Macropenis dilemma

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The macropenis dilemma refers to the mismatch between the average penis size and the most common ideal penis size in women. Surveys show that a woman's average ideal erect penis size is 6.4 inches. This is despite the fact that the average erect penis size is 13.12 cm (1.66 SD; 5.16 inches). An erect penile length that measures 2 to 2.5 SD+ more than average is considered to be a macropenis. Hence, a macropenis can be defined as a penis whose erect length is at least 18-to-19 centimeters (7.1-to-7.5 inches).

This means that a woman's average ideal penis size is actually only 1.8 centimeters away from macrophallism. In other words, women's average ideal penis size is not far from being in the abnormally large range, hence giving further credence to the Pareto principle.

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