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Hapacels are people whose inceldom can be attributed to the fact they are Hapas, that is half-Asian half-White.

Hapacels have similar situations to mulattos, but tend to be a combination of all different types of cels. Most Hapas are born from incel fathers who cheat evolution through JBW and beta bucks, since Asian women are well known for liking White people, and for marrying for money and not for looks (which may be due to the slow life history strategy model which is said to be widespread in Asia). Therefore, Hapas are a combination of being physically unattractive as well as Asian. While being Asian itself is not a deterrent, it is theorized that many women stay away from Hapa men due to the stigma and phenomenon of racist White incels getting with Asian women. This means that many Hapas suffer from being framecels, mentalcels, mancels, uglycels, and stormfrontcels - since many Hapa men want to be White due to their parents' bizarrely confusing and semi-racist parenting.

Hapacels have been shown to be particularly dangerous, because many of their tiger mother bluepill their sons by saying that Hapas are all movie stars, which, if you look at the low quality of their fathers, could not be further from the truth.

See also[edit | edit source]

Well-known incel categories

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CybercelEscortcelIncompetencelGymcelLocationcelCountrysidecelDenialcelNearcelSemicelNoncelFakecelTruecelVolcelNymphocelMarcelMismatchcelOldcelYoungcelShycelIncelosphere riftsStandardcelStoicelVoicecelWeebcelSistercelProtocelStormFrontcel

See also: Causes of celibacy, and -cel