Looks theory

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The expression looks theory refers to the theories that try to explain how looks affect attraction. According to some looks theories, the appearance of a sexual-successful man complies with specific features like tall height, forward growth, prominent browridge and high cheekbones.

Warrior vs Wimp Skull model[edit | edit source]

The "Warrior vs Wimp skull" looks theory used in this videos first appeared on the TheApricity forum in 2015. TheApricity user Skulgrimen opened a topic named "Brachycephaly is subhuman and incel" in which he glorified Dolichocephaly,[1] relating to the views of late-19th to mid-20th century anthropologists who regarded Dolichocephaly as a Nordic/Aryan trait.[2] Brachycephalic users reacted to this by posting warrior vs wimp skull diagram made by brachycephalic user Linebacker.[3]

Quotes on Looks Theory[edit | edit source]

"Looks theory is the counterpart to pick up art, your grandma's advice on how to get girls (buy her flowers and be a gentlemen. BARFFF), the politically correct BS, the simplistic 'just be confident. chicks dig that'." [1]

I have asked thousands of women in detail what they "look" for in a guy. Deeper into the conversation, 99% of women will ask you to specify whether I'm talking about the long term or the short term. They ALL confirm that personsality means next to nothing for a ons. Whereas personality means alot for ltrs. "He might get my attention for a short while, but if he's a douche he wont get my heart". Women say that as if men should accept this incredibly unfair deal. We're supposed to ignore the fact that out girlfriend dropped her panties with no resistance, on the same night of meeting a guy. It's the same online. Do some searches, women have two different views, unfortunately only one of them is sexual lust. Coming to terms with this fact is why I've checked out of this game. I'm not becoming a cuckold.[2]

Only recently have researchers recognized that the qualities that are considered desirable in a short-term sexual partner may differ from those sought in a long-term marriage partner. To investigate this hypothesis, and to explore gender differences in what are considered to be sexually as opposed to maritally desirable characteristics, 70 men and women ranked a set of 23 characteristics in terms of desirability in a potential sexual and marriage partner. As hypothesized, results revealed that both men and women preferred a physically attractive potential sexual partner, and women showed no more preference than did men for a socially or financially powerful potential sexual partner. Also as predicted, men more than women preferred a physically attractive marriage partner; unexpectedly, women did not find such characteristics as social or financial power and a college degree as more desirable in a prospective spouse than did men.[4]

In another study, women rated the lowest-earning men as the most desirable, contrary to what they stated.[5]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?169553-Brachycephaly-is-subhuman-and-incel
  2. Nordic race, Wikipedia.
  3. www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?169553-Brachycephaly-is-subhuman-and-incel/page3
  4. Regan, P. C., & Berscheid, E. (1997). Gender differences in characteristics desired in a potential sexual and marriage partner. Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality, 9(1), 25-37.
  5. Eastwick, P. W., & Finkel, E. J. (2008). Sex differences in mate preferences revisited: do people know what they initially desire in a romantic partner?. Journal of personality and social psychology, 94(2), 245.



Looks theoryLooksRegression toward the meanBeautyGolden RatioDecilePSL ratingThe WallScientific BlackpillPhysiognomyBody dysmorphic disorderCheerleader effectGaitLooks bottleneck

Lookism communities

Looksmax.meLookism.netLooksmax.net (defunct)


GymmaxxingHeightmaxxingStatusmaxxingMoneymaxxingSurgerymaxxingWhitemaxxingAnabolic steroidsHGHSARMsJelqingSkinmaxxingFacemaxxing
Controversial: MewingBone smashingFacepullingNofaping

Looks levels

MelvinTannerBradChadliteCryptochadChadGigachadPretty Boy | LandwhaleWitchBeckyStacyliteStacyGigastacy | High-tier normie


EthnicelJBW theoryRicecelCurrycelBlackcelArabcelWhitecel


AcnecelWristcelBaldcelEyecelNosecelOldcelUglycelFatcelShortcelTear troughSkinnycelDentofacial deformityUpper eyelid exposureWide Set Eyes

Body Parts

EyesBulging eyesLateral orbital rimLipsLower thirdMandibleInfraorbital rimMaxillaEyebrowMoustacheBoobsButtocksLeggingsFeetBrow ridgeCheeksPenisBonepressedVaginaPubic hair

Body Characteristics

MacrophallismMacropenis dilemmaMidface ratioNeotenySexual attractivenessSexual dimorphismFacial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical DiagnosisNorwoodingFashionAntefaceFiveheadFrameFacial width-to-height ratioChinCanthal tiltCompact midfaceDeep-set eyesHunter eyesIPDFacial masculinityFacial asymmetryBody attractivenessMuscle theoryNeck theoryFeminizationEstrogenTestosteroneMilkmiredWinemiredAcneES ratioWide-set eyesFacial Convexity