The purplepill is the stance of being iffy about conventional stances and rejecting a particularly gendered value system; i.e. not on the masculinist/redpilled side, nor on the gynocentric/bluepilled side. They are often neither MRA nor feminist. With often many following tenets of post-feminism/post-Red Pill theory.
The term "purplepill" was coined because the color purple is an intermediate between the colors blue and red, and as such allowed for a space pertaining to nuanced discussion rather the echo chambers that can sometimes be prevalent in redpilled or bluepilled platforms which will attack any questions.
On a spectrum of gender politics, some purplepillers see themselves as centrists, (r/PurplePillDebate), while others see themselves as anti-gender (incelistan.net), while others see themselves as non-ideological (incelswithouthate).
On the spectrum of Political Ideology, Purple Pillers tend to be more left-leaning as opposed to redpillers, with a wide spectrum of incel socialists, communists, and anarchists usually identifying themselves as such.
Some fight for inter-sectional anti-sexism in a post-feminist/post-redpill form that believes that the only way to truly ensure equality in the modern day is to attempt to leave bias behind and try to find a scientific answer to fixing the numerous societal problems facing both young men and women in a way that ensures that true equality can flourish without being biased towards one side (Although this is not agreed by everyone) and even though many of them want equality, many will still admit they have negative biases towards women, and that fighting for intersectionality will be the only way forward.
The media often has trouble processing this when trying to report on purplepill spaces, as they are not familiar with what, for example, an anti-feminist non-gender-dogmatic worldview would look like in the context of modern politics.
Many "leftists" especially those from politically-correct spaces such as Tumblr & Twitter often cannot tell the difference between purple-pillers and red-pillers, and see anyone who gives criticism towards the various forms of feminism especially by identified incels as unreasonable, stupid, neckbeard sexists and will often just dog-pile any attempt at good-faith debate and often poke-fun at such attempts by writing said people off as loners not-being able to get laid and then immediately block them (because it is okay to do stereotyping and making fun of the mentally ill, depressed and lonely when they do it apparently). Because of this, it is highly suggested not to debate on social media outside of incel tolerant spaces..
Many Redpillers, Blackpillers and MGTOW's also will find such an idea as bad. However, more recently, many have started to become more accepting to purple-pill ideals. With some even converting themselves.
The color purple is a median color on the red-blue continuum. As such, if someone says they're semibluepilled, they are also purplepilled. Likewise, a semi-red-pilled person is also purplepilled.
Post-modernity / subversiveness[edit | edit source]
Like blackpill spaces, purplepill spaces are often characterized by an appreciation for post-modern and subversive art, philosophy, and discussion style.
Purplepillism, as a result of being critical of traditional gender roles, can lean into subversion of gender roles, and therefore lean into post-modernism and left-wing social expression. This arrival at post-modernity however, is different than how blackpillers arrive at post-modernity, which is usually intead through nihilism associated with a personal evaluation of oneself as "gentically inferior". (sidenote: Purplepillers may reject the blackpillers evaluation of evolution as a rational sorter of "good" and "bad" genes.)
Purplepillers (in general) try to distance themselves from a grand gender narrative, whereas original blackpillers (in general) try to distance themselves from from a dominant gynocentric and egalitarian narrative.
Matrix[edit | edit source]

The etymology comes from the redpill-bluepill analogy in the Matrix. The blue pill or bluepill' is a term used in the incelosphere that was coined as an analogy to describe people who behave in a manner akin to the plugged-in inhabitants of the Matrix. Morpheus, a character in the 1999 film played by Laurance Fishburne defines bluepillers as follows:
"The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth ... That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage ... born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind."
In the film, the bluepill contrasts with the redpill in that bluepilled people are those who are plugged into the system of digital data that constitutes a dreamworld for its prisoners. In contrast, redpilled people are those who have been unplugged by free people through the administration of a red pill, which in the film wakes people up to a depressing reality. It remains a conundrum whether the blue pill or red pill is more alluring, with bluepill offering one the pleasantries of the "ignorance is bliss" idiom, whilst the red pill offers one entrance into the real world, even though the real world is depressingly harsh.
Members of the red pill movement have used these characters as metaphors for 21st century gender relations and the dating scene wherein the A.I, in control of the Matrix is a metaphor for the mainstream media and feminist publications, the blue-pilled/plugged-in characters in the film are metaphors for ordinary people who believe in the mainstream media and feminism, whilst the unplugged/red-pilled are metaphors for members of the modern-day androsphere and incelosphere who reject the mainstream media and feminist publications.
Although the term was originally used solely by redpillers in a disparaging manner that meant something akin to what "NPC" or "normie" means today, some bluepillers have subsequently embraced the term and reappropriated it to disseminate their ideals.[1] Some tropes associated with bluepillers include:
- accepting the status-quo
- a belief that feminism promotes egalitarianism
- the usage of platitudes (referred to by redpillers as "chadsplaining")
- a belief in the just-world-hypothesis
- solidarity with majority viewpoints (criticized by redpillers as constituting argumentum ad populum)
Forums[edit | edit source]
- r/Purplepilldebate is an anti-incel purplepill forum
- Incelistan.net was a pro-incel purplepill forum
- Incelswithouthate was a pro-incel purplepill forum
- Facebook's Incelistan is a pro-incel purplepill forum
- Social Anxiety Support is an anti-gender-war purplepill forum
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Mountford, J. B. "Topic Modeling The Red Pill." Social Sciences 7.3 (2018): 42.