originally a PUA slang which refers in degrading a man who's trying to interfere with your sexual conquest.

Andreas Lubitz[edit | edit source]

Co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525. Purposely crashed a plane full of slayers and 8+ JBs into a mountainside killing 150 after his girlfriend broke up with him.

animalcel[edit | edit source]

Animal incels. Many males of various animal species are involuntary celibate, while the alpha male of the group has the privilege to breed with females.

anteface[edit | edit source]

The forward protrusion of the middle and lower face. A straight full anteface is the most preferred in male faces.[1] Term originated from plastic surgeon Hermann Sailer

AOC[edit | edit source]

Age of Consent.

approach anxiety[edit | edit source]

Fear of initiating a romantic approach to a woman.

ascend[edit | edit source]

When an incel moves on to get laid or gain a relationship, in some instances it refers to an incel improving their SMV dramatically (generally argued to be a prerequisite for 'ascending' in the first sense).

aspie[edit | edit source]

An aspie has Asperger's Syndrome or other forms of autism. Aspies, while sometimes being quite gifted intellectually, have social, emotional, and sensory integration difficulties, that frequently result in social isolation and poor education and employment outcomes. They engage in repetitive behavior in a restricted area of interest and have low social awareness. The exact cause of Asperger's is unknown, but it is known to be partially genetic. There is no working treatment. Many people with this syndrome improve as they mature, but social and communication difficulties typically persist.

AT[edit | edit source]

An abbreviation in the AB German scene for asshole theory

auticel[edit | edit source]

One who is incel due to Autism Spectrum Disorders.

AWALT[edit | edit source]

All women are like that. Used to generalize women. Not necessarily to be taken literally, however it is advised as a heuristic when dealing with women, as they are said to be good at pretending to be NAWALTS (not all women are like that).

B[edit | edit source]

boyo[edit | edit source]

A Welsh/Irish slang word for 'friend' or 'mate', literally meaning 'boy'. Became popularized as a term of address in the PSL community. - Other variations: Broyo, Broyolo, buddy boyo.

Babebux[edit | edit source]

Femcel version of Betabux. A 'beta female' in a situation where a man takes advantage of her financially in a romantic relationship. She is chosen to be his significant other because she earns a decent wage to finance his lifestyle, etc.

bald theory[edit | edit source]

A concept originating from the user TomCruise. He argues that you can never be 8+ if you do not look good bald.

barebacking / going bareback[edit | edit source]

Having sex without condoms.

BBC[edit | edit source]

Big Black Cock. Often used to address blacks on the forum. The topic of whether it is true is not is brought up time and time again.

BBC Theory[edit | edit source]

This theory argues that blacks are in fact the quintessential of masculinity and sex appeal. Some whitecels, who have failed in their home countries, see blacks succeeding and adopt the belief that it's better to be black than white on the dating market.

BBV[edit | edit source]

Big Black Vagina. Often used to address blacks Females on the forum.

BBV Theory[edit | edit source]

This theory argues that blacks Females are the quintessence of female sexuality. The theory also argues that the more masculine looking the BBV the greater the chance of her siring you slayer son(s).

BDD[edit | edit source]

Usually refers to "Body dysmorphic disorder" a psychiatric illness where one is irrationally concerned about one's physical appearance, and has a highly distorted self-image of one's physicality.

Becky[edit | edit source]

A moderately attractive female. Not as attractive as Stacy.

beta[edit | edit source]

(1) A weak male, opposite to an alpha. (2) a beta provider (3) subservience in general, ie "behaving beta". A secondary usage of this term was coined by writer Vox Day, describings betas as subordinate alpha males (and thus as men of relatively high rank) as is commonly found in the animal kingdom. This latter term was later defined as "bravo" due to the negative connotations of "beta". Part of the sociosexual hierarchy innovated by PUAs.

Beta male[edit | edit source]

A beta male is an average male, aka someone who is not a leader, not very physically strong, not rich, not super hot, unassertive, and is subordinate to alpha males in terms of mate access.

be smart enough to know when you are lucky theory[edit | edit source]

Take the opportunity even if it sounds too good to be true, in some cases you are hitting the jackpot.

beta eyes / big eyes / big round eyes[edit | edit source]

Eyes that appear big. Not necessarily unattractive in a male, but often considered to be a negative trait. Sometimes also called bug eyes, cuck eyes or frog eyes.

beta provider[edit | edit source]

A man who financially supports the woman in a relationship. It could also be a man who emotionally supports her by being overly romantic, sometimes to the detriment of his personal boundaries and the health of the relationship.

beta provider game[edit | edit source]

Tactic frequently used by men who desire sex. The man jumps through hoops by going through multiple dates hoping that the woman will eventually reward him with sex. In a relationship he will support the woman financially or emotionally.

betabux[edit | edit source]

Also betabuxing. When a male financially provides for a partner. Frequently used to imply that a woman is only with a man due to his provisioning capabilities, and not out of any real attraction.

BF[edit | edit source]

Abbreviation for "body fat". Also means boyfriend.

Biacromial[edit | edit source]

Measurement of the clavicle width

birdcel[edit | edit source]

A man having a weak chin and a big nose at the same time, making their skull resemble a bird from the profile.

bid[edit | edit source]

Bids (or biddys) resemble cucks in that they put resources into a relationship which does not benefit their own progeny, either caring for another man's young or putting resources into a woman who is sleeping with other men.

The difference is that unlike the traditional cuck who is deceived, bids willingly consent to engage in these types of relationships, openly adopting children they know are not their own, or consenting to an "open" relationship which allows sex with other men while the man gets no extra sex at all.

Bids often engage in "cuckold fetishism" where they roleplay that they are being cheated on, but that isn't real cuckolding, just like rape roleplay is not real rape. That said, bids often get cucked for real, as their foids do not respect them and will easily step outside the "boundaries" the bid thinks he can set for her.

The etymology of bids is a shortening from the 2nd syllable of cebidae, a family of monkeys including the subfamily callitridae which includes the polyandrous marmoset/tamarin monkeys who become pathetic "non-reproductive helpers" while their polyandrous "mates" only allow the Chad monkeys to impregnate them.

Bideltoid[edit | edit source]

Measurement across the shoulders specifically the deltoid muscles

Blackops2cel[edit | edit source]

An unattractive man who achieved meme status after his picture was posted on the subreddit r/amiugly. Seen by some as the incel messiah.

black knight[edit | edit source]

The opposite of a white knight. In other words, a man who purposefully inconveniences or imperils women, and is hostile towards them.

Blue baller[edit | edit source]

Someone whose sexual frustration is causing them physical pain in the balls (testicles).

blackcel[edit | edit source]

A black incel. Also known as an niggacel.

blackpill[edit | edit source]

A collection of harsh truths about dating and relationships backed by sociological studies. Alternative, a fatalist position about dating, generally born from a belief in gender essentialism. Often, but not necessarily is concomitant with existential nihilism.

Bluepill[edit | edit source]

Used to describe something that does not agree, understand. or acknowledge the harsh realities of the world, specifically about dating.

bone law[edit | edit source]

Refers to the idea that male aesthetics depends on the development of a man's bodily frame and facial bones mostly, with the soft tissues such as the skin and hair being of secondary importance.

bonepressed[edit | edit source]

Measuring the size of one's penis by pushing the pubic fat all the way down to the bone when using a ruler. This technique is the most accurate way of measuring penis length due to the wide variation between pubic fat composites among men, though measuring in this way is deemed a 'cope' by some.

bone smash theory[edit | edit source]

A theory predicated on the principle of Wolff's law (the idea that bones will grow in response to the stress placed on them), bone smash theory asserts that you can cause bone growth by exposing the bone to repeated blunt trauma. This is usually used to cause the growth of the facial bones, such as the cheekbones or mandible.

Brutto Vero[edit | edit source]

Italian incelosphere term for Truecel

Brad[edit | edit source]

A moderately attractive male, typically white. Not as attractive as a Chad. Analogous with the term chadlite.

BTFO[edit | edit source]

"Blown the fuck out." Meaning a certain comment is demoralizing or demotivating to a group/individual. It can also be used to say someone lost an argument or got verbally one-upped.

buddy boy[edit | edit source]

Slang term for comrade or chum. Often used as a derogatory term of address towards other forum members that lack understanding or have an opposing point of view from your own. Popularized by user "Jboi" on the forum Puahate.

bug eyes / frog eyes / bulging eyes[edit | edit source]

Eyes that pop out. Could be caused by retruded or downward infraorbital rim placement. Sometimes called big eyes or beta eyes. Generally believed to be an unattractive feature in men, as opposed to hunter eyes.

burgercel[edit | edit source]

An incel who is American

butterface[edit | edit source]

A woman who has an amazing body and an ugly face at the same time. Comes from 'but her face'.

butterbody[edit | edit source]

The reverse of butterface.

BWH[edit | edit source]

bust / waist / hips

The initialism refers to the measurement of the circumference of these 3 areas. These are stats commonly presented for females in Japanese pop culture such as video games and anime

C[edit | edit source]

carrot theory[edit | edit source]

In certain studies, a slightly yellowish skin complexion is shown to be a highly significant predictor of preferences for mate selection for both genders. This tint is easiest to achieve with moderate beta-carotene consumption, which is abundant in carrots, hence the name. In layman's terms it would be called 'healthy skin glow' theory, the opposite of it is pale skin, this glow was preferred even over a natural tan.

canthal tilt[edit | edit source]

The angle of the lateral canthus (outside corner of eye) in relation to the medial canthus (inside corner of the eye). A positive canthal tilt means the lateral canthus is higher on the face in proportion to the medial canthus, whereas a negative canthal tilt means the lateral canthus is lower on the face than the medial canthus. Some lookism forum users claim that a negative canthal tilt is an extremely unattractive feature on men. They argue that it looks droopy and unintimidating.

For both men and women, a positive canthal tilt is argued to be ideal. It can be argued that an overly positive canthal tilt is a slightly negative trait in males, as it is a feminine feature. Also, an overly positive tilt can provide the face with an unusual appearance. Most male sex symbols have a neutral or slightly positive canthal tilt. A negative canthal tilt gives a drowsy, tired appearance, Though there are men who are attractive despite a negative canthal tilt, such as Adrien Brody, Aubrey Graham, Adam Gallagher and André Hamann.

Chad[edit | edit source]

A physically attractive male, typically white. With a PSL rating of 8/10 or higher.

Ethnic counterparts:

  • Tyrone - black
  • Chaddam or Chabdul- Arab
  • Chadpreet or Chaddeep - Indian
  • Chang - East Asian

Chadlet[edit | edit source]

A manlet (Short) Chad

Chadlite[edit | edit source]

A moderately attractive male, typically white. Derived from Chad + -ite. With a PSL rating of 7.

Cho[edit | edit source]

Refers to Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia tech shooter.

Chud[edit | edit source]

Meme originating from leftypol known as the Poljak. It was later known to be as the “chud” wojak.

co or .co[edit | edit source]

CO means fat ugly woman (literally: obese toilet) in the Italian incelosphere.
.co refers to

compact midface / short midface[edit | edit source]

A high midface ratio, a high fWHR, a short head, a short chin, a short forehead, high bizygomatic width, or wide-set eyes. Compact midfaces are considered attractive for females because they are a neotenous feature. Some argue that it is also a positive feature for males, as a long midface is nearly universally seen as a negative feature. The concept was promoted by Phoenix Wright/Yatterman at, Love-Shy forums, and PuaHate.

cock carousel (CC)[edit | edit source]

A metaphor for women having sex with lots of different men. Which is what many women do in-between relationships, or before they settle down for marriage.

Coolidge effect[edit | edit source]

The heightened sexual attraction that men experience for a new sexual partner. Also known as "new pussy". Often experienced in one-night stands and short-term relationships. Has been hypothesised to also exist in females of various species, and there is some scientific evidence for this claim [2]

cold approach[edit | edit source]

A PUA term that refers to approaching an unknown woman in public to initiate a romantic relationship. Alternative to approaching in a social situation like a party or within a group of friends, which is a 'warm approach'.

Colez[edit | edit source]

(Pronounced coals.[1]) A legendary slayer who brought us from the dark ages of twinky male models. Extolled the virtues of masculine, high testosterone features (like a wide face, wide clavicles, a well-developed chin that could cut diamonds) as the primary drivers of female attraction to men.,

Colez biker gang[edit | edit source]

A random collection of users creating ludicrous meme like bad boy characters to parody the masculinity crew using exaggerations. Generally, normal people can pick them out of the posters since they sound like cartoons, but aspies can't, so some of them worship this group.

cope[edit | edit source]

Adopting an untrue belief, to avoid the pain that comes from facing a harsh, unpleasant reality.

Sometimes used by lookists to point out that any effort other than plastic surgery is merely a coping mechanism and not productive toward finding a partner. The insulting nature of the word lends its use to trolls seeking to make others feel bad for daily activities. It is also frequently used as a generic low-effort reply on incel forums.


Coping: "Yes, I did lose both my legs due to a car accident, which lead to losing my job and my wife divorcing me. But I can honestly say that my life is better now, I've learned to appreciate the small things."

Facing harsh reality: "After I lost my legs, my wife divorced me, and women in the dating market universally reject me. It's over."

copecelling[edit | edit source]

An incel coping mechanism intended to make sense of an unpleasant reality. It's generally seen in the manlet and ethnic variety, or when a perceived incel is dating out of his league. Sometimes a pathetic display of black and white thinking, and overall shortsightedness and ignorance.

Height is all that matters. Tall guys can't be incel.

Being white is all that matters. White guys can't be incel.

How can she be dating him? He is a manlet/ethnic!

cuck, cuckold[edit | edit source]

A man with an unfaithful girlfriend/wife, also used as an insult, to refer to someone with (perceived) progressive political beliefs or weak and ineffectual men. A good example is Jack Murphy.

cucktears[edit | edit source]

Short for the subreddit inceltears, a virgin-shaming terrorist group on Reddit. Undead Chronic also coined a phrase "cuck tears on my keyboard" which is likely what happens on that subreddit.

cybercel[edit | edit source]

Someone who visits the incelosphere; synonymous with incelospherian.

D[edit | edit source]

deep-set eyes[edit | edit source]

Possessing a protruded brow ridge, protruding zygomatic bones, and pronounced infraorbital development. This creates a 'deep set' eye appearance.

Deppression[edit | edit source]

The onset of melancholy from being inferior to Johnny Depp, also known as being Deppmogged. It is the inevitable aftermath of being sub-Depp.

I just saw a video of prime Johnny Depp in motion... I'm so Deppressed.

DHT[edit | edit source]

Dihydrotestosterone, a highly androgenic sex hormone derived from testosterone. The primary hormone responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty, plays a major role in driving male pattern baldness, facial / body hair growth, acne, libido and penis growth (during puberty). It is a potent fat fighter and an important neurosteroid.

DOM[edit | edit source]

Short for dominant. It commonly refers to a ultra-masculine face, but could also refer to an intimidating presence or dominant behavior.

E[edit | edit source]

ED [edit | edit source]

Short for erectile dysfunction.

ER[edit | edit source]

Elliot Rodger, the Isla Vista killer.

Escortcel[edit | edit source]

An incel who uses the services of an escort.

escort theory[edit | edit source]

A pragmatic philosophy that proposes to isolated adult virgins that they should just man up and get over their issues with safe prostitutes until they fix their sexual frustration. Some advocates consider this the only option for incels as long as they live.

escort crew[edit | edit source]

Incels who only have sex with prostitutes.

ethnic[edit | edit source]

Meaning depends on location, but in the U.S. it usually broadly refers to those of non-white ethnicity, who are believed to be repulsive to women, usually due to their lower social status and differing physical features as compared to whites.

ethnicel[edit | edit source]

An incel who is not white. This condition sometimes leads him to inceldom because women of his race prefer dating white men.

ethnik[edit | edit source]

A substitute for "ethnic", due to a censorship filter on PUAhate.

F[edit | edit source]

face theory / face law / F.A.C.E.[edit | edit source]

The theory that face is most important and overshadows all other qualities when it comes to dating.

failo effect[edit | edit source]

The opposite of the halo effect. Also called the horn/devil effect. When someone is physically attractive, they are assumed to have other attractive non-physical features. The failo effect states that an ugly person will be assumed to have unattractive non-physical features on account of being physically ugly. Common among incels. See 'halo effect' for more.

fap[edit | edit source]

Synonym for masturbating. Onomatopoeia for masturbating. -fap- -fap- -fap-

Fakecel[edit | edit source]

A person who falsely claims to be an incel, but is sexually active. Sometimes used to refer to people who are genuinely sexless but are deemed to be sufficiently attractive enough to achieve sexual relationships. Fakecel hunting is a common pastime on many incel forums.

FB or fb[edit | edit source]


FB[edit | edit source]

Also means fuck buddy.

fuel[edit | edit source]

Something that increases a specific feeling. e.g. suicide fuel increases suicidal feelings.

fish lips[edit | edit source]

Big misshapen lips or big lips. Blacks and ethnics are sometimes referred to as having "fish lips" due to their size. Also, some male models or celebrities like Johnny Deep are accused of having "fish lips" due to their size.[2] However, big lips are not necessarily an unattractive feature for men.

FOB[edit | edit source]

Short for Fresh Off the Boat. Refers to immigrants, usually East Asian and Indian immigrants who have thick accents.

foid[edit | edit source]

A derogatory term for a female. Stemmed from female and -oid (as in android or humanoid). Used to suggest that females are not fully human.

FOLM[edit | edit source]

frenulum of labia minora

forcedcel[edit | edit source]

Someone whose inceldom is caused by literal state-coercion and policies by a government that seeks to alter procreation patterns in the country. A great example is the male Uyghurs in China who are being sex-segregated from their women in a deliberate Chinese effort to lower Uyghur demographics.

foreveralone[edit | edit source]

A person with no hope for a relationship. Alternatively, the forum foreveralone, a feminist incel subreddit that doesn't self-identify as being an incel forum.

femoid[edit | edit source]

A derogatory term for human females. Stemmed from female and -oid (as in android or humanoid). Used to suggest that females are not fully human.

fuck and chuck[edit | edit source]

See pump and dump.

fuckstration[edit | edit source]

The physical manifestation of what inceldom does to a person, characterized primarily by agitation and awkwardly bulging erections at inappropriate moments.

Fuckzoned[edit | edit source]

When a femcel is used in a relationship for nothing other than sex. Think "friendzoned" but pertaining to sex.

FWB[edit | edit source]

Friends with benefits, a person with whom one has casual sex with for a prolonged period without an expectation of serious commitment on either parties behalf.

fWHR[edit | edit source]

Facial Width-to-Height Ratio. Sometimes measured as the bizygomatic width divided by the distance from the upper eyelids to the upper lip.[3] Sometimes measured as the bizygomatic width (distance between the cheekbones) divided by the distance from the nasion to the prosthion.[4]

G[edit | edit source]

G4P or g4p[edit | edit source]

Means 'gay for pay', it's heterosexual men doing solo erotic shows for homosexual men for money.

Galter[edit | edit source]

An incelospherian or manospherian who attempts to subvert his bluepilled or gynocentric society via economic withdrawal, a reference to the novel "Atlas Shrugged".

Galting[edit | edit source]

The act of subverting one's bluepilled or gynocentric society through economic means by incelibates or manospherians.

Gamma[edit | edit source]

Part of the theorized male sociosexual hierarchy innovated by PUAs, coined by Vox Day in particular. A low ranking male who is unattractive to women and socially incompetent, but not to the degree where they are completely excluded. Basically a low ranking male who refuses to "accept his place" in the male dominance hierarchy but who is too timid/undesirable/socially incompetent to improve his status. Basically a vulnerable narcissist. Often filled with resentment of his low social position and the lack of respect other men and women typically show him and therefore prone to passive aggressive behavior (as he is averse to direct conflict).

GL[edit | edit source]

Short for good looking.

Good Looking Loser / GLL[edit | edit source]

A pick-up artist guru who is critical of some mainstream PUA beliefs and practices. Unlike some other PUA's, Good Looking Loser emphasizes that looks do matter in dating.

GF[edit | edit source]


gigachad[edit | edit source]

A male who is higher in attractiveness than Chad or a specific (photoshopped) gigachad that became a popular internet meme.

go outside theory[edit | edit source]

The theory that if you go outside and interact with other people, you have a better chance of getting laid than trolling internet forums for hours per day.

Greensboro Jock[edit | edit source]

Greensboro Jock is a famous photograph of an American football player that epitomized hyper-masculinity and jock/Chad idealism. For many years the mystery subject of the photograph was called "The ideal image of a Chad" by the pua & incel community. He was formally identified in May 2015 as Jay Gould (born April 1st, 1979), an American man who was now living as an entrepreneur millionaire and CEO of a company called Yashi. He was a Greensboro student of 20-years-old when he was photographed in 1999. The image also brought him recognition on the forum

Greycel[edit | edit source]

A user with a grey name on or This color is assigned to users who have a small amount of posts on the forum, therefore the term greycel is derogatory and is used with the meaning of newbie

GTFIH[edit | edit source]

"Get The Fuck In Here" i.e. read this post. Mainly used on

H[edit | edit source]

halo effect[edit | edit source]

A cognitive bias where people generally assume that positive qualities are associated with other positive qualities. For example, good-looking people are perceived as being smarter, better leaders, and more successful in general at first acquaintance.

hammy[edit | edit source]

Short for, hamlossus, a reference to a poster on /r/malegrooming who become a meme in incel communities due to his unusual facial appearance.

height theory[edit | edit source]

The claim that male height is the prime attractive feature for men.

HH[edit | edit source]

HH (also represented by the number sign # or the number 88 since H is the eighth letter of the alphabet) can represent "Heil Hitler" (support of NSDAP) or "Honk Honk" (support of Clown World and it's mascot Honkler)

high inhibition[edit | edit source]

A person who sacrifices his/her happiness due to the irrational fear that pursuing personal goals will result in people's social disapproval. In layman's terms, it's somebody who can't stand up for himself and chooses passivity/safety. See social inhibition at Wikipedia.

High IQ[edit | edit source]

Indicates agreement with a point previously stated

heightism[edit | edit source]

Prejudice or discrimination based on one's height.

high E[edit | edit source]

High estrogen. In females, this contributes to large breasts, an hourglass figure, rounded buttocks, and higher levels of subcutaneous fat, resulting in softer features and an overall smooth appearance.

high T[edit | edit source]

High testosterone. In males, this results in a masculine (high) fWHR, low inhibition, large interior skull volume, increased muscularity, thick bones, a prominent supraorbital ridge, and high horizontal punching power. High T women have similar features.

high quality non-primitive (HQNP)[edit | edit source]

An attractive, intelligent, "higher class" female. Term coined by Tyger.

hole[edit | edit source]

A pejorative used to refer to a female among some incels (and noncels).

hooded eyes[edit | edit source]

Eyes where the upper eyelids are concealed by bone or soft tissue.

hook nose[edit | edit source]

A bumpy nose, this condition is often caused by a maxillary recession.

horizontal punching power[edit | edit source]

Referring to the amount of force generated by a single punch. Polynesians are widely argued to generate the most horizontal punching power.

hunter eyes[edit | edit source]

Vertically narrow eyes, usually covered by big brow ridge and tilted eyebrows.

hypergamy[edit | edit source]

Usually refers to the idea that women prefer to date above "their league" in either physical beauty, social status or wealth. The secondary usage of the term implies that, since women are generally never fully satisfied with their male partners, they are always looking for what they perceive as a "better" male. This lack of satisfaction may result in the female monkey branching from her current relationship.[5].

I[edit | edit source]

ICD[edit | edit source]

Inner canthal distance and/or intercanthal distance is the the measurement of the distance between the two medial canthus of the eyes.

incel[edit | edit source]

An involuntary celibate man. Refers to a state in which a person who is willing and physically able to engage in sexual relations is unable to find a partner. It is also used to refer to the state of inceldom itself, i.e. "I was incel for most of my youth".

baldcel[edit | edit source]

A man who is either bald or balding which drastically affects one's aesthetic value.

framecel[edit | edit source]

An incel with a weak "frame" (narrow shoulders, thin bones etc.)

workcel[edit | edit source]

Someone whose work preoccupies any freedom to enjoy any activities that may be conducive to the chance of sexual intercourse.

slavecel[edit | edit source]

An extreme version of the workcel. A workcel whose work has a great hold over him in terms of time and energy. He's practically a slave.

heightcel / shortcel[edit | edit source]

A short guy who is incel because of his height.

gymcel[edit | edit source]

An incel who thinks he can compensate with muscles for his low LMS. Alternatively, an incel who engages in physical exercise as a coping mechanism to deal with his inceldom. Also used as a verb by non-incels in a facetious manner to refer to the activity of lifting weights.

gymthot[edit | edit source]

A girl who, under the guise of showing her questionable gym gains, shows off her body on social media, frequently by engaging in lordosis behavior.

virgincel [edit | edit source]

An incel whose lack of sexual experience makes him even more socially awkward or unattractive to women.

inhibitioncel[edit | edit source]

A person whose social inhibition is extremely high, overlaps with love shyness.

skullcel[edit | edit source]

A person with a small skull.

currycel[edit | edit source]

An incel who is south asian.

mentalcel[edit | edit source]

A person who is incel due to mental condition like social anxiety or mental disorder.

ethnicel[edit | edit source]

An incel who is ethnic.

fakecel[edit | edit source]

Someone pretending to be an incel to be edgy or to fit in.

Rice-[edit | edit source]

Relating to someone from East or South East Asia or whose ancestors derived from those regions.

ricecel[edit | edit source]

An incel who is East or South East Asian.

gingercel[edit | edit source]

An incel who has ginger hair.

wristcel[edit | edit source]

An adult or fully grown incel whose wrist bones are of small circumference and/or of womanly or childish size thus it affects his masculinity or sense of manliness. Typically it means wrists less than 6.5" inches.

incelibacy[edit | edit source]

As a mass noun = incelibacy. As a countable noun = incelibate. The term is a shortening of "involuntary celibacy".

incelosphere[edit | edit source]

The incelosphere is an umbrella term describing a network of websites and forums that discuss inceldom. Someone who visits these sites is called a cybercel or incelospherian.

Inceldom spectrum[edit | edit source]

A scale measuring how deeply one is immersed with the inceldom condition. Most deeply immersed = truecel. Least deeply immersed = nearcel. The median in between nearcel and truecel = incel.

incelese[edit | edit source]

Synonymous with ricecel.

Inkwell[edit | edit source]

means Incel (Sarcastic.) Was originally coined to mock the users of the subreddit inceltears, as the term was commonly misspelled by its users.

IT/ITCucks[edit | edit source]

Short for the subreddit inceltears, a virgin-shaming terrorist group on Reddit

it's over[edit | edit source]

An expression of defeat or fatalism, common among incels.

incel rule of thumb[edit | edit source]

If you are attracted to her, then she is out of your league.

inhibition[edit | edit source]

See high inhibition.

insel[edit | edit source]

A eye dialect (synonym) for incel to avoid censorship.

IOI[edit | edit source]

Indicator of interest. Actions that may indicate that a woman is sexually interested in you.

IOD[edit | edit source]

Indicator of disinterest, also known as "fuck off signals".

IPD[edit | edit source]

inter-pupillary distance; the eyes should not be too far apart or too close to one another

J[edit | edit source]

JB[edit | edit source]

Stands for jailbait. Usually refers to an underage girl who is perceived as being sexually attractive. Frequently used outside incel communities.

JBW[edit | edit source]

Just be white. The idea that being white or white-passing is the most important factor in driving men's dating success, hence one has to 'just be white' to ascend from inceldom.

JFC[edit | edit source]

Acronym for "just fucking cage". "Cage" is used as a substitute for lol on PSL and incel forums, as a reaction GIF featuring the actor Nicholas Cage laughing maniacally is often used to indicate amusement on said forums.

JFL[edit | edit source]

Just fucking lol.

Jomon[edit | edit source]

The original hunter-gatherer inhabitants of Japan. A robust, masculine, hairy race that was outbred by Yayoi who migrated to Japan from mainland Asia, though most modern Japanese have some level of Jomon ancestry.

juggernaut law[edit | edit source]

The theory that being unattractive paradoxically makes women more desirable on the dating market due to men seeing such a woman as 'attainable'. Like a Juggernaut, her SMV is unstoppable.

jock[edit | edit source]

A stereotypical athletic high school student that is popular with girls.

Jsanza29[edit | edit source]

Johnny Sanza, a truecel from Canada.

K[edit | edit source]

KEK[edit | edit source]

A different form of "lol," or "laughing out loud", common among users of 4chan or forums inspired by it. It originates from the game World of Warcraft, where players on the opposite faction have their text chat run through a cipher, where "lol" appears as "kek."

KHHV[edit | edit source]

Kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin

KHHHHVHHJSHDGSGHDHVV[edit | edit source]

The Ultimate Truecel. Derives from people mocking the acronym "KHHV" (kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin) by continually adding new letters to it.

KV[edit | edit source]

Stands for kissless virgin

L[edit | edit source]

L-[edit | edit source]


Landwhale[edit | edit source]

A pejorative term for an obese woman. Generally seen as being of low desirability to men and at the lowest end of the totem pole in regards to female attractiveness. Alternatively called a fat cow, hog, or warpig.

Lanklet[edit | edit source]

A man that is both tall and skinny, and as such considered to be unattractive.

Lanza[edit | edit source]

Refers to Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook shooter.

Late Starter[edit | edit source]

A person who has taken much longer than most people to gain sexual and/or romantic experience. After the entry to sexual/romantic experience, however, no more side effects of inceldom show. Someone who continues to have side effects of inceldom after gaining sexual/romantic experience is referred to as post-acute-inceldom-syndrome or PAIS.

Le Fort fracture of skull[edit | edit source]

Various types of facial fractures to the maxillary bone and surrounding structures; the bone fractures in a bilateral and either horizontal, pyramidal, or transverse way. Also refers to surgeries (that involve inducing these fractures) sometimes performed to fix receded areas of facial bones like the maxillary, generally concerning treating severe facial deformities due to the highly invasive and dangerous nature of these surgeries. Lefort III is homicide (it involves flaying the skin off the face, and then cutting the skull nearly in half) and is thus not performed for petty cosmetic reasons. On PSL forums, users that are perceived to be unattractive are sometimes trolled by advising them to seek out this extreme surgery.

legit[edit | edit source]

True or legitimate. Denote one's agreement with a particular opinion or fact.

LDAR[edit | edit source]

Lay Down and Rot, to disengage with society and forgo productive activities, often a symptom of severe depression.

Lifefuel[edit | edit source]

Something that is positive and gives encouragement in life.

LLUF[edit | edit source]

An abbreviation of Liegen lassen und fliege, or, in English, Let Lie and Fly. Used to describe the attitude that women in your native country are unattainable or not worth dating and so the only rational strategy if one wants to date is to fly (travel) abroad for a date. Used in the German AB communities.

LLUFies[edit | edit source]

Followers of the above concept.

LMS[edit | edit source]

(L)ooks, (M)oney and (S)tatus. Concept developed by PUAHate suggesting that what matters in attracting women are looks, money and status. It denies personality, confidence or game to be significant factors in dating.

long face / horse face / long midface / narrow face / gay face[edit | edit source]

A low midface ratio, a low fWHR, a long head, a long chin, a long forehead, low bizygomatic width or close-set eyes. A long face could be natural due to bodily height (taller people have longer faces;[6] e.g. Yao Ming has a long face due to his height[7]). A long face could also be caused by environmental factors such as mouth breathing (Adenoid face). A long face is deemed to be unattractive by some.

long-term relationship[edit | edit source]

A relationship that lasts a long time, especially with those who are planning to live together, are considering to be exclusive with each other, or are possibly considering to marry. The sex often gets boring due to low perceived mutual attraction and sexual variety.

lookism[edit | edit source]

Prejudice or discrimination based on one's looks.

looksdigger[edit | edit source]

Like a gold digger but for looks. A woman or man who goes after the best-looking people available.

looks theory / looks law[edit | edit source]

A theory that holds that looks matter the most in dating. Compare to PUA advice and the usual "be confident" advice.

looksmatch[edit | edit source]

Your equivalent in looks for the opposite sex.

looksmax[edit | edit source]

The process of improving one's physical appearance.

love-shy[edit | edit source]

An inability to form a romantic partnership because of extreme shyness around the opposite sex, a frequent cause of inceldom. Coined by the psychologist Brian Gilmartin, who conducted an extensive series of case studies of love-shy men.

low inhib[edit | edit source]

Short for low inhibition. A person who is confident and doesn't second guess.

Lowinhibmaxx[edit | edit source]

To get a low inhibition, to become someone with low inhibition.

statusmax[edit | edit source]

to improve one's social status.

moneymax[edit | edit source]

To improve one's money/financial status. Elliot Rodger once attempted to moneymaxx by winning the lottery in the belief that this would cure his inceldom.

low inhibition[edit | edit source]

Low social inhibition, boldness and the abscence of shyness or social passivity.

LTR or ltr[edit | edit source]

long term relationship or long term romance

luck theory[edit | edit source]

A theory that states that luck plays a role in a man's success in wooing women. How lucky you are is typically genetically based and determined at birth. Many times when a man is seen dating a woman outside of his league, it is assumed he has a great personality or is very wealthy. This is true in many cases, but there is also the possibility he is just lucky.

M[edit | edit source]

M-[edit | edit source]


MAB[edit | edit source]

Male absolute beginner. A man inexperienced in sexual or romantic relationships. Used in the German AB community.

male model nuthugger / MM nuthugger[edit | edit source]

A term used by the masculinity crew to deride those who like male models--who are too feminine to be considered attractive by them.

manlet[edit | edit source]

A short male. This classification varies by social context as different countries have different average heights.

mascthetic[edit | edit source]

Combination of masculine and aesthetic. Used by some factions of the masculinity crew, said to represent the epitome of male sexual attractiveness.

masculinity crew[edit | edit source]

A group of men who believes in masculinity theory or adheres to it by going to the gym.

masculinity theory[edit | edit source]

The theory claims that a masculine appearance (in both face and body) is important to a man's attractiveness. A masculine face, a robust bone structure, and high muscle mass are regarded as attractive. It claims that women don't find feminine faces, narrow faces, or skinny bodies attractive.

mental masturbation[edit | edit source]

Useless intellectual debate that has nothing to do with reality anymore and only serves to bloat up the person's ego.

Mewing[edit | edit source]

A proposed orthopedic method involving pushing the tongue up hard against the roof of the mouth for long periods and/or chewing hard gum. It is said to improve the appearance of the jaw and to give the user a stronger and more aesthetic-looking profile. It is pioneered by British orthodontist Mike Mew, after whom the technique is named.

MGTOW[edit | edit source]

Refers to 'men going their own way'. A philosophy that advocates men placing their interests first in a gynocentric society, often by abstaining from long-term relationships with women in the belief that the dating market and society, in general, is 'rigged' against men.

Many people, including many in the incelosphere, are not impressed by the philosophy and see MGTOWs are being largely comprised of whiny and ineffectual low-status males in denial.

midface ratio[edit | edit source]

Distance from the midpoint of the pupils to the middle of the lips (sometimes to the top of the lips) divided by the interpupillary distance. Concept promoted by Phoenix Wright/Yatterman at, Love-Shy forums, and PuaHate.

Mike Mew / Mew Theory[edit | edit source]

An orthodontist who argues the development of the face and jaws is dependent on correct oral posture. Mew's theory suggests chewing hard gum and pressing the tongue to the roof of the mouth will improve jaw alignment, though this has been criticized by the orthopedic community due to a lack of controlled clinical trials proving the efficacy of this method.

Milkmired[edit | edit source]

To have aged like milk, unlike someone who ages like wine.

mirin[edit | edit source]

Short for admiring, used frequently by Zyzz.

miscer[edit | edit source]

Active member of the 'misc' found at the forum of

Meeks[edit | edit source]

Jeremy Meeks.

Mew[edit | edit source]

(1) Mike Mew] or John Mew (2) to have proper oral posture.

MFR[edit | edit source]

Midface ratio

MM[edit | edit source]

Male Model

Morph Theory / morph game[edit | edit source]

To digitally manipulate your online dating profile images to appear more aesthetic.

mog[edit | edit source]

To 'mog' someone or be mogged. A bastardized version of 'amog', or 'alpha male of the group' referring to someone being more good-looking or superior to another. Derives from PUA slang, where mogging (socially or physically dominating other males) was advocated as a method of attracting women. e.g. "he mogged me', meaning, 'he was better looking than me'

monkeybranching[edit | edit source]

When a woman abandons a relationship to secure a "better male". The analogy is that a woman is like a monkey that always has its hand on another branch when climbing, ready to leap to it at an instant. Also used as a verb as in "to monkeybranch".

[edit | edit source]

An abbreviation of Männerüberschuss, or, in English: Multiple Men. Used to describe the theory that inceldom exists more in the above 53-year-old crowd due to a surplus of men above age 53 in Germany. Used in the German AB communities.

N[edit | edit source]

natty[edit | edit source]

Diminutive of 'natural'. Refers to natural bodybuilding, it means without the use of steroids, or other performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), though this definition is vague.

NAWALT[edit | edit source]

Not all woman are like that.

NCT[edit | edit source]

Negative Canthal Tilt

nearcel[edit | edit source]

Someone who is romantically unsuccessful, but not adequately enough to qualify as an incel or truecel; a portmanteau of "nearly" and "incel".

NEET[edit | edit source]

A person who is Not in Education, Employment, or Training.

neck theory[edit | edit source]

The idea that a thick neck is highly attractive to women.

Newgen[edit | edit source]

Term used for the recent blackpillers from the Looksmaxxing trend on tiktok. Primarily refers to those who got blackpilled through tiktok (post Feb 2023).

ngl[edit | edit source]

"not gonna lie" or "no gonna lie". See also: #TBH

Nigcel[edit | edit source]

Short for niggacel, a pejorative term for a black incel.

nofap[edit | edit source]

Abstaining from masturbation. Usually due to moral reasons, or due to the notion that masturbation lessens testosterone and makes one weak and undesirable. It may also be due to the belief that abstaining from masturbation increases creativity and motivation (sexual sublimation).

normie[edit | edit source]

An average everyday boring person. Sometimes used to refer to people that are "average" in looks in contrast to Chad and incel. A "high-tier normie" refers to a person who is- above average in attractiveness (but not as attractive as Brad or Becky). A "low-tier normie" refers to a person who is below average in attractiveness.

normalfag[edit | edit source]

The average everyday boring person.

normalfag theory[edit | edit source]

The average everyday boring person's dating strategy, which is dating people who are just good enough for sex from their small pool of prospects and this selection takes place when their level of sexual frustration exceeds their fear of rejection.

Normalo/Normala[edit | edit source]

The equivalent to normie in German AB communities. Possibly coined independently to the English equivalent. Used in the German AB communities to describe someone who is not incel but instead has gained normal sexual experience.

Norwood/Norwooding/NW[edit | edit source]

The Hamilton–Norwood scale is a scale for measuring the different stages of male pattern baldness. A Norwood 1 means there is no hair loss, with a Norwood 7 being the most advanced stage. Most young adult men have a Norwood 1 hairline, and anything beyond a Norwood 2 is exponentially worse. "Norwood 0" is used to mean a man with an unusually low hairline and is not part of the Hamilton-Norwood scale. A balding man is said to be "Norwooding".

Noodlewhore[edit | edit source]

Pejorative term for an East Asian woman.

np[edit | edit source]

in the Italian incelosphere np means "non-persons", in other words, Foids . Otherwise means "no problem" outside that space.

NSA[edit | edit source]

No strings attached.

NT[edit | edit source]

Short for neurotypical, normal people who don't have autism, or severe social anxiety.

NTmaxxing[edit | edit source]

Maximizing non-autistic traits to appear and act normal and have better success with women, regardless of whether one has autism or not. Acting 'cool' or 'normal'.

numbers game[edit | edit source]

The idea that the more women you approach, the easier it is to find one who likes you.

numale[edit | edit source]

An effeminate male.

nutrition theory[edit | edit source]

The idea is that eating habits, intake of adequate vitamins and minerals lead to a better-looking face.

O[edit | edit source]

OdB[edit | edit source]

Abbreviation for Objekt der Begierde or, in English, Object of Desire. Used to describe a person you would like to partner with. Used in the German AB communities.

OKC or okc[edit | edit source]

Refers to the dating site OkCupid.

one-night stand[edit | edit source]

A one-time sexual encounter. The sex is usually more exciting than in long-term relationships due to sexual variety and increased perceived mutual attraction.

ONS[edit | edit source]

One-night stand.

Omega male[edit | edit source]

A man on the lowest rung of the sexual/romantic (and general) social hierarchies in the sociosexual hierarchy. Often a synonym for incel or truecel. A very undesirable male (though some dispute this, seeking to separate social dominance in male circles from mating success), typically socially isolated and socially dysfunctional. Part of the sociosexual hierarchy innovated by PUAs.

Oneitis[edit | edit source]

The condition a man experiences when he becomes infatuated with a girl who does not love him back. The word oneitis may also refer to the girl whom the man is obsessed with.

Our Heavenly Father[edit | edit source]

Refers to David Gandy. A group of incels here consider him the living god of male aesthetics.

P[edit | edit source]

PCT[edit | edit source]

Positive canthal tilt. An attractive tilting of the eyes in a V-shape.

Permavirgin[edit | edit source]

Synonymous with "truecel".

Personality[edit | edit source]

From braincels automod: "Personality isn't really that important to most women. They often emphasize personality for good physical looks and social status."

Personality Detector[edit | edit source]

This term is used to mock women who stick with abusive significant others or women who enter relationships with someone who has a negative background. Personality detectors in reality tend to give people a weird feeling around those with negative/malicious intentions. Incels argue that this warning fails so much with women, that the idea of sexual freedom being a rational sorting mechanism for personality is insane.

PFL[edit | edit source]

Palpebral fissure length; this measures the length of the eye, longer is better as it will make the eye more long than tall

PJ or Plain Jane[edit | edit source]

Refers to an average-looking female rated 5 to 6/10

POF or pof[edit | edit source]

Refers to the dating site PlentyofFish.

POIS[edit | edit source]

An abbreviation of Post Acute Inceldom Syndrome. A description of those who are sexually active but continue to experience the side effects of inceldom or the side effects of self-destructive behaviour and medical conditions caused by a period of inceldom. This is somewhat analogous to the German AB community term semi-AB or semi-absolute beginner. Someone who has sexual experience but still has problems with intimacy.

potato face[edit | edit source]

A facial phenotype that has shallow cheekbones, shallow brow ridge, underdeveloped jaw. The term comes from the resemblance with a potato.

pretty boy[edit | edit source]

A male considered attractive, but with a relatively feminine face. An example is Justin Bieber. In lookism communities, the extent to which prettyboys as compared to masculine men are sexually attractive to women is a common topic for discussion.

Prime[edit | edit source]

When it is/was at its best (for example: prime Stacy, prime pussy)

protocel[edit | edit source]

Someone whose inceldom preceded the incelosphere era.

prostitute[edit | edit source]

A woman who exchanges sex for money. It includes women who are in relationships with beta providers.

PSL[edit | edit source]

An acronym for the sequential semi-incelospherian forums:, sluthate, and

PSL scale/rating[edit | edit source]

A rating that would be given to you if you were a member of, sluthate, and/or

roastie[edit | edit source]

A sexually promiscuous woman. The word originated from the idea that a woman's vagina becomes distended after she gets fucked by a lot of partners.

streetwalker[edit | edit source]

Low-class prostitute that walks the streets, they are a source of STD's, sell drugs, and mug some of their clients. Preferred by poverty class people and sociopaths.

escort[edit | edit source]

A higher-class prostitute who only works through websites and has her place to service the clients. Some of them visit the client or go out with them to social gatherings. Contrary to popular beliefs these women are clean and safe. Preferred by the middle and upper class

gold digger[edit | edit source]

Women who only date rich men and they do this because of their money. Technically they sell sex for money but only to one customer at a time and for a prolonged period.

proximity theory[edit | edit source]

This refers to the statistically demonstrated fact that most people date people who live close to them and are in the same social group. Proximity theory argues this is the number one preference of most people due to its convenience and risk aversion.

pump and dump[edit | edit source]

Having sex with a female with the female expecting a relationship, but instead of the man pursuing a relationship, he abandons her after he gets the sex he desires.

PUA[edit | edit source]

'Pickup Artist', a term that was originally coined from the belief that picking up women is a form of art. Used to describe the members of the seduction community. Now it refers to a group of fraudulent men who sell overcharged useless/untested self-help advice on dating to naive sexually inexperienced people.

pickup autist[edit | edit source]

A derogatory term used to describe people who are addicted to products of PUA's and engage in this in a repetitive way like an autist who has his daily rituals.

Pizza Guy / Pizza Slayer[edit | edit source]

An autistic teenager who has a channel on YouTube with over 20,000 subscribers that reviews energy drinks and pizza. A popular animated gif features him giving a thumbs up.

R[edit | edit source]

rat face[edit | edit source]

refers to a face characterized by a disproportionately long midface, narrow skull and overly tapered, narrow- often receding chin.Example.

Reeee[edit | edit source]

Commonly referred to now as an "autistic screeching meme", this is an onomatopoeic expression of intense rage or frustration typically associated with the Angry Pepe character. It is meant to represent the unique croak produced by several species of frogs when agitated. Used by more groups than just incels.

rope[edit | edit source]

to commit suicide

roids[edit | edit source]

Anabolic steroids. A form of chemical enhancement used to increase muscle growth.

raw sex appeal (RSA)[edit | edit source]

Term used by the masculinity crew to refer to attractive qualities.

RTB[edit | edit source]

Roided, tatted, and bleached. It is the equivalent of RTT for dark-skinned non-white men.

RTT[edit | edit source]

Roided, Tatted and Tanned. Commonly claimed to project a "bad boy" or masculine image.

S[edit | edit source]

S-[edit | edit source]


SA or sa[edit | edit source]

Short for 'Shitty Advice'

SAP[edit | edit source]

Small Asian Penis. Used to address Asian males. Term popularized by Tyger.

SARMs[edit | edit source]

Performance-enhancing drugs the partially emulate the effect of Anabolic steroids

shitcunt[edit | edit source]

A morally deplorable female e.g. a complete cunt. A word popularized by the forum user 'Norwood Cemetery'

short-term relationship[edit | edit source]

A relationship that may not last a long time. Includes a causal relationship, an affair and possibly a one-night stand. The sex in a short-term relationship is usually more exciting than in a long-term relationship due to increased perceived mutual attraction and sexual variety.

SIG or sig[edit | edit source]

Short form for signature.

Sigma male[edit | edit source]

A 'lone wolf' variant of the alpha male in the sociosexual hierarchy innovated by PUAs. The concept, widely mocked, has become the subject of a popular internet meme.

simp[edit | edit source]

Some Idolizing Mediocre Pussy, often used as a pejorative for an effeminate male, similar to cuck. Also used to refer to men that are seen as deferring to or worshipping a particular woman or women in general. The term is commonly used outside of manosphere forums, often to refer more broadly to supplicative behavior or those who venerate others, often in a sexual context.

"Idealizing" might also be used rather than "Idolizing".

Also might be thought of as a short-form for "simpleton" or "simperer".

skull size theory[edit | edit source]

For a male face to be attractive it needs a minimal skull size so that all the facial ratios fall in place.

slay[edit | edit source]

Sexual conquests.

slayer[edit | edit source]

Alpha male who slays. Generally refers to an attractive male that has sex with multiple women very easily.

sloot[edit | edit source]

A substitute for "slut", usually used by miscers and PSLers.

slut[edit | edit source]

A promiscuous woman.

smash and dash[edit | edit source]

See pump and dump.

social proof[edit | edit source]

A special case of 'halo effect' that results from elevated social status in a particular circle.

sour grapes[edit | edit source]

Used to ridicule a copeer. "If I can't have it, then it wasn't any good anyway". Used quite a bit by anti-incels.

soy[edit | edit source]

The official drink of anti-incels according to masculinist incels. There have been studies that suggest, but do not prove, that soy lowers testosterone. Masculinist incels use this to suggest someone is low testosterone, therefore less of a man.

soyciety[edit | edit source]

An extension of the term 'soy' that suggests a society (usually the employer of this term's) has lost its strength and integrity by pandering to left-wing and progressivism.

Sodini[edit | edit source]

Refers to George Sodini, the man who shot women at LA Fitness because they had rejected him.

sperg[edit | edit source]

A person who has Aspergers. See 'aspie'.

Stacy[edit | edit source]

A female counterpart of Chad. A white attractive female with an hourglass figure.

Stacylite[edit | edit source]

A moderately attractive Stacy. Derived from Stacy + -ite.

sterons[edit | edit source]

Another slang word for anabolic steroids.

stormfrontcel [edit | edit source]

Racist whitecels who rage about ethnics and blacks. Often their complaints revolve around ethnics dating white women.

sui[edit | edit source]

to commit suicide

suifuel[edit | edit source]

Short for, "suicide fuel", or something deeply depressing.

STR or str[edit | edit source]

Means short term relationship.

sub-8[edit | edit source]

A man who is less than 8/10 on a Looks rating or LMS rating. Not good enough to slay.

subhuman[edit | edit source]

ugly person or feature

sub-5[edit | edit source]

A man who is less than 5/10 on a Looks rating or LMS rating. Condemned to a life of fapping, escorts, and incel rage.

Sub-Pitt[edit | edit source]

Below Brad Pitt in facial aesthetics. You aren't living the life and are most likely an incel.

suey[edit | edit source]

To visit Gandy.

supreme gentleman[edit | edit source]

The sobriquet of the Isla Vista shooter, Elliot Rodger.

T[edit | edit source]

tallfag[edit | edit source]

A tall guy.

TBH[edit | edit source]

tbhngl[edit | edit source]

Short for "to be honest, no gonna lie". Invented by user Weed. Mostly a nonsense statement and used as a period at the end of sentences.

tbhtbh[edit | edit source]

A nonsense phrase created by the user: Weed. Short for, "to be honest, to be honest", but the phrase is used as a filler word by some. Other variants include myriad combinations of the abbreviations TBH and NGL.

TFL[edit | edit source]

Stands for true forced loneliness. A phrase mostly used by vloggers who blame women and society for their woes. They were the first incel Youtubers. Often have a baby boomer mindset revolving around conspiracy theories and the like as a driver of inceldom.

T/test[edit | edit source]

Testosterone, the primary androgen produced by the male body in the Leydig cells of the testicles.

The supreme gentleman[edit | edit source]

A narcissistic title given by Elliot Rodger to himself.

thirstie[edit | edit source]

An incel with an exceptionally high libido. As a consequence sufferers tremendously. This is the type of incel that regularly uses anaphrodisiacs to keep themselves sane.

Tiktokcel[edit | edit source]

Referred to those who joined the forum and e metered the BP sphere due to the Looksmaxxing trend on tiktok in 2023.

Toilet[edit | edit source]

A pejorative term for a woman that reduces a woman to a sex object that exists solely for male sexual gratification.

Turbo[edit | edit source]

An extreme case. (e.g. turbomanlet - a very short man)

The Wall[edit | edit source]

When a person (typically a woman) rapidly experiences a decline in their physical appearance at a certain age (typically around the age of 30), which is dubbed "hitting the wall".

The typical conception of the wall in the manosphere goes as such: early in their lives, these women were attractive and typically engaged in casual sex with many men. When they reach late adulthood their attractiveness declines and they increasingly lower their standards, become desperate and search for a 'beta provider' to settle down with, as the men they find sexually attractive have other, younger prospects.

Particularly in lookist incel communities, it is sometimes argued that the idea of women hitting 'the wall' is a coping mechanism by bitter men as women's SMV is often argued to be unlimited, at least for casual sexual encounters.

theory theory[edit | edit source]

Refers to the obvious fact that the more you mentally masturbate on a subject the less happier and more socially isolated you become.

to make it[edit | edit source]

To become a slayer. See 'slayer' for more.

tren[edit | edit source]

Trenbolone, a powerful 19-nortestosterone based anabolic steroid.

TRT or trt[edit | edit source]

Means 'testosterone replacement therapy'.

truecel[edit | edit source]

Kiss-less and touch-less virgin -- has never had any sort of physical interaction with a member of the opposite sex because of his repulsive ugly appearance. another word is permacel.

U[edit | edit source]

upper eyelid exposure[edit | edit source]

Visible lines in the upper eyelid. Not necessarily unattractive. Term originated from PuaHate.

V[edit | edit source]

vex / vertu[edit | edit source]

The biggest virgin on this forum.

visit Gandy[edit | edit source]

To kill oneself; to visit "God" aka "David Gandy", some of the posters consider him the god of male aesthetics.

Visit Grier[edit | edit source]

Alternate of form of "visit Gandy"

Visit Orton[edit | edit source]

Masculinity crew's version of "Visit Gandy"

visit Kinney[edit | edit source]

Alternate form of "visit Gandy", came into use after PuaHate started to censor visiting Gandy.

volcel[edit | edit source]

A voluntary celibate. Someone who can get sex but choose not to. Contrast it to incel.

VT[edit | edit source]

An abbrevation of Verachtenstheorie or, in English, despise theory. Used to describe an unconscious or conscious female contempt toward men without sexual experience. Used in the German AB communities.

W[edit | edit source]

WAB[edit | edit source]

An abbreviation of Woman (female) Absolute Beginner. A woman inexperienced in sexual or romantic relationships. Used in the German AB community.

warpig[edit | edit source]

A type of obese and piggy-looking female. Often quarrelsome and bellicose, these females look to create war with people (particularly men) that don't find them attractive.

whitecel[edit | edit source]

A white incel. Also known as an albinocel.

white knight[edit | edit source]

Believing that women will be impressed by protective behaviour and coming to their rescue or a person who engages in such behavior. Guys do this in the hope of a sex reward.

whore[edit | edit source]

Slang for prostitute. See 'prostitute' for more.

wizard[edit | edit source]

A man who is a virgin until the age of 30. Wizardchan promotes a meme that if a man maintains his virginity until the age of 30 he's going to achieve supernatural powers like a wizard. Elliot Rodger once frequented that site also.

WK[edit | edit source]

See White knight.

womb to tomb[edit | edit source]

To live as an incel for life. Used to describe a man so ugly and aspie that he will be a truecel for life. Incels that never made it. See "to make it" for more.

wrist theory[edit | edit source]

A theory that wrist circumference is the best indicator of upper-body bone thickness because there is a lack of adipose tissue surrounding it.

Y[edit | edit source]

yellow fever[edit | edit source]

A debilitating degenerative disease characterized by the unnatural attraction towards mongoloid creatures. Symptoms include: small phallus, low testosterone, short stature, weak facial bones, Alt-right political leanings, high voice, effeminate behavior, Caucasian ancestry, childlike brain, gracile bone structure, head trauma during childhood.

YW[edit | edit source]

Short for "Yowie Wowie", the catch phrase of Bray Wyatt in 2019 since adopting his "Fiend" alias of an evil clown.[8] "Yowie Wowie" is used on forums also in reference to the DC Comics Joker and Clown World.

Z[edit | edit source]

zygo[edit | edit source]

Short for zygoma or zygomatic bone (cheekbone).

zyzz[edit | edit source]

Refers to Aziz Shavershian who was an Australian (of Kurdish ancestry) bodybuilder, personal trainer, model and Internet celebrity known for his unique style. He created a cult following on YouTube. He came up with the term 'we're all gonna make it' and several other memes. He died of a heart attack at age 22, partially induced by harsh steroid and recreational drug abuse. Zyzz was his internet handle.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Mees, S., Jiménez Bellinga, R., Mommaerts, M. Y., & De Pauw, G. A. (2013). Preferences of AP position of the straight Caucasian facial profile. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 41(8), 755-763.
  3. Lefevre, C. E., Lewis, G. J., Perrett, D. I., & Penke, L. (2013). Telling facial metrics: facial width is associated with testosterone levels in men. Evolution and Human Behavior, 34(4), 273-279. "Measure of fWHR: horizontal lines represent the distance between the upper lip and highest point of the eyelids (upper face height), vertical lines represent the maximum distance between the left and right facial boundary (bizygomatic width). fWHR was calculated as width divided by height."
  4. Valentine, K. A., Li, N. P., Penke, L., & Perrett, D. I. (2014). Judging a Man by the Width of His Face: The Role of Facial Ratios and Dominance in Mate Choice at Speed-Dating Events. Psychological science, 25(3), 806-811. "Following Weston et al.’s (2007) procedures, Psychomorph was used to calculate the ratio of the distance between the top of the lip and lower part of the brow (facial height) and the distance between the most lateral points of the face by the ears (bizygomatic width) for each male face. Bizygomatic width was divided by facial height to determine fWHR."
  6. Re DE, Hunter DW, Coetzee V, Tiddeman BP, Xiao D, et al. (2013) Looking Like a Leader–Facial Shape Predicts Perceived Height and Leadership Ability. PLoS ONE 8(12): e80957. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080957
  7. Yao Ming and J.J. Watt - If you measure the height of their midfaces, Yao Ming's is longer, yet it isn't evident at first sight because Yao Ming has wide-set eyes and a high bigyzomatic width.

This page, created on or after 2018, initially and currently uses 2016/2017 text from Redpilltalk Wiki previously known as SluthateWiki. Borrowed material has been altered. Text has been deemed Fair Use for this non-profit wiki. Unchanged text is credited to the authors of the 2016/2017 RedpillTalk wiki page here.