The dickpill (a subset of the blackpill) is the belief that women prefer male genetalia much larger than the average male member.
Informal Studies on Penis preference[edit | edit source]
According to the informal study by penissizedebate.com, the ideal dick size was found to be between 7 and 8 inches, and the ideal girth of the penis was found to be between 6 and 7 inches. It should also be noted that no study (outside of informal ones of course) has ever produced a penis length preference of 7-8 inches and girth of 6-7 inches. Due to how almost mathematically impossible it is for a randomized, representative sample of women to report a preference for a dong 8 inch long and 6 inch around; we a forced to conclude that either the author recruited a non-representative sample or simply fabricated their findings.
If you don't believe that the above study fabricated their findings (or at best skewed their data) then let's consider the following:
- The average female has 7 life time partners
- A non-bone pressed penis length of 7 and 8 inches corresponds with the 99.89% percentile and 99.994% percentile respectively.
- A penis girth of 6 and 7 inches corresponds with the 99.77% percentile and 99.994% percentile respectively.
We can now calculate the odds that a women has encountered penises of the above measurements. Let's say you wanted to calculate the odds of getting heads once after flipping a coin twice. The chance of you flipping at least once is essentially equal to 100 - the chance you don't heads at all. For you not to get heads at all you'd have to get tails twice; the chances of you getting tails twice is equal to 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25. Ergo the chance of getting heads at least once is 75%. Similarly the chance of you getting heads at least once after 3 flips is = 1 - (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5) = 87.5%.
Using the same method we can calculate the chance a women has experienced a certain length/girth of penis by calculating the chance that she hasn't had one of that length/girth.
Thus, the average women has a 0.77% and 0.04% chance of encountering a non bone-pressed penis length of 7 and 8 inches respectively; she has a 1.6% and 0.04% chance of encountering a girth of 6 and 7 inches respectively (this assumes she's had an average of 7 partners) in her lifetime. Considering that 99% will never even encounter penises that large, it is quite peculiar that they would develop preferences for something they've never slept with. Note that the same calculation cannot be done for height as women have visual access to it (thus the chances a women partners with a taller man isn't based on chance) penis size, however, is hidden and is almost entirely based on chance).
3D model experiment[edit | edit source]
A research group from two American universities presented 3D dick models to some 18+ femoids. The average length of the penis chosen was about 6.3 inches for a long term partner. Compare this to the average dick size of just about 5.2 inches in the US. About 20% of the women (old hags included) even “admitted to dumping a guy because his penis was ‘too small’.”[1] Only about 7% of the foids said that they left a guy for a dick that’s “too large”. Considering that in most informal surveys women over report the size of their partners penis, it certainly seems plausible that women might arbitrarily overstate their preference for larger penises as well.
Important to note is that in this study the women had on average 6 lifetime partners and had seen/come into contact with 6.8 penises (through blowjobs, handjobs etc.). Secondly the study was set in California; the average age of the participants was 24.8 years old. Finally, each women averaged about 3.2 sexual partners in the last year.
As these penis models obviously didn't have fat pads obscuring their actual lengths, it seems reasonable to assume that reported penis size reported reflects more so on non-bone pressed lengths than bone pressed measurements (assuming these women weren't big enough degenerates to actually measure the bone-pressed lengths of their partners of course), as these women wouldn't have visual access to a man's bone pressed length but they would to his non-bone pressed length. Using similar calculations to the ones above, we can calculate the chance of your average women encountering the sizes that they prefer and thus we can infer whether or not they overstate their size preferences. They report that a length of 6.4 inches (2.2 SD away from average and 1.3x larger than average) and girth of 4.9 inches (0.7 SD away from average and 1.1x larger than average) was ideal; those numbers corresponds with the 98.49% percentile and 75.06% percentile respectively.
Thus we can calculate the odds of the women in the sample having encountered those measurements. Thus a women has a 8.72% chance of encountering a non-bone pressed length of 6.4 inches and an 82.12% of encountering a penis with a girth of 4.9 inches. But let's be charitable and assume a 6.4 inch bone pressed length (1.3 SD away from average and 1.2x larger than average) which has sits at the 90.67% percentile; chances of your average woman encountering a bone pressed length of 6.4 inches over her lifetime is only 44.44%.
Going purely off the mathematics, women are probably being honest when they say they prefer a girth of 4.9 inches, which is quite modest considering that it only sits 0.7 deviations away from the average (and 0.35 inches away from average), as roughly 83% of them would've experienced said girth and could thus have developed a preference for it. However women are almost certainly inflating/lying about their length preference, at non-bone pressed length only 8.72% of women could of experienced a length of 6.4 inches (funny how 92% of the sample develop a preference for something they've never experienced) and even if we're charitable and grant that the reported preference is reflective of bone pressed measurements, just under half of all women would even encounter a bone pressed penis of 6.4 inches in their lifetime. Considering that only half of all women will ever have sex with a man of at least 6.4 inches, it is incredibly likely that women inflate their stated penis length preference.
It seems much more plausible that women prefer a bone pressed penis of 6 inches (0.7 SD away from the average and 1.1x larger than average) or non-bone pressed penis of 5.4 inches (0.7 SD away from average and 1.1x larger than average) with a girth of 4.9 inches; which together produces a penis 1.2 times larger that average. It should be noted that a seperate study has reported a preffered length of 6.09 inches.[2] Thus the preferred penis wouldn't/shouldn't fall outside a single standard deviation above average around the 75th percentile of penises.
Important to note is that though the women were able to accurately recall the size of the models, women made more errors recalling penis length rather than circumference; in their abstract the authors state:
"Women recalled model size accurately using this method, although they made more errors with respect to penis length than circumference."
The authors tested recall of model size by handing the participants a model and allowing her to inspect (without giving her instruction to measure the penis), then after 30 seconds they would return to take back the model from the participants and ask them to select out the model they'd been handed out of an selection of 33 other models. They also conducted another delayed form of the test whereby after they'd taken the model back, the participant would have to select their model out of the 33 other models only after doing a 10 minute questionnaire. The study claims that the women were generally accurate when recall penis size. This is quite strange considering that one of the Authors, Shannon Lueng, says otherwise. She claims, albeit before the paper was peer reviewed, that women overestimated penis size after a 10 minute recall. Secondly, 10 minutes seems to be quite a short amount of time to test recall for the sake of evaluating whether or not her reported size preference over her lifetime. Again, a women's preferred penis size must compare how accurately she recalls all of her partners penis sizes; 10 minutes would thus be an insufficient time to test her ability to recall penis size. Unfortunately, aside from this study, no study has of yet tested the ability of women to recall penis size (or phallic shaped objects anyway) immediately or over the short-term or long-term.
Thus the majority of men wouldn't have problem with penetrative intercourse; we can roughly calculate what the average women would consider to be an inadequate based on the percentage of women who had stated that a penis was too small (21%) or too big (7%). It would be erroneous to conclude from the percentage of men whom would fit into the category of too small would be 21% or that that 7% of men fall under the category of being too large. We can calculate what percentage of penises would be too small for the average women and what percentages would be too large.
Firstly we must make the assumption that below/above a certain percentile of penis, most women would reject him because of his size; above a certain percentile most women would reject him because of his size. Secondly a women only needs to encounter a penis below/above said percentile once in order to respond that she'd encountered a penis that is too small/large. Thus we can work out the chance a women has encountered has encountered a penis too small/large at least once by calculating the chance she hasn't at all. The chance she hasn't at encountered a penis too small/large is = % of penises below/above the too small/large threshold ^ number of lifetime partners she's had. Thus we can work that equation backwards to find out exactly were the too small/large percentiles are.
We know that in sample, 21% rejected a man because he was too small, 7% because he was too large and that on average the sample had 6 lifetime partners. Ergo, the percentage of women whom haven't encountered a penis too small is 79%; similarly for large penises this is 93%. Thus 1 - the 6th root of both of these numbers give us the bottom percentile that is too small and the top percentile that is too large for this sample of women (making the assumptions we made anyway).
Thus the too small penis threshold is at the 3.85% percentile, which is about 4.285 inches bone pressed for length (-1.8 SD away from average and 0,8x as smaller than average) and 3.734 inches non-bone pressed for length (-1.8 SD away from average and 0,8x as smaller than average) and for girth we get about 3.651 inches in circumference (-1.8SD away from average and 0,8x as smaller than average).
The too big penis threshold will be at the 98.79% percentile which is about 7.039 inches bone pressed for length (2.3 SD away from average and 1.3x larger than average) and 6.449 inches for non-bone pressed for length (2.2 SD away from average and 1.3 times larger than average) and for girth we get about 5.706 inches in circumference (this is about 2.3 standard deviations away from average and 1.3 times larger that average).
The amount of men who have a penis that would be theoretically considered to be too small outnumbers the amount of men whom would be theoretically too large by about 3.21 to 1 (i.e there a 3.21 times as many men with penises that are too small compared to men with penises that are too large). The ratio a men with too small to too large penises seems to be larger than the ratio of women who've had experiences with penises too small compared with too large (which is 3 to 1 exactly).
Again we find inconsistencies between the reported preferred size and what the theoretical too large threshold would be. If we assume bone pressed length (all things considered it would be extremely charitable to assume bone pressed length) there is about a 0.6 inch difference between the preferred length of 6.4 inches and the theoretical maximum of about 7 inches, this is somewhat believable. However, for non-bone pressed length the difference between the reported preferred length and the theoretical maximum is only 0.049 inches (6.4 inches and 6.449 inches respectively). This difference is so miniscule that we can almost be assured that the women in the sample are overinflating their preferred sizes. To reiterate, the models used for determining penis size had no fat pads to hide their length and thus can only be compared to non-bone pressed length in men. The difference between the preferred girth and the theoretical maximum girth is about 0.806 inches, this is believable and most likely a correct estimation.
Please do note that the reason why a difference of 0.806 inches between the preferred girth and the theoretical maximum for girth is believable and why the difference a difference of 0.6039 inches between the preferred length of 6.4 inches and the theoretical maximum bone pressed length of 7 inches is dubious is two fold. The first reason being that girth has a greater effect of absolute size as compared to length. Let's take the preferred penis of 6.4 inches in length and 4.9 inches in circumference. If we kept girth the same but increased length to the theoretical maximum of 7 inches, absolute size or volume only increase by 9.98%; however if we kept length the same and increased girth to the theoretical maximum of 5.706 inches, absolute size increase by an astounding 35.60%. Thus, when its effect on absolute size is taken into account instead of doing a one dimensional analysis, the relative difference between the theoretical maximum bone pressed length and preferred length is only about a 10% relative difference, but for girth this is about 35%. Which is why I consider it dubious that the difference between the preferred length and the theoretical maximum is only 0.6039 inches, relatively speaking, that's not much of a difference (which means that the sensation experienced wouldn't be all that different either) and is thus highly suspect (indicating once again that the females might of inflated their preferred size), it's quite absurd to suggest that a slight adjustment of 10% in length will cause enough problems for a woman to leave her partner as he is now too large. The difference between the preferred girth and length however, relatively speaking, is quite large (35%) and it is far more believable that the increase in girth would cause sufficient pain that the woman might consider leaving her partner.
To conclude, it seems quite plausible that women prefer a penis of 4.9 inches in circumference as this measurement seems to be the most consistent through a variety of mathematical comparisons and calculations: it is not too rare as to make it impossible for a sample of women to develop a preference for it, it seems (according to the very limited evidence we have) to be more accurately and precisely recalled when compared to length and the difference between it and the theoretical maximum penis size is sufficiently large enough for there to be a noticeable effect during coitus (and thus justify her leaving her partner on the basis of him being too large).
However, the reported preferred length of 6.4 inches is fraught with problems and is likely to of been inflated by the females in the sample as it is the most mathematically inconsistent for the following reasons: Non-bone pressed length is far too rare for there to even be a preference for it, with almost universally all of the women never experiencing it; Bone pressed length, however, fares little better, whilst being more common the majority of women could not possibly experience a penis with bone pressed length of 6.4 inches and is thus too rare for there to be a preference for it. Length seems to be more inaccurately recalled than girth (it seems like women underestimate, but according to one of the authors the opposite could be true, do note research penis size recall in women is nascent). For both Non-bone pressed as well as bone pressed lengths, the difference between the preferred length and the theoretical maximum is too small a difference to justify a woman suddenly leaving her partner on the basis of him being too large. All the mathematics point to there being an inflation in the reported preferred length in men in the sample.
On an interesting note, CalcSD visualised the spread of the reported preferences of the above study using the supplemental data.[3] On the Graph, we find that a (or at least a few) women reported a size preference from around (and I'm eyeballing here) of 8.6 inches in length and 6.5 inches in girth. Now let's note the following, there were around 75 participants on average having 6 lifetime partners; this means that collectively they've each experienced 450 men. A bone pressed penis of 8,6 inches corresponds with a greater the 99.99% percentile (4.5 SD away from average and 1.6x larger than average) whereas a non-bone pressed penis of 8,6 inches corrosponds with, an even, greater than the 99.99% percentile (5.4 SD away from average and 1.7x larger than average) and finally a girth of 6.5 inches corresponds with the 99.99% exactly. Now, instead lets calculate the probability that, collectively, that any woman (never mind at average preference) from the study could of possibly reported these measurments given their collective sexual experience of 450 men. As a group (or the chance that at least one of the 450 had a penis of these measurments) the odds of encountering encountering a penis of length 8,6 inches is (bone pressed) 2.2% and (non-bone pressed) 0,45% and the odds of encountering a penis of girth 6,5 inches is 4.40%. As we can see, the woman/women whom reported the largest size preference out of the entire group could not of possibly had sex with the penis size preference they'd reported, even if they'd slept with all 450 of the men.
Here's something peculiar, a penis of bone pressed length 7.54 inches (situated at the 99.85% percentile) and girth of 6.07 inches (also situated at the 99.85% percentile) both have about a 50% chance of occurring in at least one of the 450 men that all of the women have collectively experienced, yet the graph shows (although by no means even a plurality) a significant number of women stating their preference as above that; since a penis of about 7.5 inches long and 6 inches around is so rare that these women couldn't of possibly experience a man that large unless they'd slept with thousands of men (which they haven't) we can only presume that they are inflating their stated preference. The thing is they don't even have to be inflating by much. Whilst a woman has a 50% chance of encountering a man with a penis of bone pressed length 7.5 inches of sleeping with at least 450 men, she also has a 50% chance of encountering a man of bone pressed length 7 inches after sleeping with 50 men and has a 50% chance of enountering a man of bone pressed length of 6.5 inches after sleeping with 9 men. Seeing as how a mere 0.5 inches makes the difference between moderately rare, to damn near impossible to find (and this is only for bone pressed length) we must conclude that the largest size preferences reported are likely overstating their preference by at least half an inch to an inch.
On a final note, the graph illustrated by CalcSD has three especially dense for reported penis size preference; these areas roughly corrosponded with the following lengths (going from most dense to least dense):
- 6.5 inches long (bone pressed situated at the 92.88% percentile; non-bone pressed situated at the 98.97% percentile) and 5.5 inches in circumference (situated at the 96.79% percentile)
- 6.5 inches long (bone pressed situated at the 92.88% percentile; non-bone pressed situated at the 98.97% percentile) and 4 inches in circumference (situated at the 13.9% percentile)
- 5.4 inches long (bone pressed situated at the 50.24% percentile; non-bone pressed situated at the 79.94% percentile) and 5 inches in circumference (situated at 80.24% percentile)
So it seems that prefered penis length will be just above or aorund 6 inches with the most dense area report either above or below that (other studies have also confirmed a 6 inch preference). Most women reporting a length preference 7 inches or longer are likely inflating actual preference as there were not enough men experienced collectively to justify the number of women reporting a preference above 7 inches. Prefered girth is likely around 5 inches although the second densest group of women reported a surprisingly low girth preference of 4 inches. All in all, most women report a preference average to slightly longer than average penis and some groups of women will report a preference for longer than average penises. Most women will report an average preference for girth; surprisingly some groups women might even prefer thinner (albeit longer) penises.
Though on that note one must factor in that the women in this study were from California and that this might not neccesarilly entirely be reflective of the United States (or even most other Western Countries for that matter). For example, a series of studies done by Dixson which, among other things, had women from various countries (Specifically, the USA, New Zealand, China and Cameroon) rate the attractiveness of different penis sizes.[4][5][6] The countries with the strongest preference for larger penis sizes were (going from strongest preference to weakest): The USA, New Zealand, Cameroon and then China. Guess which state the USA data was taken from? California.
Women from New Zealand rated average and slightly above average penises as the most attractive, with the largest penises being rated as less attractive than average ones. Women from Cameroon rated average and slightly below average penises as the most attractive, followed by slightly larger than average penises and they rated the largest penises as the least attractive. Women from China rated average and slightly above average penises as the most attractive but overall penis size had less of an effect on attractiveness for Chinese women. Finally women from the USA rated slightly above average penises as the most attractive followed by the largest penises then average penises; penis size had the largest effect on attractiveness for women from the USA overall. To conclude, seeing as cross-culturally women from the USA (specifically California) place the most importance on penis size and seeing as the 3D model experiment was also set in California, it seems that the preffered sizes given here might only be reflective of the liberal state of California and that women in other states and countries would probably report much smaller prefered sizes; it seems this is especially true in Asian countries were women are not as sexually liberal.
The effect penis size on sex[edit | edit source]
Whilst it is certainly true that size matters, the notion that 'bigger is better' seems to be unfounded. For example a 2012 study claimed that women who preferred larger penises had a higher rate of orgasm during penetrative sex. They argue that since a preference for a larger penis only predicted an increase in rate of orgasm during penetrative sex independent of other sexual activities, that "men with larger penises might be better lovers" and that larger penises elicit orgasm more often. However that rate of orgasm was predicted independently of other sexual activities proves nothing. Considering a 2010 study showed that the distance between the clitoris and the urethral meatus affected success in orgasm during penetrative sex, but not during masturbatory practises.[7] Thus that Costa et. al found that penis size predicted greater incidence of orgasm from penetrative sex independent of other sexual activities means nothing until there are anatomical controls in place.[8] For further discussion see The Human Penis below.
See also[edit | edit source]
- Human penis
- Dickcel
- BBC Theory
- Blackpill
- Dogpill
- Reverse dogpill
- Racepill
- Heightpill
- Baldpill
- Macrophallism
- Circumcision blackpill
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ https://metro.co.uk/2016/12/06/its-official-women-prefer-their-man-to-have-a-larger-penis-6304587/
- ↑ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263924630_Perceived_Size_Really_Does_Matter_Male_Dissatisfaction_With_Penis_Size?_sg=7aZRkoBXfIGJORq0V0lpSkftecGJSOuNGVLa0-jx0ahaNYm3i4FfANCqT2UCS5xXIxl3i4pqM1tnIA8
- ↑ https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0133079
- ↑ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6638728_Studies_of_human_physique_and_sexual_attractiveness_Sexual_preferences_of_men_and_women_in_China
- ↑ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/23783202_Human_Physique_and_Sexual_Attractiveness_in_Men_and_Women_A_New_Zealand-US_Comparative_Study
- ↑ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6661420_Human_Physique_and_Sexual_Attractiveness_Sexual_Preferences_of_Men_and_Women_in_Bakossiland_Cameroon
- ↑ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/49718166_Female_Sexual_Arousal_Genital_Anatomy_and_Orgasm_in_Intercourse
- ↑ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23006745/