The Lumpenproletariat are those whom Marx and his contemporaries viewed as not useful to establishing worldwide socialism, basically riff-raff. Those deemed the lumpenproletariat were mostly incels, criminals, or those that serviced incels. More specifically the lumpenproletariat included:[1]
vagabonds (homeless/grifters), [...] discharged convicts [...] lazzaroni (gig-working, or begging homeless), pickpockets, [...] gamblers, brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, rag-pickers (nowadays, can-collecting, and the like), knife-grinders, tinkers (blue-collar workers), and beggars
—Karl Marx
In other words the makeup of most incel forums.
Variations[edit | edit source]
There have been various other characterizations of the lower social orders, such as the Roman word "Proletarius", Burke's "mob", and Hegel's "rabble" (Pobel), and Andy Nowicki's "low-status male". What is somewhat unique about the term, "lumpenproletariat", is it attempts to separate the very lowest classes, politically, from the rest of the lower class.
Marxist Perception of Incels as a Reactionary Group[edit | edit source]
Marxists, when orthodox in their ideology but stunted in their ability to deduce and reliably ascertain the causes and effects of social malaise; have a tendency to retroactively group incels as a whole as a broadly reactionary right-wing stratum. This is done because of not only hypergamy (which itself is a product of capitalist societies cultural reinforcement as a matter of its existence.) But as a maladaptive social degenerative force. Society, as a monolithic entity responds to the logical occurrence of inceldom in a hypergamist capitalist society by treating it as a sort of cultural cancer. Due to this maladaptation by society and culture at large, the common incel tends to become a part of the faceless, unconscious lumpenproletarian mass
Alleged manifestation of lumpenproletariat alliance with right-wing movements[edit | edit source]
Anti-fascist socialists also claim the lumpenproletariat was instrumental to the rise of Hitler, with claims the Nazi party's paramilitary group Sturmabteilung (SA) allegedly contained many, "lumpens".[2] The Sturmabteilung engaged in street battles with the Communist Party of Germany's own paramilitary forces, which some saw as analogous to the gamer right-wing protesters at the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally engaging in street fights with left-wingers and anti-racists.
Furthermore, certain contemporary right-wing shows such as Alex Jones' Infowars are arguably have shown sympathy or pandering to lumpenproletariats, for example, when Alex Jones offered a staff position to someone who's only claim to fame was being a 30 year old NEET who became famous for refusing to leave his parents house until his parents filed a lawsuit. Marxists would probably argue the Alex Jones show is itself lumpenproletariat.