Charles Fourier

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Charles Fourier was the founder of utopian socialism, a feminist who coined the word feminism, "satirical" rape apologist, and someone who sincerely wanted to organize society into mass communal buildings ("Phalansteries", or "Phalanx"s) which would provide a "sexual minimum" for everyone, including incels.[1]

He wanted his utopias to have various organizations devoted to sexually helping the rejected without being paid.[2]

Fourier was never known to have a love affair with a woman,[3] which is thought to have created frustration which drove his sexual fantasies, and likely contributed to his utopian vision of eliminating sexual frustration.[4]

Fourier vs. others[edit | edit source]

Fourier was fairly unique among socialists as he articulated sexual inequality as a large causative factor of various social ills,[5] instead of solely focusing his critiques on alienation and economic exploitation, thus preceding Marcy, Clouscard, Houellebecq, Reich, Nagle and Undersky in his analysis of sexual deprivation from a leftist perspective. Like Undersky, and unlike the much less libertarian Michel Houellebecq, Fourier portrays sexual liberalism as inherently good for incels. Although, only without markets in general and under certain other circumstances. His sex specific writings were not widely known during his lifetime, and were rediscovered in the 1960s.[6]

The Phalanx[edit | edit source]

He wanted to organize all of humanity into self-contained utopian communities, each in its own building called a Phalanx.

Nightly communal love recreation[edit | edit source]

After the children went to bed, the adults who were willing were to meet at a court and recreational facility that provided orgies, recreational sex, and monogamy regulation. There were various voluntary organizations called 'corporations' that people were encouraged to join and were based on their personality. The corporations each had a sexual role, some were even monogamous.

Personality ID[edit | edit source]

Each person in the Phalanx had a card which identified their personality and preferences, which was used by Phalanx officials to pair strangers up in erotic situations.

Psychologists were to identify sexual needs[edit | edit source]

Everyone in the Phalanx would periodically meet a female psychologist who would ascertain what kind of sexual and employment needs they had at the moment, in order to best directly meet their needs through others in the Phalanx.

Non paid volunteers were to have sex with incels[edit | edit source]

Women in the 'Damselate' corporation were expected to be monogamous, however if they had an inclination to be unfaithful they were assigned to an incel or old person to cheat with, as a form of 'punishment'. [7] Servicing incels was also a general punishment for breaking rules in a corporation.

There was also a more formal charity for incels. Various non-paid volunteer organizations were to be set up for sexually servicing incels.[8]

In fact, everyone was guaranteed sexual relationships, sort of like a basic income. This was proposed to be done by subordinating love to honor and nobility.[9]

A blackpill female commentator on Fourier named Amia Srinivasan insists that paraphrased "itsOVER for incels", and says it would be impossible to find someone for everyone. And then sort of praising sex as mysterious. Sort of a combination of an ill-informed, unsourced assertion and a reification of discrimination.[10]

Views on markets[edit | edit source]

Charles had a view that people were naturally cooperative and suited to work without markets. And the job of society was to eliminate markets, punish trade-oriented people in society (Jews in his mind),[11] establish a code or honor, and simply help people find their needs and niches. He felt this would more or less entitle everyone to jobs and sex as he felt enough non-Jews would see that as honorable.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Oblivious of their obligation to provide a minimum of subsistence, the law-makers are even less willing to grant a minimum of sexual gratification. They suppose that the sexual needs are less urgent than the need for food. This is an error. Even though a person can do without sexual intercourse but not without food, it is certain that the need for tactile or sensual pleasures causes as many social disorders as does the need for subsistence."


References[edit | edit source]

  3. 4:14
  5. The Utopian Vision of Charles Fourier, 1983, pg 339
  6. Beecher, J. Bienvenu, R. 1971. The Utopian Vision of Charles Fourier. pp 329.
  11. Roberts, Richard H. (1995). Religion and the Transformations of Capitalism: Comparative Approaches. Routledge. p. 90

See also[edit | edit source]

Incel History, books & scholars

Historical figures

Protocels: Anthony PerkinsCharles BukowskiCharles FourierChristine ChubbuckDaniel JohnstonFranz KafkaFriedrich NietzscheGiacomo LeopardiH. P. LovecraftHenry CavendishHenri de Toulouse-LautrecHenry FlyntIsaac NewtonJeremy BenthamJoseph MerrickLudwig van BeethovenNikola TeslaMary Ann BevanOliver HeavisideOtto WeiningerGueules casséesQuasimodoTed KaczynskiVincent van GoghAdolf HitlerThomas HobbesOswald SpenglerJohn RuskinBaldwin IV

Protochads: Arthur SchopenhauerDrukpa KunleyGenghis KhanGiacomo CasanovaJohn Humphrey NoyesHercules

Other categories: Notable incelsHigh IQ celibatesAcademics who were incelHermits

History articles

Timeless quotes on womenHistory of female sex-favoritismIncelosphere timelineSexual revolutionReproductive successLumpenproletariat


A History of CelibacyCreepFacial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical DiagnosisHoney Money: The power of erotic capitalKill All NormiesMännliche Absolute BeginnerMarsSex and CharacterSex and CultureSexual Utopia in PowerShyness and LoveSind Singles anders?The Great UnmarriedThe Love-Shy Survival GuideThe Manipulated ManThe Myth of Male PowerUnfreiwillig SingleUnberührtWhateverWomen As Sex VendorsIncel: A novel

Authors, scholars, researchers, incelologist and sexologists

Angela NagleAntoine BanierArne HoffmannBeate KüpperBrian GilmartinCamille PagliaCarol QueenCatherine HakimDan SavageDavid BussDenise DonnellyDustin SheplerElizabeth BurgessFranco BasagliaIrenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt‎‎J. D. UnwinThe Jolly HereticJordan HolbrookJordan PetersonKristin SpitznogleLaura CarpenterMenelaos ApostolouMichel ClouscardMichel HouellebecqMike CrumplarOlaf WickenhöferPaul MaloneyReid MihalkoRhawn JosephRobin HansonRobin SprengerRoger DevlinRoy BaumeisterSatoshi KanazawaScott AaronsonScott AlexanderSylvain PoirierTalmer ShockleyTim SquirrellVeronika KracherWalter M. GallichanWillhelm ReichWilliam CostelloVox Day

Miscellaneous in news and academiaTroubadourDonnelly studyConfessions of Leftover Men