Incel accelerationism

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Incel accelerationism, otherwise known as incelerationism, is a form of social accelerationism; it is the common and modern practice of increasing the number of self-identified (or plain) incels to an extreme for a political goal. It is a common thing feminists and the MSM do, perhaps unconsciously, or just as a collective. The possible theorized outcomes of incel acclerationism vary wildly, but include:

  • 1. Incels forming an actual movement or group, leading to incels being easier to pigeonhole and vilify
  • 2. Frustrate incels to the point of hyper-conservative politicians being elected and 'putting women in their place'. Aka Angela Nagle and Jordan Petersons 'feminism as crying out for protection/order theory', similar to the 'feminism as shit-test theory'

A modern occurrence[edit | edit source]

Incel accelerationism is happening right now. The media collectively increased the number of users on incels forums almost ten-fold in the span of one year in 2019. This would not have occured without the media.

See Also[edit | edit source]