The Jolly Heretic
The Jolly Heretic aka Edward Dutton, PhD., is an anthropologist, religion researcher, YouTuber, author, and the author of How to Judge People by What They Look Like, a book about physiognomy. He holds degrees in theology and religious studies. He currently lives in Finland and teaches at a Polish business school called Asbiro University; he has one wife and two kids.
His behavior and mentality are often similar to that of a young child, leading some to speculate he is on the autism spectrum. Dutton himself has suggested he has autistic like traits owing to his three-months premature birth. These traits, according to Dutton, include his early social awkwardness, mild aphasia, dyspraxia (clumsiness), and his status as a "contrarian" who is "extremely interested in the truth".[1]
He has perfected the art of turning tiny effect sizes into a compelling story and telling it in an entertaining manner, and seems to have a large proportion of incels among his viewers.
Jolly Heretic and incels[edit | edit source]

Edward has made a number of videos wherein he blames inceldom on the sexual revolution and the destruction of monogamy, similar to Jordan Peterson, Angela Nagle, and Roger Devlin. He also had made a number of observations about social dynamics that incel wiki writers and admins have found interesting.
On his YouTube channel, he has presented a couple of hypotheses explaining the incel phenomenon.[3] Some have hypothesized he has recently found studies via the perusing the Wiki, because of certain contents in certain videos,[4] and some of his more recent books, although it is possible he didn't, owing to the substantial overlap in subject matter discussed. He has almost certainly read the Wiki though (however perfunctorily), as he cites it in his 2022 book, Spiteful Mutants.
The personality of incels[edit | edit source]
In late September 2022 Dutton released a new analysis of the personality of incels. This video seemed more hostile in tone than his other prior treatments of incels and concluded, pretty much entirely based on a survey type study conducted by the Irish academic William Costello and Dutton's perception of the personality of Elliot Rodger,[5] that:
- Incels are narcissists, which Dutton claims is generally unattractive to women due to their desire for high paternal investment in offspring. Narcissism wasn't directly examined in Costello's survey, but Dutton concluded that incel's 'victim mentality' was symptomatic of narcisstic traits, and again referred to Elliot Rodger's infamous narcissism.
- Incels have an external locus of control, blaming their fate on external factors instead of their own behavior. Dutton seems to lean towards neoliberal solutions based around 'self-improvement' for incels, though he does not make this explicit in this video.
- Incels are high in unstable personality pathology (that self-described inceldom is highly associated with anxiety and depression was one of Costello's strongest findings), and as this is apparently 'highly' heritable women reject men that are high in these traits.
- Incels are high in sociosexuality, which makes them 'fast life history strategists' (Costello's survey found a weak positive effect for libido among incels, the only dimension of sociosexuality examined). Dutton claims that 'women in White countries' or 'upper class women' (college students) reject fast life history men. He claims that women rejecting incels increases stress on them, thus further compounding their fast-life history strategy.
- Incels are low-status, and this is one reason why women reject them. Costello did find that self-identified incels were more uneducated than his unspecified control group of men, being more unlikely to be high-school dropouts or NEETs (Not In Education, Employment or Training). In the video, Dutton claims that Elliot Rodger's status-signalling bombast was seen through by women, as they can detect false-signals of status.
- He then concluded by stating that incels (in his view apparently, an ideological monolith) were correct that feminism and hypergamy contribute to their situation (mostly referencing the surplus of educated women in Western countries vis-a-vis men), but that people with the incel type personality would be selected against in any society. He echoed Costello's conclusion that surplus male type men are bad for society, in his view leading to social instability and the formation of 'rape gangs' and 'harems' for high status men.
The video was apparently received with some hostility by online incels, including members of Dutton's Youtube fanbase. Dutton responded to this reception with a tweet implying that these incels' response to his video proved all his points, stating that "They [incels] responded that [sic] by saying their situation is due to feminism, all women are whores, and the idea that women select for status is a 'blue pill'".[6]
In the comments to his Youtube video, he seemed to respond to criticism mostly by resorting to 'boomerisms' about women being attracted to hardworking and responsible men, appealing to 'the data' (Costello's study, even when it didn't seem to support the specific point he was trying to make), and accusing his opponents of making logical fallacies.
Incels and 'spiteful mutants'[edit | edit source]
In his 2022 book Spiteful Mutants, Dutton examines contemporary social and political upheavals, such as the rise of Black Lives Matter, QAnon, and increasing social polarization, through the lens of the Social Epistasis Amplification Model (SEAM). In a similar tone to most of his work, he argues increasing mutational load and the cultural effects ‘carriers’ of these ‘spiteful mutations’, with their disruptive ideas and behavior, have on social solidarity, norms and cohesion is a major driver of these social issues.[7]
One of the main issues Dutton discusses in his book is the ‘sex recession’, or the secular decline in sexual activity (particularly among young adults) in Western countries and Japan. He compares incels to the ‘beautiful ones’ (sexually unfecund and socially withdrawn male mice) in the John Calhoun’s famous Mouse Utopia Experiment, thought he notes that experiment’s issues with replication.[8] His explanations for the sex recession, grounded mostly in evolutionary psychological thinking and related evidence, mirror those of other prominent right-wing commentators such as Jordan Peterson, Roger Devlin and Michel Houellebecq, with his focus on the abandonment of traditional values and feminism and female’s subsequent social and economic advancement as contributing to runaway female hypergamy, leaving many low-status men sexless. Many of the topics he discusses and his explanations for the sex recession phenomena and causes of male celibacy are also mirrored in this very Wiki.
As opposed to the right-wing commentors mentioned above, Dutton takes a generally more balanced view on the topic of female hypergamy, saying The Manosphere’s claims of rampant female hypergamy, such as the ’80/20 rule’ are true to a degree, but often grossly exaggerated. He implies that incels per se appear to be mostly men with ‘poor social skills’ and a lack of social motivation, who he argues have ‘maladaptively’[9] created online communities around their lack of sexual success. Dutton also argues that the misogyny of certain online incel subcultures is counterproductive as women, due to their ‘higher empathy’, are more likely to avoid misogynist men in his view.[10] Dutton argues the incels’ tendency for social withdrawal is caused by social factors that disincentivize mating (such as restrictions on masculine behavior, as seen by the shaming of ‘toxic masculinity’), evolutionary mismatches (which is says the decline in patriarchy is an example of) and perhaps their ‘high mutational load’, which makes them more sensitive to these social disruptions than other men.[11]
He proposes that one reason inceldom is so pronounced in Japan is due to the ‘slow life history strategy’ of East Asians, which he states makes Japanese men more environmentally sensitive to the disruptions in mating ecology caused by shifts in gender norms, internet pornography, and the rise of spiteful mutants. In fact, Dutton seems to believe the widespread proliferation of easily accessible pornography is a major driver of the increase in sexlessness, due to the collapse of sexual sublimation (making men work for sexual release). Thus, he argues the normalization of pornography (which as he notes was historically was either hard to access or socially discouraged) is creating an evolutionary mismatch due to hijacking men’s natural desire for sexual variety.[12] He also seems to believe in the concept, commonly associated with no fap, that regular masturbation reduces men’s testosterone levels.
Following this line of thought, Dutton argues that feminization as indicated by shifts such as (supposed) lowering testosterone levels, declines in physical strength, declines in sexual activity even in the context of existing romantic relationships, and increasingly passive and uncompetitive behavior among young men is another major driver of the sex-recession, impeding or eliminating affected men’s ability to ascend in male status hierarchies and attain sexual access from women as a reward. He briefly touches on the topic of the rise in ‘Soy Boys’ and simps in the process, portraying them as archetypal examples of the emasculation of modern men. Dutton avers that the simp, who he describes as an ‘excessively high-agreeableness man’ who is financially exploited by women but only in the context of pseudo-relationships, is more ‘maladaptive’ than the Soy Boy as he says ‘virtue signalling’ and ‘attaining status’ can net such men ‘left-wing women’, though he claims these kinds of relationships typically result in a lack of offspring.[13]
He largely dismisses MGTOWs as being incels in denial, and as ‘losers who have given up’,[14] though he concludes that historically, such men may have ‘operated on the level of group selection’, and ‘passed on their genes indirectly’ by promoting patriarchy (via their adoption of traditional religion) or greater in-group cohesion, actions that he claims promote group fitness. Dutton asserts that only men with ‘low mutational load’ will survive the ‘evolutionary crucible’ he argues has been forged by these evolutionary mismatches, disrupted social structures and incentives. He concludes that these biologically resilient men will successfully pass on their genes, while incels, MGTOWs, simps and ultimately soyboys will be gradually weeded out of the gene pool.[15]
Femcels[edit | edit source]
In his book Dutton also briefly touches upon the topic of sexless women, or ‘femcels’. He claims that a major driver of this phenomenon is due to the fact that, in Western countries, younger females are now more educated on average than men. He argues that (what he sees as innate) female hypergamy makes women more unlikely to settle down with a man who is of lower socioeconomic status than themselves. He uses the example of ‘church ladies’ from the Great War era as a historical example of this phenomena, where due to a deficit of upper-class men (officers were disproportionately killed in that war) many middle and upper-class women became lifelong spinsters, refused to ‘marry down’ socially, and become intensely religious, devoting their time to promoting moralistic causes like alcohol prohibition and the restriction of prostitution.[16] He claims that many highly educated women are mirroring this phenomenon in a more ‘maladaptive’ manner, with many contemporary femcels becoming ‘SJWs’ and promoting progressive social ideology and causes with the the same religious fervor that the ‘church ladies’ reserved for Christianity.[17]
He also says that ideas spread by ‘spiteful mutants’, such as anti-natalism, promote infertility and sexlessness among young women as women are particularly environmentally sensitive and conformist compared to men. He further claims that, in the ‘absence of high-status men’, (certain types of) women will revert to their evolutionary programming (being adapted for polygyny) and increasingly engage in lesbianism and female alloparenting of any offspring they may have, sexually and socially shunning men all together.[18] The decline of patriarchy is claimed to be a particularly salient evolutionary mismatch that contributes to the femcel phenomena in Dutton’s eyes, as, in line with Menelaos Apostolou, he argues that historically most marriages have been arranged by a woman’s parents (particularly her father). The end of the custom of arranged marriage is thus argued to be particularly detrimental to women’s fitness as he says that women are strongly evolutionarily adapted to patriarchal control of their behavior by fathers, with women that resisted this historically being made outcast or even killed.[19] He argues this is particularly bad for intelligent women, since higher IQ negatively predicts fertility in women even when you control for the socio-economic factors associated with it. He concludes this portion of the book in a similar vein to his treatment of male sexlessness, implying that since the women that are more likely to accept feminism have lower fertility, feminism will ironically act another ‘crucible of evolution’ that will select for greater fertility among highly religious women and women that are highly submissive to male authority, and these women will come to dominate due to their greater fecundity, eventually shifting other women more towards their worldview and lifestyle.[20]
On the Scientific Blackpill: Just go to church, incel![edit | edit source]
Dating advice for Incels: Go to church
—Edward Dutton[21]
In early 2021, Dutton made a video on the Scientific Blackpill page of this wiki, saying it makes many valid points on female sexuality. However, he states that many of the points made in the article, such as the emphasis on female's mate preference for men with dark personality traits and women's sexual selection for superficial traits such as looks, only apply to women that are pursuing a fast-life strategy. Such women, he says, would be more inclined to choose a violent asshole as their behavior evidences their high status and ability to provide protection in a fast life ecology. He states these are also the sorts of women that tend to sexualize themselves online and in public.[22]
He also claimed that self-identified incels are mainly "failed fast life history strategists" themselves, based on his observations of the tone of the discussion on incel forums, which he believes reveals an obsession with casual sex, an excessive distrust of women (which is argued to be a fast life history trait), substantial psychopathology on behalf of the userbase, and a sexual obsession with "fast life history women". He suggests incels should abandon their "failed fast life history strategy" and alleged sexual preference for sluts and instead seek out places where women with a slow-life strategy can be supposedly found, as also suggested by the video's title: "Why Incels Need to Start Going to Church if They Want to Get Some".[23]
He repeated some of these points in a later episode in which he stated that women who like to travel as well as women who have a professional career should be avoided as partners, for they are fast life history strategists. He also claimed that women that talk about sex, women that use the internet to try to meet people, and women that own dogs and post pictures of them on social media websites should all be avoided as they are either pursuing a fast life history strategy or are mutants, "behaving in a maladaptive manner".[24] He concludes the video by going on a bluepilled rant where he declares incels should stop caring about sex so much and simply try to befriend women.
Essentially, Dutton's position is a scientific veneer on the idea that not all women are like that.
Incels as "failed fast life history strategists"[edit | edit source]
In another video, he claimed that shifts in life history strategy were the crux of the rise of inceldom. He claims that the decline of the patriarchal model in the West and the Industrial Revolution increase, as time goes by, the number of fast life history individuals ("more and more people who are evolved to pump and dump, or women who are evolved to cuckold their husbands"); he claims that thus two phenomenons are happening.
First, there are more and more women who want to go for handsome (muscular, aggressive, and dominant men to have offsprings with the traits that will allow them to survive in a fast life-history ecology, instead of going ugly, physically weak or nice men who will invest in them and look after them and nurture their offsprings. The argument that the removal of patriarchy has lead to a radical shift in the type of men that women are sexually selecting for, shifting them away from preferring "provider type" men to men they find "cool and sexy" has been made in the incelosphere before, namely by Fschmidt and Caamib.
Second, Dutton argues there are less and less men who see women as something else than sexual objects. Therefore, there is more and more single mothers; due to feminism, more women are in position of power; and the society gets less and less cooperative. Those women in power are telling boys "this is a fast life history strategy ecology, this is an ecology in which you should pump and dump, this is an ecology in which women should not be trusted [...] avoid relationships"; thus, women interpret this environment as "men are not to be trusted, men will pump and dump" and therefore they will not "get into a relationship with a beta man" and will instead go with alpha males. He states videogames and pornography are substitutes to relationship for incels. Incels, he says, are statistically bound to be fast history strategists for the most part, and are mismatchcels because a religion did not induce in them the drive to have children.[25]
Why Dutton may be wrong[edit | edit source]
Trad girls and churchcels[edit | edit source]
Though Dutton is correct in his claim that women are more religious than men and tend to attend church more often, thereby potentially creating a favorable sex ratio for men's dating prospects in such contexts, there are strong flaws in his advice. The main problem is that the age of regular church attendees in the kinds of countries many self-identified incels hail from is very high,[26][27] and thus the number of women that are in a dateable age range for most incels is likely low in the majority of churches in these regions. Moreover, there are already numerous single men in churches, most of which probably mog incels, and thus competition for young women would be expected to be fierce in such contexts. Besides, one must keep in mind that many Christians are neurotypicals who do not go to church for spirituality, but to talk on the parvise before and after mass to people with whom they share interest and a similiar psychology; much like going to class in high school or in university is used by normies to socialise between classes. The same thing is also often true for young people going to Bible studies. On the other hand, incels often have poor social skills and are typically highly socially awkward, and will not magically become socially good. As a sidenote, Dutton admitted in one of his videos that most incels that followed him were in their 20s;[24] he may not have taken into account the fact that since incels did not have a teen love, those incels might be unable to get a girlfriend once they are in their 20s. In short: there is no going to church nor life history for your ugliness, social awkwardness, subhumanity or autism.
Dutton may also have forgotten how much the people who watch videos of a university professor giving them dating advice and arguing against leftists are mentally different from most normies, be they fast or slow life history strategists.
There is furthermore evidence against the notion that self-sexualization (in terms of wearing makeup) is robustly linked to life history speed in women.[28] Some forms of self-sexualisation seem to be false-signals of promiscuity, while others, such as piercings, tattoos and the wearing of sexually suggestive clothing, do seem to be generally indicative of an unrestricted sexual strategy in women.[29]
Self-sexualization among women (in terms of online whoring) is also linked to economic and sociological factors, such as economic inequality.[30]
Increasing life history speed as a cause of incel[edit | edit source]
Dutton's other claim that life history (LH) speed is accelerating in Western counties, and this is a major cause of the incel phenomena, is dubious. Several indicators of a fast life history speed, such as rates of violent homicide (related to intrasexual competition and agnatic LH-related traits associated with violence), abortion rates, incidences of teenage pregnancy, teenage sexual activity, youth alcohol consumption, and so forth, have been decreasing over time.[31][32][33][34][35] While some of these things may be explicable by technological and cultural shifts such as higher internet use and increases in contraception use, they generally converge towards indicating that life history speed has slowed substantially in Western countries since at least the 1980s on the group level. The Flynn effect, the secular increase in IQ test scores observed throughout the 20th century in many countries, has also been proposed to have been largely driven by secular declines in population life history speed.[36]
There are mixed trends in the prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) and incidents of sexual assault among young adults in Western countries. Both traits are generally linked to a faster life history strategy. Some data indicates the former may be decreasing while the latter is increasing (though there are some indications that adult rape is decreasing also). The former is confounded by the fact that the legal broadening of the definition of sexual assault is one of the main predictors of a countries official rape rate, and feminism has played some role in increasing the number of things that are legally considered rape.[37][38][39]
Furthermore, a slower life history speed (on an individual level) is associated with higher fertility in multiple Western countries, indicating that this trait is now being selected for to some degree.[40]
In regards to Dutton's other claims, social movements like feminism would also be expected to have a mixed influence on the sexual outcomes of men by life history speed. The discouragement of high mating effort (among males) and sexual coercion associated with feminism would be expected to generally reduce the sexual success of faster life history men, who rely more on these types of strategies (though loosened restrictions on female sexuality may also increase opportunities for sexual coercion, especially among high-status fast life history strategists). General population decreases in impulsive behavior, mating effort, and increasing age of first marriage caused by a slowing life history speed in the population would also be expected to increase the number of sexually frustrated fast life history men.
These data points still leave open the possibility that life history speed, while slowing in general, may be becoming more polarized in the population, as Dutton asserts. The removal of strict social controls on sexual behavior after the sexual revolution may have effectively caused greater divergence in the sexual outcomes and behavior of individuals with distinct life-history strategies. Thus, the claim that incels may be disproportionately "fast life history" strategists suffering an evolutionary mismatch may be valid. Still, the data tends to indicate that a secular slowing of life history speed is likely a major cause of population increases in sexlessness. This may be particularly pertinent to incels as they are disproportionately young men (who naturally have a faster life history speed anyway, as it slows with age). An environment that discourages early marriage and reproduction and presents one with fewer sexual opportunities, in general, is not conducive to sexual success, which tends to militate against the claim that a "fast life history ecology" is causing incels to lash out at society.
The secular slowing in life-history speed may be related to increased economic prosperity, social stability, and increasing rate and length of education, all things that decrease environmental uncertainty. A greater amount of environment unpredictability experienced at an early age tends to shift one towards a faster life history strategy. While these trends may be reversing, and we may yet see an increase in life-history speed in Western countries like Dutton claims, or an increase in the life history speed of a population cohort, the evidence does not yet indicate this is happening on a large scale.
Beliefs[edit | edit source]
Dysgenics[edit | edit source]

- Modern society is currently experiencing substantial dysgenics, especially in terms of lowering IQ. He claims this dysgenics is part of a cycle of civilizations, like the writer Oswald Spengler's cyclical view of history, in which civilizations rise from barbarism and achieve a civilized state, partly due to eugenic selection pressures. When the civilization can become so prosperous that the upper-classes become increasingly decadent and refuse to reproduce, he claims it eventually collapses due to a combination of maladaptive genes rising in the population (leading to maladaptive cultural movements and ideas), collapsing birth rates, and foreign invasion from more ethnocentric groups. He ultimately shies away from advocating eugenics as a possible solution to supposed secular genetic decline in general intelligence, mainly because he believes it would require an extremely authoritarian government to implement correctly, and furthermore because he thinks the resulting gap between the eugenic "haves" and the dysgenic "have-nots" would result in a apocalyptic civil war driven by envious people who will not have access to this eugenic technology.
- He believes physiological birth defects are linked to genetic defects - mutations - which are also linked to what he considers ideological and intellectual defects—e.g. leftism (he emphasizes xenophilia and anti-homophobia as key maladaptive aspects) and autism. Therefore, the lack of Darwinian pressure due to the Industrial Revolution and the ability to be easily treated in big cities has allowed "mutants" (what he calls sometimes "spiteful mutants"), who he says have weak immune systems on average, to live, reproduce, and gain influence over "non-mutants." He argues that in an environment with a strong Darwinian pressure these mutants would have either died of disease, been killed, or would be ostracized, also typically leading to their death. Many people with leftist political beliefs are genetic mutants, which he says explains their opposition to instinctive human behaviors like ethnocentrism and following traditional, group-based religions. He cites high mutational load as one of the main reasons for the unpleasant physical appearance of many of these activists. Following his colleague Michael Woodley of Menie's Social Epistatis Amplification Model (SEAM), he stated that many of these progressives reach positions of cultural influence and alter the behavior of non-mutants, causing the non-mutants to adopt what he claims are maladaptive cultural practices and beliefs, like atheism, multiculturalism, anti-natalism, and globalism.
- That capital punishment is "central to civilization." Dutton argues that the increase in capital punishment that occurred from the medieval period onwards in Europe was essentially eugenic and eucivic (beneficial to the maintenance and development of civilization), as the "most psychopathic young men" were essentially killed and removed from the gene pool before being able to reproduce, which resulted in a positive selection pressure for pro-social traits such as agreeableness, religiosity and impulse control. As he argues that these traits need to be highly represented in the population for higher-level states to grow and maintain themselves, he claims that that execution contributed to Europe's ensuing world dominance and all the technological, cultural and social developments that were associated with this in that period of world history. He asserts that Western societies likely would've entered into a "decline and fall" stage of development before reaching an industrial revolution, like the Romans did, if not for this intense selection pressure for religiosity and other pro-social traits that he argues resulted from execution.
Scientific[edit | edit source]
- Group selection exists, and therefore ethnocentrism is an evolutionarily adaptive human trait. Dutton cites computer models that found that ethnocentric groups always prevail in group conflicts against humanitarians (those that co-operate with everyone, even those not of their group), as the ethnocentrics are apparently more effective at suppressing 'free riders' who leech off the group's resources, betray the group and otherwise undermine group cohesion.
- Religious belief is highly evolutionary adaptive for both the individual believer and the group he belongs to. On the individual level, he points to research that indicates that religious believers possess better well-being and health, are more socially connected, and tend to have more children than people that are more secular. On the group level he argues that religion promotes what he considered highly adaptive and group-selected behaviors such as altruism, ethnocentrism, the regulation of sexuality, the suppression of "free-riders", and higher fertility. He tends to argue these benefits only apply to organized, hierarchical religions, as he claims that members of cults, paranormal believers, new age followers and the like generally possess "a high mutational load."
- People invest more resources, care, and generally like and befriend those who are genetically similar to themselves (Frank Salter's genetic similarity theory). He claims this explains ethnocentric behavior, but it also apparently applies across races, as he cites research that finds that among interracial couples, the members of these couples are generally more homogenous in terms of personality than is found among monoracial couplings.
- Centrists reproducing less is causing political polarization due to political tendencies being partially heritable.
- Left handedness is associated with homosexuality (the recurrence with which he brings this up has become a running joke in the alt-right), autism, atheism, and higher overall mutational load. Dutton is left-handed himself.
- Aside from proposed dysgenic trends in IQ, Dutton claims that innovation is slowing due to the systemic exclusion of geniuses from modern academia. Together with his colleague Bruce Charlton, Dutton authored a book called The Genius Famine. The central thesis of the book is that genius is outlier high intelligence accompanied with a personality type known as the endogenous personality. This type is said to be characterized by creativity, introversion, and personality traits linked to anti-social behavior, such as psychoticism (disagreeableness, impulsiveness, non-conformity, and at extreme levels, the tendency to have psychotic breaks).
Dutton and Charlton argue in the book that since modern academia emphasizes traits such as conformity (especially to liberal ideals), conscientiousness, interpersonal warmth and networking skills over intelligence and accomplishment, the archetypal genius personality (which Dutton frequently compares to the typical criminal personality characterized by certain dark triad traits such as psychopathy) is being completely excluded from modern universities in place of what Dutton and Charlton deem the "head girl" personality. That is, highly socially effective and hardworking people of middling intellect who basically manage and organize things but aren't capable of innovation. - He believes the sanitary restriction measures taken by some states to limit the spread of COVID-19 by forbidding big gatherings of people were useful. He believes herd immunity should have been attempted to counter COVID, but that it was not possible due to "runaway individualism". Dutton said he had "no aversion" in taking the COVID vaccine, although he had not been contacted to take one. He considers that those who wanted to lock down everything due to COVID were neurotics who overreacted, and that those who did not want to act against COVID because (they think) "they will put microchips in my blood or whatever" are paranoid schizophrenic. He believes if the average IQ in the West was not 100 but 80, like in India, with COVID things would be much worse, stating "look what's happening in India, that would be just appaling."[42]
Political[edit | edit source]

- Black Lives Matter is a religious revival movement[44] (Richard Spencer also specifies it as a Christian revivalist movement).
- The end will come for Western society for various reasons, the reasons are mostly things that right-wing or conservative people do not like.[45][46] It is a scientific veneer of the the belief/cope "we live in the Kali Yuga/Ages of Man/market economy period, but do not worry, as all this degeneracy will necessarily end eventually due to its own contradictions, and in the end we will triumph"; this belief is held by occult right-wingers like Julius Evola or René Guénon, doomsday cults, and, ironically, Marxists.
Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]
- Intelligent people like classical music more than other people.
- Being very high IQ (genius level, or above around 150+) predisposes one to have a 'rotten life.'
- British comedy isn't funny anymore.
- English men are unbelievably attractive to foreign women.
Politics[edit | edit source]
Dutton is a regular guest on Richard Spencer's Radix Radio show since 2020. Like the rest of Radix, he has stated support for single payer health insurance, stating paraphrased "the only time I become sort of left-wing is when I look at America, where you see toothless, just toothless people [...] it reminds me of Britain before the NHS". Dutton's views may have morphed after associating with Mr. National Socialism, Richard Spencer. Before, in 2016, Ed had written a negative piece about public health insurance for The Guardian as a health columnist.[47] Unlike Richard Spencer, Edward preferred Trump to Biden in the 2020 election. Edward called Biden 'senile and unpredictable'.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Dutton, E 2022, Sent Before Their Time: Genius, Charisma and Being Born Prematurely, Manticore Press, Colac, Chapter IX.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Why Incels Need to Start Going to Church if They Want to Get Some
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Dutton, E 2022, Spiteful Mutants, Radix & Washington Summit Publishers, Whitefish, MT.
- ↑ (p. 307)
- ↑ (p. 317)
- ↑ (ibid)
- ↑ (p. 319)
- ↑ (pp. 295-302)
- ↑ (pp. 311-113)
- ↑ (p. 316)
- ↑ (p. 319)
- ↑
- ↑ (p. 324)
- ↑ (p. 322)
- ↑ (ibid)
- ↑ (p. 326)
- ↑
- ↑
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- ↑ Why the Collapse of Patriarchy is Creating a Generation of "Evil" Men
- ↑
- ↑ Comparing Australian Church Attenders by Age Group
- ↑
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- ↑
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- ↑ ttps://
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- ↑ The Coronavirus: Was It Racist?, R A D I X, 3 May 2021, Odysee
- ↑
- ↑ The Next Great Awakening
- ↑ The Decay of Power: Why Tomorrow's World will be Run by Mafia Godfathers - YouTube
- ↑ Why We're On the Brink of an Overpopulation Crisis, Famine and an Unprecedented Population Collapse - Odysee
- ↑
See also[edit | edit source]
- Evolutionary psychology
- Eugenics
- Richard Spencer
- Physiognomy
- Mutation
- Spiteful mutations
- IQ
- Autism
- Behavioral sink
- Menelaos Apostolou
- David Buss
- Adaptationism on Wikipedia
- William Costello