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Caamib or CoAlphaAntiModernIncelBlogger is a controversial Serbian incelospherian born in Croatia who has an an enormous, some would argue negative, influence on the incelosphere. His blogging name is "Caamib", but is also known by Dante Alighieri (current name on and ThatIncelBlogger (his second name). He was known for the name his blog initially used, Governmentsgetgirlfriends, and helping to mold and mod the first incel subreddits on Reddit.

Like many other manosphere and/or pedosphere figures, Caamib's WordPress blog was deplatformed circa 2019/early 2020.

History[edit | edit source]

Caamib began posting on in April 2008, and became well known in 2013 for the blog named 'Governmentsgetgirlfriends' which was a proposal for his government to pay girls to date men who could not get dates. This was sensational for 2013 and old media such as the Huffington Post[1] and Jezebel[2] picked up on it. The blog changed its name to thatincelblogger in 2013 and Caamib in 2014.

Caamib was the most active moderator of incel subreddit r/truecels and was he was the first poster and one of the original mods on the now banned but hugely influential r/incels.

Reactionary Forums[edit | edit source]

His role in the incelosphere is greatly diminished now as he is more involved in real life with his personal issues and he was banned from Reddit in July 2016. He also greatly dislikes what r/incels turned into and therefore what is.

He believes that women should be allowed to join incel forums and that they can make great moderators; that there shouldn't be rules against bragging; and that people should stop coming up with new words that use "-cel" as a suffix.

Caamib's mentor is a user named fschmidt, and both of them moved onto smaller reactionary forums of fschmidt's creation including Co-alpha Reactionary Forum and There they promote disengagement from modern Western women, who they see as irreparably broken.

Links[edit | edit source]

Caamib's blog is here [1][Shoahed]

Caamib's own history of online incel communities: [2], including his participation in the ones after 2003.

Caamib started a forum called Incels and Male Sexualists in August 2019. [3] However, Zesto took this offline when he wiped the server, and the owners of the domain have also not been able to regain access to change its DNS records.

References[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

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