Name: | unknown |
Date of Birth: | 2001 |
Occupation: | construction worker |
Ethnicity: | White (of Irish and Italian heritage) |
DBDR (Dead by Daylight Rants) was a blackpilled YouTuber[1] with over 40,000 subscribers whose content primarily consists of him relaying his blackpilled thoughts, observations, and blackpilling life experiences. He has a second channel, Saint DBDR, where he uploads his music, bonus videos and life updates on his community tab[2].
It's debatable whether or not he should be considered an incel or simply blackpilled. However, he is a virgin and has a long history of failed attempts at acquiring a girlfriend and sex, along with at least one past oneitis. He twice kissed but the first time it was a dominican stripper from his local strip club and the second time it was a mom having a son his age whilst being drunk.
Normies criticize him as being "too negative" and view him as complaining about life too much, while others find him and his videos to be highly relatable, many even claim to use his videos as a cope. A lot of his videos delve into a lot of unique issues that tend to relate to a lot of Non-NTs. These include lack of skill/talent in anything, ostracization socially from normies, missing out and believing a gf will not fix their lives due to their other issues, learning slowly or being seen as incompetent due to high social inhibition, being behind in life, etc.
"Yeah, that's pretty much it." is the catchphrase he closes most of his videos with.
YouTube Timeline[edit | edit source]
After starting his channel, normies slowly but steadily infiltrated his channel by commenting bluepillsplaining or cope-ish stuff and normie-creators started doing reactions where they made fun of him and the whole blackpill-community.
In July 2024, he hid both of his YouTube channels without saying goodbye; all of his videos are set to private, yet his spotify account remains.[3]. He quit due to him getting leaked, where now all of his friends and family found out about his channel. Here you can find a comprehensive archive of his old videos from his main channel (+ audio-only archive)
In early october, he reactivated his second channel, Saint DBDR (now under the name "𝖌𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑"), again with only one song called "Oblivion" still being online while he deleted the rest of his music, since he thought his other 3 songs were bad.[2]
Under rehab room's newest video, he commented: "Rotting in a car drinking a beer while watching rehab room working a construction job with guys who speak no english. It’s over.", and in the comment section of rehab rooms video, he disclosed having moved to Iowa (midwest US-state).[4]
In his community tab, he revealed that he has the Klinefelter syndrome (not life-threatining in his case tho) and a tongue tie undiagnosed aswell for years. He feels guilty for not interacting with his community so much due to his trust issues.[5]
His plan is to get an appartment (he's currently homeless sleeping in his car) and then continue his commentary-style videos on his main channel.
On Februrary 14th 2025 (Valentine's day) he renames his second channel to "SAINT DBDR" and uploads a new song, he also reuploads his older songs.
Relationship with family[edit | edit source]
DBDR claims to have a troubled relationship with his mother due to her being a helicopter parent being manipulative towards him. She often uses the phrase "You're becoming just like your father!" whenever he consumes alcohol which is why she has tried to institutionalise him [6]. He claims that his Father is an alcoholic[7] and he doesn't like his uncle going as far as viewing him as a cuck.
One of his younger cousins used to look up to him as his cousin was a bullied sub5 and would enjoy his company but after not having seen him for years, his cousin got 6’4 and framemaxxed.
Life Timeline[edit | edit source]
2001-2011ish: Lived with his mother and father in a very rural area before they divorced when he was 10.
2012: Bullied by some bigger kids.
2013: Was sexually assaulted and nearly raped by an older kid. He "rubikscubemaxxed" and played video games using a certain tag for gamer halo.
201?-202?: Went to community college for Communications Degree before switching to and attaining a Liberal Arts Degree.
Summer 2021: Began making youtube videos consisting of stories and happenings in his personal life.
Early 2022: His friends found out about his channel, watched it for months before confronting him on 7th May 2022. All of DBDR's friends except one no longer associate with him. This resulted in him getting into a harmul drinking habit.
28 May 2023: He left his home town to live with his father in the deep south.[8]
22 Oct 2023: He again moves back to New York to live with his mother.
Early 2024: A schizoaffective IRL friend of his threatened to leak him in order to extort money from him to fund his drug addictions.
July 2024: His mom is selling her house, his schizoaffective friend leaked him and showed the channel to DBDR's parents. he was kicked out and ended up homeless living in his car. He then deleted his channel.
July/August-2024: Was really blackout drunk at the bar and ended up making out with a 50-year-old mom that had a son his age; he literally asked if he can kiss her and they ended up getting kicked out for making the customers “uncomfortable”. Waking up the next day, he felt instant regret and embarrassment and remembers the other moms laughing at them.
July/August-2024: He moves to Iowa and gets a job as a construction worker.
August 2024: Gets diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome (not life-threatining) and realizes that most of his problems can be explained with it (Weird body shape, getting fired from jobs for being slow, almost not graduating highschool and being academically slow, all of the bullying terrible brain fog and mood swings).
October 2024: He breaks the silence and makes a Community Post on YouTube detailing what caused him to Delete his channel.
Feb 2025 6th-7th at 12-1am Dbdr got into a scuffle at a stripclub which ended up in him using his car against a dozen of aggressors. Prior to his self defence, he has said that he got drunk and ended up being raped (being forcefully made to do oral on a strip dancer who was on her period) before he took action into his own hands. (source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiAQ5ibrvaK5jnrHVt_oDlQ/community?lb=UgkxqT3YhxgZVnegJZxRMGcBrHVIPxam4GDh)
Ramona Flowers Academy[edit | edit source]
9 Nov 2023: Signed up to group therapy by his mother to what he dubbed as the Ramona Flowers academy based off the character in Scott Pilgrim vs The World. [9] [10]
Daily group therapy of 6 hours. Realises the academy is full of females and is wary of it. Has an unfavourable opinion of the therapist and questions their qualifications.
12 Nov 2023: Motivated by interacting with the females in his group therapy session and participating in the activities of the group therapy. [11]
14-15 Nov 2023: Day 5-6 of Therapy. Therapist suggested he take SSRIs and he refused as he believes it will have a negative effect on his mental faculties.
Almost got a number but failed due to Therapist mentioning earlier that the group should not share phone numbers with each other since they were there for mental health reasons.
16-26 Nov 2023: DBDR's mom believes his therapy is not helping him due to him expressing interest in the girls in his group, refusing to take medication and seeming more depressed. DBDR expresses that he is worried that the medication could cause erectile dysfunction to which she replied "It's not like you were using it anyway." She checks him out of the program. [12]
References[edit | edit source]
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- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/@Dbdr
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 https://www.youtube.com/@SaintDbdr
- ↑ https://open.spotify.com/artist/0kJxp6wuDDxPiYINFAPnmN
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3DWvlx1mug
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/@SaintDbdr/community
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE8pG3XGZjA
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wwveeQy2KY
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE8pG3XGZjA
- ↑ https://youtu.be/Iwcepfd7CFM
- ↑ https://scottpilgrim.fandom.com/wiki/Ramona_Flowers
- ↑ https://youtu.be/NbD0afzP-ho
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxBPrp7Elu8Jz4Ma9htNQWc1vjarpC-f1a