
The Alt-Right is a loose movement which consists of people on the political right who have formed their own movement, separate from what they deem the 'cuckservative' Republican Party or the conservative establishment. It is basically defined by White nationalists, White supremacists, race realists as well as overlapping but often separate groups such as Neo-Nazis or Neo-Fascists. Some original alt-right bloggers only mean alt-right to mean right-libertarianism, however this usage is not particularly common.
You can basically tell how alt-right someone is by how much they use the word 'cuck'.
Some, like Richard Spencer, claim the alt-right stopped existing shortly after the August 2017 Unite the Right rally, and that the designation is now simply used to denote anything more right-winged than the Tea Party movement or which can be linked to any form or racialism, White identitarism, or political incorrectness.
Alt-right and inceldom[edit | edit source]
Some Alt-Right figures, such as Richard Spencer, Roger Devlin, Gregory Conte, and Andrew Anglin see inceldom as potentially useful to their own type of pro-natalist agenda, as they want people of a particular race to have more sex and more babies. There are not many pro-natalist groups out there, so the alt-right kinda hogs the most prominent spot. Any other pro-natalist movement would also likely be sympathetic to incels. However, it is likely that the alt-right might not want most White incels to reprocude, as they may deem them as having bad genetics.
It seems the alt-right's ideal audience are the successful Chads oppressed by the "woke" (as some call modern leftism) society, and not incels. This is supported by the fact that in an article on the Counter-Current Publishing (an alt-right or far-right publishing house) website, the autor wrote: "If one is of above-average intelligence and sticking with a job, eventually one becomes a leader or manager. And by 'eventually,' I really mean you end up being a leader very quickly. And leadership is hard."[1]
Women worshipping[edit | edit source]
Many alt-righters pedestalize and orbit tradthots such as Lauren Southern. Many tradthots seem to seek to exploit the thirst of many Alt-Right men by publically advocating Alt-Right viewpoints. Alt-right men tend to have a fetish for Asian women (or more likely, Asian women have a fetish for them),[2] or sometimes even marry Jews (e.g Mike Enoch). Some argue that the tradcon views on gender issues held by many in the Alt-Right make them women worshipers, but quite a few in the movement (Andrew Anglin, for example) exhibit extreme anti-feminist views that violently oppose any bluepilled view of women's sexuality.
Rise to prominence[edit | edit source]
The digital MSM lately likes to elevate people that are extremely controversial because they took out too many loans and are trying to pay it off with clickbait. They feign outrage and then give free publicity to the people they pretend to be outraged about. This phenomena may have been the largest contributor to the rise of the alt-right. Without the 30,000 articles on Richard Spencer no one would have heard or cared about him. This disproportionate media attention paid to Spencer also caused many in the alt-right to allege he is 'controlled opposition'.
Grotesque's response[edit | edit source]
Here is Grotesque's response:
It's because most of them denounced us at first, in a lame effort to find a common ground and seem more moderate with their enemies. Because teehee nobody cares about the ugly guy standing in the corner.
Then, they realized that incel numbers are growing quickly and there's shekels to be made. Thus, they are throwing their hat in to be the guy that "helped" us, and become a de facto spokesmen for incels.
Incels and the alt-right[edit | edit source]
Despite the fakestream media making such claims as "the so-called incel movement [is] one of the stranger offshoots of the 'alt right' ",[3] to be an incel is not joining a political movement, but have a life circumstance of involuntary celibacy.