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A femcel describing her femceldom

A femcel is woman claiming to be experiencing inceldom (involuntary celibacy) or volceldom (voluntary celibacy). The male equialent of femcel is mancel. The culture, norms and hunches that permeate the femcel communities are referred to as femceldom.

The most notable femcel in popular culture is probably Rogue, a fictional character from the comic series X-men, whose inceldom is caused by the fact that her physical touch leaches the life/superpowers from others, thus preventing affectionate relationships with others.

Those hyperfocusing on looks decided that a femcel is a "2" on the decile scale, just below the femcelish woman; however, inceldom is not actually that much related to looks (see causes of inceldom). Nonetheless, she isn't at the bottom of the totem pole as femcels tend to mog (i.e. manage to one-up) the truefemcel woman in looks, social status and overall charm. Femcels are commonly seen as volcels since they can easily get sex, except in rare and unusual circumstances.

Existence[edit | edit source]


Since the early days of the incelosphere, there has been a controversy between mancels and femcels over inclusiveness in the incelosphere. This sometimes consisted of malecels having a proclivity for suggesting that femcels are standardcels or nearcels. This sentiment is especially the case for truecels who tend to have an exclusive attitude with a tendency towards policing of the term "incel". However both male nearcels and femcels have unanimously given credence to the inclusion of the following women as genuine incelibates: Christine Chubbuck, Lizzie Velasquez, Grace McDaniels, Mary Ann Bevan and Eman Aty.

Women have a somewhat lower sex drive, hence they tend to be the "bottleneck" when it comes sex and reproduction, and it guarantees there to be always a surplus of sexually starved males (i.e. a male-skewed operational sex ratio). For this reason, it would appear that women cannot be incels, but are mostly volcels, since they have a lower need for sex, and in the rare case they are actually desperate for sex, they could simply overcome their coyness and attach themselves to the next best guy available, of which there is an infinite supply (see also women decide over celibacy rates).

There are various ways in which one can steelman the femcel position: For example, there are some fast-strategic men who never commit, but only pump and dump, who would readily give women sex, but would not be good partners and would not invest in the offspring at all; and men who seek out non-coy women the most may be the least committing. Further, historically, there was a great concern about women giving sex away easily, which was particularly driven by female intrasexual competition (gossip),[1] and thus women would likely face a real reputational risks when giving up their coyness, which may drive some of them into inceldom, even though they could get sex easily. Furthermore, both men and women may be adapted for arranged marriage,[2] and combined with their already greater coyness and diminished agency might make it even more awkward and unnatural for women to simply 'date' someone, driving them into inceldom when they do not get married. Since women are less sociosexual, the degenerate emphasis on causal sex in contemporary culture may be even more of an evolutionary mismatch for women, at least to those who are slow-life strategists as per their genetic makeup, in addition to their somewhat grater shift in age at first marriage compared to men when compared to pre-industrial eras (see the figure below).

Causes[edit | edit source]

Incel Women[edit | edit source]

Boomers were an exception, but marriage is now particularly late for women.

It is generally accepted that genuine, involuntarily celibate, heterosexual or bisexual women are scarce. This is explained and evidenced by various facts:

  • Women can easily get sex, meanwhile men cannot, meaning there is no lack of it if they agree to
  • Women have a much lower sex drive, meaning women likely experience celibacy as less of a burden compared to men.
  • Due to men's higher sex drive, there is always a surplus of sexually frustrated men who would date almost any woman (though some highly promiscuous men would admittedly only pump and dump them, as men are also very choosy when it comes to marriage).
  • In a free mate choice setting, women nearly entirely decide about when a relationship starts and when sex occurs, i.e. they act as sexual selector. For example, McCabe (1987) found that among 25-year-old fresh couples, 28% of men but only 2% of women were "reluctant virgins" who wanted to have sex, but were held back by their partner's waiting.[3] Cohen and Shotland (1996) computed correlations between when people thought sex should start and when they actually began having sex. For the men, the correlation was not significant (r = .19), which implies they had no say, whereas for women the correlation was very high (r = .88).[4] Further, in a 1989 peer-reviewed study that took place at Florida State University, 75% of men accepted random sex-invitations from random real-life women, whereas 0% of women accepted such offers.[5]

Notable exceptions, where femceldom does likely exist, include:

  • Women with medical issues like vaginismus, terminal illness, or extreme disfigurations.
  • Women with mental disabilities that would make an adult relationship mostly impossible (e.g., Down syndrome); however, women diagnosed with mental conditions are less likely to remain childless compared to men with the same diagnoses,[6] and more autistic traits are associated with lower relationship satisfaction for husbands but not for wives.[7]
  • Women who live in a sexless relationships caused by the man that they cannot leave, though this is much rarer than the opposite due to women having an overall lower sex drive and the wives losing their sex drives much sooner than the husbands, especially when cohabiting closely.[8]
  • Women getting college degrees.[9]
  • Women occupying high status positions and refusing or feeling inadequate dating down in status, facing an evolutionary mismatch.
  • Women who have been indoctrinated by environmentalist politicians more often refrain from reproducing,[10] and are presumably also less inclined to marry and have sex as a result (unless they get a sterilization).
  • Women who have a fast life history predisposition, possibly concomitant with BPD, but cannot have sex for whatever circumstances.[11]
  • Men and women alike may be affected by various evolutionary mismatches disturbing normal sexual functioning such as the absence of arranged marriage. Another evolutionary mismatch may be women's unusual high-status role, possibly due to relieving women of the need to trade resources for orgasms. Women seem to be even more adversely affected than men by the overall slowing of LH and deferral of marriage (see graph on the right), making it likely that femcels, to the extent they exist, they tend to be older, more educated, and with arranged marriage adaptations such as poor flirting skills and particularly high passivity.
  • Physical attractiveness may matter slightly more for women than it does for men,[12] but for both sexes looks are only a minor factor in determining sexual success (see causes of inceldom).

Of course, with incelbian women it's a different story since some lesbocels tend to live in conservative deep-red states who can't find any other lesbians anywhere within their vicinity. If they do, these lesbians are usually in the closet, so out of reach. Of course, women can be sexless, but this is largely self-inflicted. Men have a higher sex drive meaning there will always be men around willing to satisfy any woman sexually.

Volcel Women[edit | edit source]

Jim's Blog explains:[13]

The number of female celibates is roughly similar to the number of male involuntary celibates. But the female "involuntary" celibate is voluntarily celibate because she is an alpha widow. She is celibate because she once got a booty call from Jeremy Meeks, and now rejects all lesser males hoping that one day she will get a second booty call from Jeremy Meeks. The male involuntary celibate is likely a virgin, and if he ever had sex, he got the dregs, while the female celibate got the cream.

Synonym[edit | edit source]

There are many synonyms or near-synonyms of the term "femcel". These include:

History[edit | edit source]

Femcels, even though rarer than male incels, have existed throughout history, in fact, in Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, women's sexual starvation, e.g. in virgins or widows, was believed to trigger their hysteria. The assumption was that if a woman had no frequent sexual intercourse, the uterus would leave its anatomical position and move around the body causing hysterical behavior, sometimes called "the wicked womb".[14] The word "hysteria" actually derives for the Greek word for 'womb', due to this assumption. Femcels have been literally described as "involuntary celibates" as early as the 18th century by clergyman Antoine Banier. He wrote, "young women who groan under the Yoke of involuntary Celibacy, would find Husbands to make them happy, did not the Avarice of those husbands reduce them to the calamities wherein Ixion was involved." He, by referring to the Greek myth of Ixion[15], is claiming that the custom of the dowry (woman's family paying money to the groom)[16] led to widespread femceldom during his era.

One of the few moments in history wherein femcels outnumbered males experiencing inceldom was 1860s Paraguay since up to 70% of the male population was killed in the War of the Triple Alliance. Another historical case of androcide on this scale causing a lopsided gender ratio in favor of men is the fate of the Serbian male population during the First World War, with 18-28% of the pre-war population of males perishing during the conflict, also the massive amount of Soviet men that were killed during the Second World War (Great Patriotic War in Russia), which resulted in a huge imbalance in the gender ratio mainly for those born around the early 1920s. The Great War and the Second World War also caused less severe lopsided gender ratios (fewer women than men) in many other nations that participated in the conflict.

The British Anthropologist James McGrigor Allan's 1890 work Woman Suffrage, Wrong in Principle, and Practice: An Essay, attributed much of the energy of the suffragette movement to female involuntary celibacy. He derided suffragette movements as being mainly comprised of spinsters, widows and Amazons (masculinized women).

In 1915 in his book The Great Unmarried, British Journalist Walter M. Gallichan described femcels as "involuntarily celibate women doomed to a lonely, loveless existence and the negation of the right to motherhood." He portrayed the issue as being largely caused by (in his time) urbanization leading to masses of rural men to migrate to the cities to seek new industrial jobs, and what he claimed was a growing number of men unwilling or unable to bear the cost of marriage. He even briefly floats the idea of legalizing polygamy to ameliorate what he viewed as the serious social problem of involuntarily celibate women.

Many femcels unable to find partners have turned to a new form of marriage as a coping mechanism called sologamy, wherein one marries themselves.

Forums[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

The earliest known English-speaking and strictly femcel forum was "Loveshy women", a Yahoo group which was founded on the 22nd of October 2004 (see /groups/loveshy-women). After that, another early femcel group was r/foreveralonewomen. Because of repeated harassment, the board r/foreveralonewomen was made private. The other boards for femcels, r/femaleincels and its predecessor r/femcels have been banned as of this post. The only relatively large board that remained was r/trufemcels which was mostly populated by astroturfing male incels, but now even that has been banned.

Related video[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1037/1089-2680.6.2.166
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/147470491201000308
  3. https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill#The_attractiveness_gap_in_a_couple_predicts_how_long_they_wait_before_engaging_in_sex
  4. https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill#In_sexually_liberated_societies.2C_only_women_decide_when_sex_occurs
  5. https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill#Men_like_61.9.25_of_female_profiles.2C_women_like_only_4.5.25_of_male_profiles
  6. https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill#Mental_disorders_significantly_reduce_male_fertility.2C_substantially_more_than_they_do_for_women
  7. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%252Fs10803-009-0888-z
  8. https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill#Women_rapidly_lose_interest_in_sex_once_in_a_stable_relationship_or_living_with_a_man
  9. Haydon, A. A., Cheng, M. M., Herring, A. H., McRee, A.-L., & Halpern, C. T. (2013). Prevalence and Predictors of Sexual Inexperience in Adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(2), 221–230. doi:10.1007/s10508-013-0164-3
  10. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11111-021-00379-5
  11. https://twitter.com/chimericide/status/1381472617589268480
  12. Haydon, A. A., Cheng, M. M., Herring, A. H., McRee, A.-L., & Halpern, C. T. (2013). Prevalence and Predictors of Sexual Inexperience in Adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(2), 221–230. doi:10.1007/s10508-013-0164-3
  13. Who Gets Sex, Jim's Blog
  14. .Teive, H. A. G., Germiniani, F., Munhoz, R. P., & Paola, L. D. (2014). 126 hysterical years-the contribution of Charcot. Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria, 72(8), 636-639. [Abstract] [FullText]
  15. http://www.shakmyth.org/myth/131/ixion
  16. https://www.britannica.com/topic/dowry

External links[edit | edit source]

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See also: Causes of celibacy, and -cel