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Macrophallism is an indisposition or condition defined by an erect penile length measuring 2 to 2.5 SD+ more than average (larger than about 7.1-7.5" or 18-19 cm for Westerners).[1][2][3] Although the macropenis is defined by being something abnormal, the ubiquity of porn has made macrophallism seem normal. This has resulted in a lot of angst and shame for 90% of men who don't measure up. Macrophallism may be normal for tapirs, which are South American herbivorous mammals who have penises so long they sometimes accidentally hit themselves in the face with it. Nonetheless, tapirs are pretty much shortcels. That's where horses come in. Horses are pretty tall and they are also pretty well hung. Is it a coincidence that horses are seen as sacred in the western world?

In the incelosphere, macrophallism is widely consider to be a trait held by gigachads. Since most guys can't live up to this standard, we now have phenomenon such as double stuffing, whereby a woman has a threesome with two men inserting their dicks into one vag. Although the average erect circumference is 4.6 inches, combined, they become 9.2 inches of girth.

The main problem faced by macrophallic men is that their flaccid penis is assumed to be erect, and as such, the manbulge this naturally creates is assumed to be an act of public indecency, whereby he may face prejudice and discrimination from wider society.

Terminology[edit | edit source]

Other terms and synonyms denoting the same condition are megaphallus, megapenis, macrophallus, megalophallus and megalopenis.

Macrophallophobia[edit | edit source]

The manbulge of a man with macrophallism is far larger than average. Some employers refuse to hire men with a large manbulge believing a conspicuous manbulge to be sexplicit, lecherous and lascivious. Macrophallophobia is discrimination, fear or hatred against men who have a conspicuous manbulge or a macropenis. Documentaries depicting how macrophallophobic affects real life men was shown in the Channel 4 documentary My Massive C**k which aired in 2022. Victims of macrophallophobic mistreatment directed against the macrophallic manbulge include Matt Barr, Joe Brady. They claim to have been denied job opportunities, as well as socialization opportunities as a consequence of macrophallism and the manbulge this naturally produces.[4]

Discrimination testimonies[edit | edit source]

The following excerpts are testimonies of men who have experienced various forms of discrimination on account of having macrophallism, with discriminatory tendencies such as big penis shaming, called macrophallophobia, which are the various stigmas and hatreds directed towards those with whats known as macrophallism. The testimonies are published under a pseudonym to protect the identities of the men in question.

Stan[edit | edit source]

Stan is a man who has faced macrophallophobic abuse primarily because of incorrect allegations of wardrobe malfunction, which in some extreme cases is dubbed as a form of indecent exposure:

  • (interviewer) Hi Stan.
    • (Stan) Hi.
  • (interviewer) Which medical issue do you face?
    • (Stan) I have a condition called macrophallism which means my penis is in the 99.9th percentile in terms of length or circumference compared to the average adult population
  • (interviewer) What are some of the issues or symptoms that your condition has made you face?
    • (Stan) At best, some people assume you're experiencing a wardrobe malfunction, or at worst some people assume that you are lecherous if you have this condition. In the worst case scenarios, this may even result in one being labelled a pervert, creep or possibly even a sex offender, with no substance behind the accusation whatsoever, besides me having a well-endowed big penis.
  • (interviewer) Does prejudice pertaining to macrophallophobia primarily come from men or women?
    • (Stan) In cultures where women are educated on male physiology and are thus anatomically informed, the rates are even; in other circumstances, women are more likely to be macrophallophobic primarily because they're less likely to understand male anatomy, because they obviously lack male genitalia. So I guess female prejudice in this regard stems from ignorance.
  • (interviewer) Are there any activities that you are prevented from participating in because of a fear of facing macrophallophobic attitudes?
    • (Stan) Yes. I tend to avoid public swimming pools, because even when I'm flaccid, the extensiveness of the proportions that the manbulge of my anatomy produces in the groin area can give the appearance of an erection, and for ignorant people this is deemed either a wardrobe malfunction or indecent exposure.
  • (interviewer) Have you ever met another person going through macrophallophobia or who has macrophallism?
    • (Stan) No. But I have had correspondence with a man who has semi-priapism. What surprised me is how many of the symptoms of semi-priapism and macrophallism overlapped. Semi-priapism, as he described it, is basically is a mild form of priapism, wherein erections are frequent, but without any of the pain that's associated with the actual medical condition of priapism. So because our social situations overlaps, it would be useful to deal with both as a collective.
  • (interviewer) Do you think there should be a form of legislation that protects men and boys with semi-priapism and men and boys with macrophallism?
    • (Stan) Yes, such legislation would help semi-priapistic men and boys and macrophallic men and boys a lot. Prior to 1964, prejudice against black and African-American men and women was widespread. Post 1964, an act was passed that prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Unfortunately, this act neglected to mention discrimination on the basis of physiognomy and lookism. I believe that an added lookist and physiognomist provisions within the civil rights act would reduce macrophallophobic prejudice. Prior to 1964, there were no ramifications for prejudice against black people. Unfortunately, this is the same vulnerable state semi-priapists and macrophallists are in today.
  • (interviewer) Are there any foundations to help people with macrophallism and semi-priapism?
    • (Stan) As far as I know no, there are not. But if at some point in the future a foundation is set up for macrophallists, then it should also incorporate semi-priapists since both conditions are so alike. Neither macrophallism nor semi-priapism is a disease, and both sets of men otherwise function normally. The issue both macrophallists and semi-priapists face are entirely social so should never be referred to as a disease, illness or a disorder but rather a social problem.
  • (interviewer) Do you think a foundation or agency will ever be set up to help macrophallists and semi-priapists?
    • (Stan) I doubt it. Unfortunately, most of western society continues to view any genitalia related topics with comedy, especially if the genitalia-related issue pertains to size. There are countless comedians who create gigs on either small penises or gigs on large penises. As such, as of the 2010s and 2020s, nobody is likely to take the plight of men experiencing macrophallism or semi-priapism seriously. Nonetheless, I hope with some tuition by an agency catering to macrophallists and semi-priapists, at some point such dismissive attitudes to our plight may diminish.
  • (interviewer) What message do you have for the general populace that may aid yourself and other men experiencing the social ramifications of having semi-priapism or macrophallism?
    • (Stan) My message is that there should be an awareness campaign targeted at both men and especially women that neither semi-priapism nor macrophallism is synonymous with an libertine sporting an aroused erection. Greater awareness of the distinction between an libertine's aroused erection on the one hand and semi-priapism and macrophallism on the other will probably help normies to understand the harm associated with such prejudice, and that such prejudice falls under the umbrella term of physiognomy. Hopefully that will increase empathy for our plight.
  • (interviewer) Why should federal funding go towards agencies for men with macrophallism and semi-priapism when there are more pressing medical concerns and disorders?
    • (Stan) As of now, funding for female health and social issues far outweights funding that men receive. One can look at the disparity in statistics between andrology and gynecology where the former gets a fraction of the latter. However, neither macrophallists nor semi-priapists can fall under the andrology umbrella since they aren't medical disorders. They simply face social problems so the social problems should be addressed.

Ron[edit | edit source]

Ron is a man with the condition of macrophallism. The primary form of discrimination he has faced regarding his abnormally large phallus has been the workplace and at service companies:

  • (interviewer) Hi Ron. Can you give an example conveying the macrophallophobia that you've experienced?
    • (Ron) Yes. I will keep most details vague and subtle because the intricacies of details aren't really helpful to the overall point. But I was hired for a job for a service company, which is where the macrophallophobia occurred. Both because of self-consciousness and awareness of the need to be discreet, I frequently sidetucked, uptucked or downtucked my penis to make my manbulge less obvious. But tucking can only be temporary solution to attempting to hide one's dick print. So as such, I tended to only limit tucking for short periods like an interview, or the first day at work. Because at some point, the tucking becomes uncomfortable, the crotch starts sweating and rashes may thus form. Not to mention the fact that tucking can lead to testicular torsion. Therefore, like all men who wish to remain healthy, you start freeballing at some point.
  • (interviewer) Are you saying you faced ramifications for freeballing at work as a macrophallist?
    • (Ron) Yes. I previously faced no problems for freeballing because my previus job was heavy duty and accompanied thick trousers wherein the freeballing wasn't discernible. But at my new career, I faced two employers who reprimanded me, and another who fired me from my job. I just hope that in the same way women are protected if they are freeboobing when they feel uncomfortable wearing a bra, likewise men should be allowed to freeball without any ramifications.
  • (interviewer) So being a macrophallist can ruin your job prospects?
    • (Ron) Yes, it can. I'm a perfect example of that. This is especially the case if you freeball. Freeballing means you are not uptucking, sidetucking or downtucking the penis. This state of affairs might mean the moden western workplace is misandric, because otherwise why is freeballing reprimanded whilst the same attitude towards freeboobing (the act of going braless) would be lambasted as misogyny?
  • (interviewer) Have there been other instances wherein you've experienced macrophallophobia?
    • (Ron) Kind of. Basically any type of service in close quarters are the most likely for it to occur; for example I've had massotherapists and Brazilian waxers reject service to me because they assumed I was erect, when I was not, even though I had previously been a customer at their venue. Other less close quarters services can likewise turn you down.
  • (interviewer) Have you experienced macrophallophobia at home?
    • (Ron) Yes. Most people have no qualms about wearing whichever wardrobe item they want to wear. Besides macrophallism I aso have a high metabolism which causes me to get hot easily. As such, I enjoy wearing light clothes such as basketball shorts, sweatpants and pajama pants. However because the manbulge this creates I am often forced to be uncomfortable in my own home lest my family members feel discomfort at the sight of my manbulge.
  • (interviewer) Have your family members ever made comments about them finding your manbulge being obnoxious to see?
    • (Ron) Not explicitly. My older sister is a socially progressive person who has many traits associated with HPS (Histrionic personality disorder). My manbulge results in especially my older sister presuming things about my personality and political orientation. I was forced to stop wearing sweatpants because my sister presumes I'm socially liberal and a libertine. She doesn't realize that the manbulge is not caused by me being erect or semi-erect, but rather because my penis is simply large. She frequently brings up socially liberal talking points to me which I object to. But its difficult to convince her of my prudish and socially conservative nature when my manbulge makes me look like a libertine, in her mind at least. So basically my sister presumes she knows my political orientation, a presumption which could not be more incorrect since I am very socially conservative.

Bob[edit | edit source]

Bob is a man with the condition of macropenis, macrophallus or megalophallus. The predominant form of abuse he endured for his abnormally large penis occurred during his preteen and toddler years by people close to him, including family and family friends and peers:

  • (interviewer) When and why did you experience abuse for having a big penis?
    • (Bob) My earliest memory of macrophallophobic abuse occurred when I was still a toddler. Due to my autism I retained diaper use a bit longer than most kids, almost up to 5 years old. The problem was that when I'd have an erection as a child my penis would peek out of the waistband of my diapers. This was because although a child, I had a penile length the equivalent of the average adult and the diaper couldn't contain my penis inside. I lived with two aunties who both would shout at me if peeking-out penis resulted in me wetting the bed. The older auntie frequently beat me as a result of it, not taking into consideration I had autism, nor that I couldn't control that my penis would peek out of diapers.
  • (interviewer) Did you face macrophallophobia beyond your toddler years?
    • (Bob) Yes. I faced macrophallophobic abuse during my post-toddler years too, by both my mother and by my aunties. By the age of 5 I had transitioned from diapers to potty training seats. However, because I had an adult penis on a child's body, my penis would lean upon the seat whenever I'd defecate. This gave my aunts additional reasons to verbally abuse me when I'd end up peeing outside of the potty seat. As for my mother, she encouraged me to run around the house naked up to the age I was around 6 o so, I suspect because she treated my endowment as a trophy to show off. The reason I know my mother wanted me to be ostentatious and almost an exhibitionist is because my other two siblings (one who's a girl, and the other a brother with a normal-sized penis) were never persuaded into behaving as an exhibitionist.
  • (interviewer) So to your mother, you were akin to a family figurine?
    • (Bob) Yes, I was kind of like a designer baby sculpture to her, a status which she probably believes derived from her own genes contributing to my endowment.
  • (interviewer) Did you face any macrophallophobia during your pretween years?
    • (Bob) Yes. I faced macrophallophobic abuse during my pretween years when I was roughly 7 or 8 by a female brunette neighbour who was 16 years old at the time. She somehow found out I had a adult-sized penis; perhaps via seeing my manbulge, or overhearing from one of my aunts. Her mother and my mother were friends so she often stayed over. Subsequently I remember roughly 4 occasions where she'd proceeded to nickname me as "elephant leg" and "three leg", especially when she'd bring another friend over. The teen neighbour and her friend would also take pictures of my nether regions on their smartphones after pulling my shorts down.
  • (interviewer) What's the worst form of discrimination you've faced for having a big penis?
    • (Bob) The worst was being called a rapist by my school peers whilst I was a preteen on account of my size. I live in a country where public school showers after sports practice is standard. As such, every boy in my tween class had seen one another's equipment. The difference was that genital-wise, I was twice or thrice as endowed as all the other boys. The word soon got out to the tween girls in my class about my phallic endowment whereupon I would be egged on to expose myself. Because of my autistic neurological wiring, I often cannot envision the consequences or fallout from an action of mine. So somehow when I did expose myself at their urging both girls and boys in my class dubbed me as a rapist, even though I had not touched anyone.
  • (interviewer) Have you faced any macrophallophobic abuse as an adult?
    • (Bob) No. This is mostly because I have mastered the art of uptucking, sidetucking and downtucking to the point my manbulge is no longer noticeable. Tucking in my circumstance is the male analogous practice to what is in some Tropical Zone nations described as breast ironing. Tween girls breast iron to ensure they do not endure a sexual gaze. I downtuck for the same reason.
  • (interviewer) What's your message to people curious about what macrophallic men face?
    • (Bob) My message is that from my experience, the general populations macrophallists tends to behave as if you have less of a right to a private life if you're a macrophallist. My experience is proof that objectification is not a notion limited to women as I had obviously been objectified from childhood. Furthermore, the subset of men, or boys in my case, who face the highest risk of being subjected to being objectified are men with the condition of macrophallism. Also unlike with women, being objectified can go hand-in-hand with being viewed as a sexual predator, purely on account of one's physiological makeup.

Definition[edit | edit source]

Alternatively defined as penile length more than 2 SD above the mean for age objective or apparently increased penile length for age. In this alternative definition, penile length is the distance between the midline attachment of the gently stretched, flaccid penis above the pubic symphysis and tip of the glans. There may exist a discrepancy for measurement of macrophallism for some growers (those whose penis grows significantly during erections) and showers (those for whom the erect size differs only slightly). In the former (usually among younger men) the penile length may be in the normal range while flaccid but reach macrophallic lengths upon an erection. In the latter a man may have macrophallic penile dimensions while flaccid but is in the normal range while erect. This is due to the variation in tumescing growth of a grower 5.3 cm [SD 0.5] compared to 3.1 cm [SD 0.9] in a shower.

Causes[edit | edit source]

Macropenis may result from complications from adrenal or pituitary disorders disorders[5], or recurrent episodes of priapism which lead to excessive growth of the penile tissues[6] Macropenis in children can derive from multiple causes, including an unusual rise in testosterone production, testicles with interstitial cell tumors, hyperplasia, an adrenal cortex with a tumor, precocious puberty and associated hypothalamic tumors or as a byproduct of other congenital anomalies. It can also occur due to a chromosomal disorder, such as inversion of chromosome 15 or deletion of chromosomal region 13q21q31.[7] Some men have acquired the penis size above the median range through deliberate enhancement methods, through the usage of a specific device, a medicinal substance or through manual manipulation such as jelqing.[8]

Girth factor[edit | edit source]

The fact that the average adult human penis size is 6 centimeters shorter than the average dildo size confirms the dickpill segment of blackpill. However studies also show women typically prefer girth over length. This means figures with girthy members such as Jondebord, or actors with girthy members such as LilRedVelvettt's boyfriend, Interesting_toadSage aka Marquis Monster_2001, and Foreign Ferrari manage to attain gigachad social status in the sexual marketplace purely on account of their genitalia dimensions. Although there are others who are well-endowed such Dunta Amazin, he is nonetheless endued primarily with length rather than girth meaning he's demoted to either chadlite or chad status by the aforementioned girthy dickmogging gigachads.

Risks[edit | edit source]

There are also many downsides to having macrophallism, a condition also known as macrophallus, megalophallus, megalopenis, megaphallus, and megapenis. This typically means that one's genitalia or more specifically the penis falls upwards of 95th percentile for length and/or girth within the male population. The main social problem associated with having macrophallism is that even when flaccid, under clothes the manbulge doesn't seem to be flaccid but is assumed to be erect because of its sheer size. This causes many men with macrophallism to face prejudice and false alarms of being a creep. Even if sexual harassment charges are not filed to the police, a macrophallic man may still face discrimination, such as being barred from certain establishments, from public events, or alienated from his wider community.

Hundreds of other problems caused or associated with having macrophallism are discussed on the subreddit r/bigdickproblems.

References[edit | edit source]

  5. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality - Volume 4, Issues 7-12 - Page 128, 1970
  6. Kassim, A. A; Umans, H; Nagel, R. L; Fabry, M. E (2000-09-01). "Megalophallus as a sequela of priapism in sickle cell anemia: use of blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging". Urology.
  7. Baky Fahmy, Mohamed (2014). Rare Congenital Genitourinary Anomalies: An Illustrated Reference Guide. p. 13.
  8. Kim, Won Whe. "History and Cultural Perspective." Penile Augmentation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2016. 11-25.

See also[edit | edit source]



Looks theoryLooksRegression toward the meanBeautyGolden RatioDecilePSL ratingThe WallScientific BlackpillPhysiognomyBody dysmorphic disorderCheerleader effectGaitLooks bottleneck

Lookism communities (defunct)


GymmaxxingHeightmaxxingStatusmaxxingMoneymaxxingSurgerymaxxingWhitemaxxingAnabolic steroidsHGHSARMsJelqingSkinmaxxingFacemaxxing
Controversial: MewingBone smashingFacepullingNofaping

Looks levels

MelvinTannerBradChadliteCryptochadChadGigachadPretty Boy | LandwhaleWitchBeckyStacyliteStacyGigastacy | High-tier normie


EthnicelJBW theoryRicecelCurrycelBlackcelArabcelWhitecel


AcnecelWristcelBaldcelEyecelNosecelOldcelUglycelFatcelShortcelTear troughSkinnycelDentofacial deformityUpper eyelid exposureWide Set Eyes

Body Parts

EyesBulging eyesLateral orbital rimLipsLower thirdMandibleInfraorbital rimMaxillaEyebrowMoustacheBoobsButtocksLeggingsFeetBrow ridgeCheeksPenisBonepressedVaginaPubic hair

Body Characteristics

MacrophallismMacropenis dilemmaMidface ratioNeotenySexual attractivenessSexual dimorphismFacial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical DiagnosisNorwoodingFashionAntefaceFiveheadFrameFacial width-to-height ratioChinCanthal tiltCompact midfaceDeep-set eyesHunter eyesIPDFacial masculinityFacial asymmetryBody attractivenessMuscle theoryNeck theoryFeminizationEstrogenTestosteroneMilkmiredWinemiredAcneES ratioWide-set eyesFacial Convexity