Dentofacial deformity
A dentofacial deformity is a condition that makes a human face unattractive. Beside the cosmetic effect, a dentofacial deformity may also cause blocked airways, sleep aponea and jaw pain. Theese deformities are one of the main causes of inceldom in men.
list of dentofacial deformities[edit | edit source]
Biretrusion[edit | edit source]
This is the most common dentofacial deformity. People with biretrusion lack Forward growth, but their upper and lower teeth are aligned.
Class 2 malocclusion (Overbite)[edit | edit source]
People with this deformity have a lower jaw shorter than the upper jaw.
Deep bite[edit | edit source]
This dentofacial deformity is oftern correlated with Class 2 malocclusion. People with this malocclusion have a jawline which tends to be a straight line frontally (roblox face) and the lower third appears disproportionately small compare to the middle third.
Class 3 malocclusion (Underbite)[edit | edit source]
People with this deformity have an upper jaw shorter than the upper jaw.