Pretty Boy

A Pretty Boy or a Valentino is a facially-aesthetic, somewhat feminine, androgynous or neotenous version of a man who is an "8" or above on the Decile Chart. Pretty Boys lack the warrior skull shape, high testosterone levels, and high human growth hormone levels required to be Chad or Gigachad. The term is a near-synonym of the word "Chadlite." However, the SMV of the Pretty Boy has a slightly higher derivation from his facial aesthetics than the typical Chadlite. Hyper feminized Pretty Boys who are incels are called cutecels. The Incel Wiki Team has actually also analyzed, prestigious, poor, and regular high schools, specifically their Seniors in their High School Yearbooks, and the Pretty Boy Archetype is indeed the most common form of handsome man by the widest of margins.
Pretty Boys that are feminized more than the average pretty boy but by no means to the level of a cutecel- who is mainly just low facial masculinity (things like small chin and jaw, recessed facial bones) not necessarily high facial femininity, (full lips and lashes and pretty eyes ie. 2 different scales), are the main archetype of man women seek out on social media also by the widest of margins, especially on Tiktok and Facebook, with the defining features being longer eyelashes and plumper lips. Chads and Gigachads, while still very attractive and desirable to women, primarily have a male fanbase online. And finally, Silverfoxes are most desired by women among the older crowd online. Women primarily view extremely high facial masculinity in its isolation as being indicative the man is very physically strong and that he can satisfy their B.D.S.M fantasies and not much else positive.
Even though muscular bodies are nearly universally attractive to women,[1] women do not care much about facial masculinity.[2] Humans are substantially self-domesticated and therefore neotenous (meaning they retain youthful features) such that some facial neoteny is also attractive in men. Youth may also be attractive in men because smooth, homogenous skin may be objectively aesthetical.
Characteristics[edit | edit source]
A Pretty Boy is a male who possesses the angel skull of a female, and his sex hormones appear to be in balance. His face looks beautiful and highly aesthetic, while at the same time, he is masculine enough to be clearly distinguished as a male. He is usually tall, slender with almost no fat and little to no muscle, and little body or facial hair. An example is the male model known in China simply as Xing Ye (a commoner's name now famous if one was to simply just google the name Xing Ye). His claim to fame is his Photofeeler photo where girls left custom comments saying he is exceptionally, ridiculously pretty and attractive as an androgynous model essentially, and from the Incel Wiki team's vast hundreds of Photofeeler experiments, he had the comments from girls that described him as the "prettiest" [3]. We originally were going to make Xing Ye the thumbnail for the Pretty Boy page; however, Xing ye has no free photos, all of his photos are copyrighted, meaning he has no "candid" photos, despite being the scientific objective archetypal "Pretty Boy" as per women's comments. Instead, Francisco Lachowski is the thumbnail because he is considered the archetypal pretty boy to a Western Audience, and he has free photos available that are professional yet also considered "candid" on Wikimedia Commons, thus it is acceptable to use Chico's photo as the thumbnail and not Xing Ye's.
A study on facial masculinity and femininity has shown the masculinity of the father's face is passed on to both their sons and daughters.[4] This may be beneficial to the male offspring (despite weak or non-existent relationships between male facial masculinity and their attractiveness as judges by women) though it seems to be generally detrimental to the men's female offspring, as higher levels of facial masculinity in women are generally associated with lower perceived facial attractiveness.
A study on the inheritance of parental facial attractiveness and their adult children's facial attractiveness, at the collegiate age, shows about 70% of daughter's facial attractiveness is inherited from the parent's genes with the father's genes playing a slightly larger role in the daughter's facial attractiveness compared to the mother's genes. With the rest of the variance being epigenetic in nature (diet regimens, stress, nutrition status, toxin exposure levels, pharmacological medications, grooming, etc.) In contrast, about 10% of son's facial attractiveness is inherited from the parent's genes with the mother's genes playing the majority role in the son's facial attractiveness compared to the father's genes, with the rest of the variance being epigenetic.[5] The Incel Wiki team created an edited photo of Supermodel Desmend Wyer which women on the popular rating site Photofeeler rated a statistically perfect 10/10 the first 10 votes, and remained a 10/10 up to 80 votes. The image is a 45-year-old looking Silver Fox, in the physical aesthetic shape of an extremely healthy and physically fit 25-year-old. Thus one explanation is that women find high levels of adrenochrome, an anti-aging hormone, as extremely attractive. Adrenochrome levels could possibly explain why only 10% of men's facial attractiveness is heritable. It's possible 90% and 30% of men and women's inherited facial attractiveness, respectively, boils down to inherited adrenochrome levels. Making adrenochrome levels another X factor, as adrenochrome levels are not directly sexually selected for until around middle age and older. Adrenochrome or not, it's clear from that experiment and our others that genes for retaining youthful characteristics in older age, in men, is extremely attractive to women. A follow up meta-analysis of attractiveness heritability, this time among twins, shows that the attractiveness level between identical, same sex, twin siblings when acne, grooming, smiling, and BMI are not controlled for is mostly genetic and when those factors are controlled for, the difference in attractiveness levels is still mostly genetic for identical twin brothers, but not identical twin sisters. The variance between the attractiveness levels of non-identical and/or non-same sex twins is found to be mostly epigenetic, when acne, grooming, smiling and BMI are not controlled for as well as when those factors are controlled for.[6]
Facial masculinity and facial femininity are two separate scales. Low facial masculinity does not automatically mean high facial femininity. A person's face can be low in both facial masculinity as well as facial femininity; in other words, having an overall androgynous appearance. The facial masculinity of moms has no effect on the facial masculinity of offspring.
It is arguable to what extent facial masculinity is correlated with a man's beauty, while most research clearly shows that facially feminine women are nearly universally considered more attractive. A guy with a hyper-masculine face could still be considered ugly or unattractive. Such a man is known as an ogrecel. The Russian boxer Nikolai Valuev (who suffers from a congenital pituitary gland disorder, leading to excessive human growth hormone production) is a good example of this archetype.
Causes[edit | edit source]
Pretty boys are indeed primarily caused by non-dominant and or non-aggressive looking men reproducing. The son's prettiness is exacerbated if the mom has a face high in femininity (which is highly correlated with beauty, as well as excessive estrogen levels). Some pretty boy exacerbating factors are environmental pollutants like synthetic estrogens found in plastic softeners, fraternal birth order, unnatural diet, the mother having excessively high estrogen levels while pregnant, mutational load (inbreeding), natural genetics, autism, or any combinations of the above. Informal physiognomy experiments done by the Incel Wiki team suggest pretty boy/male model-looking guys as well as pretty/model-looking girls have been assortatively mating (beautiful people mating with other beautiful people) and thus very likely do have a higher mutational load, which is associated with a higher rate of homo/bisexuality.
Indeed, an informal study again done by the Incel Wiki team showed only 11 out of 50 top male models of all time have children (normally rich, successful males are near guaranteed to have children), even though on average, handsome men are less likely to be gay, according to the prominent evolutionary psychologist, Satoshi Kanazawa.[7]
In the closet, homo/bisexuality appears to be over-represented among pretty boys as well as professional male models. Another exacerbating factor in the creation of pretty boys is a constant depressed mood, producing higher levels of cortisol and the subsequent lowering of testosterone that results from high cortisol levels, leading to a higher Cortisol/T ratio, which results in an incomplete level of masculinization of the face and body during puberty. This is why sadboys and emo guys are always feminine or androgynous-looking. For example, there are no cases of emo bodybuilders because lifting weights elevates one's mood, raises self-esteem, and also has testosterone boosting and anti-depressant effects.[8]
Pretty boys may also have a genetic predisposition toward depression, as well as substance abuse. These traits are usually passed on from mother to son since these traits significantly lower male fertility but not female.[9] The results of the parental facial masculinity and femininity study show that since masculine facial features are only inherited from paternal DNA, a man cannot reproduce a massively more masculine-faced son from mating with a masculine-faced woman. A man's facial masculinity thus comes from secondary, indirect factors such as regression toward the mean, recessive genes, genetic mutations, inbreeding depression, outbreeding depression, atavisms, and any other currently unknown factors as well. Essentially through the primary, direct factor of male choice, sexual selection.
The best men can do is to reliably reproduce pretty boys/chadlites and Stacys, as well as Gigastacys. On the other hand, again, because masculine facial features are only inherited from paternal DNA, women can select men that have both masculine and/or beautiful faces. Thus under female mate choice, women can reliably reproduce any form of Chads (lite, Giga, pretty) as well as any form of Stacys.
Behavior[edit | edit source]
Pretty Boys tend to have an excessive interest in "The Arts," this includes, but is not limited to: music (instrumental and vocal), dance, drama, folk art, creative writing, architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, industrial design, costume and fashion design, motion pictures, television, radio, film, and video. Their excessive interest is thought to be because of both socialization and hormonal profile.
Pretty Boys have a protruded maxilla. A protruded maxilla increases the volume of the resonance chamber (the mouth.) This leads to richer vocalization, so Pretty Boys just look like singers and therefore are encouraged to become them. It is thought that exposure to high estrogen, feminizes their subconscious behavior, and their singing voice, making their adult singing voice beautiful instead of sexy. Justin Bieber is an example of a Pretty Boy who has a protruded maxilla. He also has a beautiful singing voice.
Male Social Hierarchies[edit | edit source]
The Dominance Hierarchy vs The Prestige Hierarchy[edit | edit source]
Despite the vast majority of women fawning over him, a Pretty Boy can range from near the top of a male social hierarchy, to absolute rock bottom, depending on the Pretty Boy's degree of feminization. Pretty Boys are "8's" on the Decile Scale but generally are treated as if they are "5"s by other males. They are less likely to be hypermasculine, and are often have weaker muscular potential. However, since they are biologically wired for Prestige, they are more likely to attract female attention. Due to the inability to differentiate the Prestige Hierarchy from the Dominance Hierarchy (see here), vast majority of bluepilled, and even some redpilled men have absolutely no clue how high a Pretty Boy's SMV is, most men are completely blindsided when their girlfriends and wives are cheating on them with a Pretty Boy. Generally, Pretty Boys are like chameleons in Male Social Hierarchies; they tend to blend in among men but stand out to women. One of the major benefits of such a system, is that the Chad cannot hurt him, lest he risk scorn and shunning from females.
If a woman is cheating on her partner, it is most likely with a Pretty Boy.
Historical Examples[edit | edit source]
When Justin Bieber first became famous, men threw him under the bus, poured gasoline over it, and set the bus on fire, all while taking selfies on a flip phone. When Robert Pattinson starred in Twilight and girls went crazy over him, guys were outraged like angry feminists, but when action hero Gigachad face duo Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise starred in Interview with the Vampire, girls went crazy over them, guys didn't say a word.
Mating strategy[edit | edit source]
Some Blackpill theorists suggest Pretty boys are "alpha-beta males" in that they spread their genes through a short term mating strategy like Chad does but reproduce a large number of sexy daughters instead of sexy sons.
Correlations between Digit Ratio (symbolic of testosterone exposure), Gender Dysphoria and Homosexuality risk, IQ, Socio-Economic Status, and Facial Feminization has been made, suggesting that Pretty Boys are less likely to be biological reject, but as a counter-force against the Alpha's propensity towards Pedophilia and Aggression. TBD.
This explains why Gymmaxxing works well for Pretty Boys, as they are selectively preferable to the Uglycel who are more likely to be biologically over-masculine.
Research[edit | edit source]
Women's attraction to facially feminine males[edit | edit source]
The earliest looks studies done in 1997, concluded that feminine-faced males were more attractive than masculine-faced males.[10] However, other research conducted since has found that hyper-masculinity is more correlated with sexual success in certain mating contexts (short-term relationships).[11]
The original looks studies from 1997 were extremely flawed due to the researchers confusing femininity for beauty. Beauty is a stand-alone trait that has an overlap with femininity. Beauty is attractive in both sexes. Some facial features, such as full lips, are inherently beautiful and attractive to both men and women. Any facial morph where the more "masculine" face has thinner lips, is going to be rated as less attractive. When the feminine/beautiful traits are left alone, but the masculine traits exaggerated, the face is more attractive. Autistic people have an extremely hard time distinguishing femininity from beauty due to being bad with faces (Prosopagnosia, face-blindness).
In short, women couldn't care less if a dude looks like a chick as long as the guy has some super masculine features, such as a strong jaw, chin, hunter eyes, very large full eyebrows, etc. Although in one case Jimin from the kpop boy band B.T.S. scored an 8/10 in raw sex appeal on Photofeeler, on a screenshot from their Dynamite music video, at the climax of the video where he is covered in facially feminizing makeup and singing in a countertenor, Jimin has no masculine features whatsoever other than he happens to be male.[12] 1 off cases like that suggest facial masculinity is more so a by product of increased testosterone, increased height and higher overall natural strength and athleticism, traits women are only weakly attracted to, rather than crucial for sex appeal and attractiveness, with the caveat being enhanced strength and athleticism, through lifting weights is very overall attractive to women especially by the time a man reaches his 40s and older, based on Photofeeler tests us at the incel wiki have run, on photos with the caption "rate raw sex appeal in place of attractiveness." With the results being that even Silverfoxes such as Pierce Brosnan, lose all their raw sex appeal from facial attractiveness, as soon as they take their shirt off, if they are not extremely muscular. The results are so extreme its likely that nearly all women will be physically disgusted just sleeping in the same bed with a non muscular man by the time he reaches his 40s and older, meaning testosterone replacement therapy is crucial to not be seen as only a betabux as an aging man.[13]
Further testing on Photofeeler and a different rating site, Photoeval, with even raunchier, even more sexually forward captions, as well as subtle raunch shows, that even being slightly, overtly sexually forward, causes the most handsome men in the world to lose the overwhelming vast majority of their sex appeal, although still above the perfectly average looking male, and with the raunchiest captions, only heightened muscle mass to the degree of steroid use causes ratings to still be relatively higher, with some facial aesthetics in play as in don't be hideously ugly. Women's insistence men put up an extremely prosocial, asexual front, and a study that showed the frequency and or quality of sex doesn't stop cheating nor does being deeply emotionally bonded lead to greater relationship stability [14], indicates women want nearly all men to ideally frame sex in the most prosocial way possible, which realistically is framing sex in the context of starting a family, as a married betabux that behaves rather asexually after the kids are born. Their exception, allowing ridiculously muscular men to sexually assert themselves can be partially explained by evolutionary psychology as in hunter gatherer tribes, pure upper body strength is the number one factor in being a successful hunter. Still there are some holes in this as the Incel Wiki Team tested photos of men lifting cars and pulling planes in World's Strongest Man competitions and we originally found no attraction from women to feats of strength, suggesting the massive muscles they like are just aesthetically pleasing for the sake of being aesthetically pleasing, until we did further testing, creating 1 to 2 page long monologue bios to add context to the feats of strength and it boosted the athlete in womens eyes only when pulling a plane, and lifting a 600 pound barbell overhead but not lifting a car. This was the preliminary testing to adding "David Goggins" type motivational descriptions 1 to 2 or even 3 pages long to various photos to add even more context. and "Prosocial Motivational", the type of personality David Goggins, John Cena, Dwayne the Rock Johnson etc. have does the best out of a realistic personality a man could have, essentially a jock mentality.
a large international study, involved over 10,000 participants from 43 countries and 22 languages. It aimed to examine how well people’s ideal partner preferences match with their actual partners. The study found that, "A good lover" is the number 1 highest ranked trait a woman prioritizes in a male, both men and women tended to underestimate how important attractiveness ((good looks)) is when they state their preferences.[15]
Women voted Jimin from a screenshot of the Dynamite music video, as the best lover, from a panel of various looks and looks levels including conventional/classic handsomeness, by a wide margin on photoeval and its not virtue signaling since he scored high on photofeeler too and on every context we've tested he scores high. and facial femininity in general scored higher as a lover than facial masculinity but then roided levels of body masculinity does the best as a lover body wise and on other even raunchier sexually forward tests.
So it looks like the ideal male in women's eyes would be a long haired ((could also be a high top fade or a bowl cut as long as its long)) pretty boy that could pass as a girl from the neck up and a bodybuilder body, but years ago we tested those photos and they didn't do amazing on photofeeler, so we moved on, as only 1 test for super long hair women left 0 complaints on, and then that same picture with a different context they complained, we know pretty boys are attractive to women because tiktok, kpop and in real life observation but that's not the same as a scientific test to determine if the appeal is niche or not, we also moved on because no big name attractive guy literally looks like a girl but after years of research we coined the Attractiveness-Based Complacency Bias":
that attractive individuals become complacent and less driven to control the means of production due to their perceived attractiveness. basically the observation that handsome men are drastically underrepresented among people behind the scenes that control the means to earn money, the most attractive aspect of Net Worth and Pretty Boys take this bias to the utmost extreme as they have the least financial prospects due to them disproportionately coming from poor backgrounds,
as the tiktok e boys come from about 30 thousand per year neighborhoods male models 40k actors 50k. the Pretty Boys lack "leadership facial physiognomy" as tested in the business section of photofeeler, so that explains scientifically some, not all of why their financial prospects are so poor and why they arent "leading men" in Hollywood as in the guys more feminine looking than Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp etc. also long hair is considered unprofessional looking. And they may be disproportionately lower/average IQ since no notable pretty boy as in again prettier than Depp, Leo etc. actually looking like a girl has ever risen up from their adversity to do well in academics as a public figure.
So ultimately since pretty boys are the extreme of the bias the pattern looks to be long haired, buff, girl faced, pretty boy the most directly seductive to women least financial prospects and bald, fat, masculine faced, multi billionaire the least directly seductive to women, greatest financial prospects and since chad/chadlite/gigachad have hype masculine "high competency, high leadership physiognomy faces" they are in the middle leaning toward pretty boy. Clearly women don't value high competency, leadership etc. from a purely sexual hedonistic orgasm point of view that much because classically handsome men lose nearly all of their "attractiveness" points under sexually aggressive/forward/raunchy circumstances, which makes it clear most women aren't actively thinking about sex or getting laid just monetary provision and non sexual traits primarily, however roided muscular men do well on the bdsm/rape tests etc. meaning body masculinity to women is primarily/only seen in a sexual light not indicative of being a masculine provider.
This all sheds more light on the "Fabio Effect" the observation that some men are treated much much much better in real life explicitly for their looks than their ratings on Photofeeler would suggest, named after Fabio because he's the worlds most successful male supermodel but his scores on feeler were outlierly high but no where near the top. Pretty boys most likely to experience that, then theres the "anti fabio effect" getting treated way below your rating site looks level, which seems to happen to the sea of self identified incels or "fakecels" that blatantly look like classic male models.
Considering "a good lover" is indeed the most prioritized trait in male as far as women are concerned, Men can google and use the Kunyaza sexual technique to give women an orgasm over 90% of the time within a few minutes.[16][17] Testing of the description of the Kunyaza technique on photeval shows very physically attractive women to be the most sexually receptive, the same findings on the reproductive success page part titled "The End of Hidden Ovulation". It's very clear that higher estrogen exposed women are most sexually receptive. Fat women have the most testosterone and estrogen, therefore the most sexually receptive women should be beautiful faced and "thick". Normally the Incel Wiki team would test the "thick" part to make 100% certain however for whatever reason the vast majority of Photoeval women are relatively thin.
It is also possible that in line with women downplaying their own and men's sexuality they may interpret a "good lover" as just a guy thats rose pedals on the bed, and gifting flowers level romantic, with no sexual connotation which would explain why on photoeval using romantic sexual captions doesnt do well even for jimin, as he didn't reach the leaderboards despite scoring the highest under that context. This would also explain why the Kunyaza technique and its tutorial videos are very obscure and haven't gone viral at all even among women. This would be in contrast to how men rate, with the sexual implication of a "good lover" being highly sought after. As the all time leading score on Photoeval was from Gigastacy Alica Schmidt with the caption "High I'm Alica Schmidt I'm an Olympic runner, primarily in the 200 to 800 meters, Now Holistically rate me as a mother, a girl you'd like to get pregnant, how well I'd do in bed with you, and finally my ability to bear you physically strong sons."[18] With the "how well I'd do in bed with you part" being synonymous with being "a good lover." As far as men are concerned.
In light of the "a good lover" tests not being particularly cared about by women on photoeval the Incel Wiki team tested physical strength even more. Women Rated sheer height, size and width ((Greg Kovacs)) along with objective measurements of strength primarily and speed secondarily ((Mariusz Pudzianowski)) and ((Žydrūnas Savickas)) as more desirable than the most "attractive" and highest "raw sex appeal" body ((Bob Paris)) , whom only beat out ((Brian Shaw)) whom is likely perceived to be the slowest speed wise.[19] Ultimately this test shows that women penultimately care about and desire context more than anything, the more context the better, women rating the objective highest stats in strength and speed as most desirable over the best looking can ironically be explained by being a form of Fisherian runaway, ironic because the original basis for runaway selections focus was on just looks. Also this test shows many fat guys are desirable to women not just because they are seen as prosocial but also because fatness is correlated with physical strength.
The test also reveals what most people are aware of already, bodybuilding as a sport being primarily about male gaze, male intrasexual competition, and males criticizing and competing with other males, for the attention of primarily other males, and not necessarily about maximizing desirability to women, in which case simply focusing on being the strongest most fast strongman would be more desirable. At least at first glance as the Incel Wiki team also had women rate headshots with the caption "Just rate how strong I look physically, in place of attractiveness, I repeat only rate how strong I look physically in place of attractiveness." In contrast to "a good lover" Jimin for once scored one of the lowest and the highest scorers were very very close to making it to the leaderboard, still within the top 1%. Weak faces tended to be extreme passing for a girl looking pretty boys and Blackopps2cel in his most famous picture, the strongest faces tended to have correlating features with attractiveness such as beautiful/handsome head hair, and beard hair quality etc. despite the caption telling women to not take attractiveness into account they couldn't help themselves its a part of how they interpret strength based on aesthetics from the face and hair. Also heightened facial masculinity while normally having nothing or near nothing to do with "attractiveness" is important for perceived physical strength.[20] Its worth noting that the strongest faces did the worst as "a good lover" even when they were also highly "attractive" this is likely because women see that terminology and don't equate it to sex but gifting flowers for valentines day etc. level romance, and equate that behavior with pretty boys. Also among men silver hair didn't take away from perceived strength, meaning the silverfox creates a universal halo effect. Having the strongest body primarily fastest secondarily objectively as well as strongest face + head hair rated by women not men, is likely the most accurate measurement of true physical sex appeal in a male, with "attractiveness" playing a factor although "attractiveness" as far as women are concerned is mostly about how "angelic" and nice etc. of a personality a man is perceived to have not much on true sex appeal.
Romance novels often use long-haired, aesthetic, Chads with added rippling muscles as cover models to appeal to women's B.D.S.M fantasies, the long hair is supposed to bring in readers that would like a touch of femininity on top.
Previous studies (done as early as 1997) on sexual dimorphism showed feminine preferences in female faces and mixed findings in male faces. A 2014 study on preferences for sexual dimorphism on attractiveness levels in male faces found both male and female participants preferred masculine faces to androgynous faces when the faces were highly attractive, but there were mixed results at lowers levels of attractiveness.[21]
Rarity of pretty boys[edit | edit source]
As stated in the opening paragraphs the Incel Wiki Team has analyzed prestigious, poor, and regular high schools, specifically their Seniors in their High School Yearbooks, and the Pretty Boy Archetype is indeed the most common form of handsome man by the widest of margins. Midjourney A.I blended face averages of said seniors revealed, The average White American Pretty Boy looks nearly identical to former N.B.A. Basketball player Kris Humphries, whom is genetically diverse but obviously "white passing". It is a common stereotype that genetically diverse individuals are better looking and our analysis corroborates this. The genetic diversity in most cases creates a koinophilic appearance were features are spread out the most evenly, nothing too far or too near, too big or too small in proportions etc. for example if the nose is small other features will be "in proportion to the small nose" etc. Also the average Native American Pretty Boy Senior indigenous to the United States has the same looks as comedian George Lopez. Meaning that at an all native high school George Lopez would be one of if not the best looking guy at the high school. The next looks level above him would be famous native models Mario Lopez, and Jay Tavare whom would be candidates for the best looking native guys in the city, state or country.
To put this all in perspective Hollywood, Social Media, Video Games etc. Nearly only promotes, and people nearly only consume content from the top 1 %ile, top 0.1%ile, and rarer of good looking people while the top 2%'ile and more common of men for their ethnicity like Kris Humphries and George Lopez respectively don't even get the status of Hearthrob Hottie or in the case of Kris Humphries barely known for his good looks, and George Lopez not at all.
The Incel Wiki Team has long suspected for years that the truly average looking man is much worse looking than rating sites would have one believe, essentially that the average man is closer to a 4/10 and lower on anonymous rating sites like Photoeval and Photofeeler, which does seem to truly be the case. The official looks studies put a 6.6/10 in "attractiveness" as the bare minimum for a guy to be considered "sexy" by women, which is outlier good looks on photofeeler. Now comparing those photos of men that score around that level from photofeeler scores to high school seniors shows they are "only" the best looking guys in high school, with some schools not even having 7+/10 photofeeler looking guys. Which actually means a 6.6/10 on photofeeler in reality is around the top 1% in looks. A 7+/10 in attractiveness on photofeeler would be best looking in the city, state, country and more so 8+/10 internationally. In other words there are really three main top looks levels, high school level, Mr. X Country for example Mr. America male beauty pageant winner looking, and finally international able to win Mr. World good looking. Now those competitions select for more than just the upper echelon of looks they are still the best measuring tool since looks does come first.
Clearly for straight heterosexual males to register another man as a possible threat to him in good looks, a man they feel they need to hide their girl from, the perceived threat needs to be in the top 1 %ile of good looks, where women see "attractiveness", heterosexual men see likability niceness, good morality, most importantly competence, especially hyper competence if his face is good looking and hyper masculine and his body extremely muscular. Most modern top video game characters rated whos the best, by both genders are Gigachad, characters like Chris Redfield, or the entire cast of Mortal Kombat etc. It is likely genetically diverse for their race, muscular men are seen as so attractive and or competent by men and women at every task is a bias that stems from our hunter gatherer ancestry. It's likely that its just fisherian runaway being applied to the fantastical, fantasy aspects of the modern world, in essence evolutionary mismatch across multiple cognitive domains, especially since the best pure athletes all over the world are very obviously full race not super mixed race populations, blacks in running speed whites in strength/powerlifting etc. For example, being a special forces operative hunting international bad guys all over the world would require all the necessary traits to hunt down a simple animal but heightened to the extreme, and we expect our ideal "hunter" operative to look like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Pat Tilman, Mark Vanderloo etc. Its likely following female logic that the attraction women have to genetically diverse male faces has an element of pure cosmetics to it-as in its attractive because its "pretty" and "koinophilic"- a weak heuristic for quality without much information known before hand, and not super advantageous not necessarily the handicap principle but close enough. Since its largely form over function weather its from mental or physical health, in practice on photoeval most of the top guys are genetically diverse as revealed in interviews despite them being white professional male models, even the sole jacked black guy on the leaderboard was a male model not a working athlete, the top guy chico lachowski is the prime example, genetically diverse, he works out and boxes but doesnt actually compete, male models are similar to action figures or dolls that are never taken out of the box and when they are they dont usually perform stellar in athletics its likely ancient hunting on their ancestral lands would have been no different.
Behavioral androgyny, 'homosexual genes', and sexual success[edit | edit source]
Despite mixed results on facial androgyny, research has shown behavioral androgyny to be linearly correlated with more opposite-sex partners.
There is considerable evidence that human sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how exclusive homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency. One hypothesis proposes that while genes predisposing to homosexuality reduce homosexuals' reproductive success, they may confer some advantage in heterosexuals who carry them. However, it is not clear what such an advantage may be.
A study done in 2008 on genetic factors predisposing to homosexuality increasing mating success in heterosexuals, shows that psychologically masculine females and psychologically feminine men are (a) more likely to be gay but (b), when straight, have many more opposite-sex partners. The study shows that both these relationships are partly due to pleiotropic genetic influences common to each trait with statistical modeling of the twin data. They also find a trend for heterosexuals with a non-heterosexual twin to have more opposite-sex partners than do heterosexual twin pairs.
These results suggest that genes predisposing to homosexuality confer a mating advantage in heterosexuals, which helps explain the evolution and maintenance of homosexuality in the population.[22] This study doubles as evidence for genetic determinism.
In a study done by the Department of Psychology, University of Göteborg, Sweden. Photographs of physically attractive men and women were presented as depicting homosexuals and heterosexuals to subjects on the University of California at Berkeley campus who were generally judged to be nonhomophobic opposite-sexed students. The analysis showed that the 62 women rated 3 men as significantly more physically attractive when they believed the men were homosexual than when they believed the men were heterosexual. The 65 men did not rate photographs of 3 women as more physically attractive when they believed the women were lesbian compared to when they believed the women were heterosexual. The results illustrate an effect of the "gay-pretty-boy stereotype," namely, that women judged to be nonhomophobic perceived homosexual men as more physically attractive than comparable heterosexual men.[23]
Studies done on hand attractiveness show women prefer men to have androgynous-looking hands, specifically large palms, and very long, thin, slender fingers, and "aristocratic" looking fingers.[24] Despite this preference for androgynous male hands, women also want these androgynous hands to be extremely strong! Handgrip strength is positively correlated with reproductive and sexual success, as well as women's positive appraisals of male's dance movements.[25][26]
Though, it is not known how much of this greater reproductive success can be attributed to a direct female preference for men with strong hands, with much of it likely due to grip strength being correlated with other desirable traits, such as overall health, physical attractiveness, and optimal pubertal or prenatal androgen exposure. Traits that are either attractive to women directly or help men prevail over male rivals in intrasexual competition.
Emotions[edit | edit source]
The results from a survey of over 1,500 people subscribed to ELITESINGLES magazine demonstrated 81% of women with partners who took the survey stated that they would like their partner to show more emotion. Despite women overwhelmingly claiming that they prefer a man who is open about his emotions, 16% of men (around 1 in 6) wrongly believe that women find emotional men less attractive.[27]
A human being is capable of expressing over 400 different feelings and emotions[28] The women are not saying they want their partner to verbally express their emotions more, like "I am sad." They are saying they want their partner to be more non verbally expressive of their emotions in general, in a showy way, such as a professional actor, singer, or motivational speaker would. When their partner is angry, they want the man to yell and fly into a rage, or when the partner is happy, express this through nonverbal cues such as winks, smiles, dancing, etc. Basically, women want their partners to be more dramatic and entertaining.
Women want men to be able to seamlessly transition from stoic and cool to cocky, amazed, amused, or anyone of the hundreds of emotions a human is capable of, at all the appropriate moments, at a moment's notice, something that autists are incapable of doing. Which is another reason women have a burning hatred for autists.
Scents and flowers[edit | edit source]
A study was performed on the effects of flowers on mating attractiveness and behavior, that included 18–25-year-old women (N = 600) walking alone in a shopping mall. These women were subsequently approached by a physically attractive 20-year-old male-confederate soliciting them for their phone number. The women were more likely to agree to the confederate's courtship solicitation when solicited in the area of the flower shop compared to a cake shop, or a women's shoe shop. Positive mood induced by exposure to flowers was used to explain these results. [29]
In further experiments, women's perception of male attractiveness and women's potential mating behavior was found to be positively affected by simple exposure to flowers. In Study 1, women who were exposed to flowers while they watched a video of a man perceived the man to be more attractive and sexier. They also reported being more inclined to accept a date from him.
In Study 2, women who were exposed to flowers responded more favorably to an explicit solicitation from a male confederate in a subsequent interaction. The results show that simple exposure to flowers had a significant effect on women's perception of mating attractiveness and behavior.[30] The results suggest physically attractive men wearing flower scented perfume would possibly be viewed as even more sexually attractive.
The rise of androgynous men[edit | edit source]
Androgyny has been gaining more prominence and notice in popular culture since the early 21st century, concurrent with the rise of feminism and matriarchal society. The rise of the metrosexual man in the first decade of the 2000s has been described as a related phenomenon associated with this trend. The androgynous trends in fashion hit the public mainstream in the 2000s (decade) that featured men sporting different hairstyles: longer hair, hair dyes, hair highlights. Men in catalogs started wearing jewelry, makeup, visual kei, designer stubble. These styles have become a significant mainstream trend of the 21st century, both in the western world and in Asia.[31] The androgynous K-pop culture has now officially infected the western world through the cellphone app Tik Tok in the form of E-boys, who are the male equivalents to female Instagram models.
For decades the Manosphere has been afraid that women's selection for hyper-masculine men would lead to extinction through nuclear war or some other form of violent collapse of civilization. The reality appears to be men are becoming more behaviorally androgynous (highly masculine in some ways and highly feminine in others), and society is not collapsing but slowly grinding to a halt. It will come to a standstill as more men stop working jobs that benefit, innovate, or bring value to society in some way and instead focus on LDARing, NEETing, or spending all their time looksmaxxing. The inevitable and eventual result is nearly every male in western society spending every ounce of their free time looksmaxxing in an effort to pass on their genes. Western society is becoming an exact mirror image of society within the Wodaabe African tribe, the most matriarchal society on the planet, with the vainest men.
See also[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
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