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The term "lesbocel" is a synonym of the word incelbian. The term yurincel (a portmanteau derived from the manga slang "yuri" which is the equivalent of "lesbian") is also used. All those terms term designate someone who considers being lesbian as the main cause of their incelibacy.

In the USA, Lesbocels tend to live in red states and often are too shy to approach women, or are shunned by fellow women and perceived as predatory creeps due to their female attraction (as this puts them adjacent to men). Some bisexual or extremely repressed lesbocels may cope by having sex with straight men when clamjammed. However, true lesbocels are entirely incapable of romantic or sexual attraction towards men, so they may use straight men as platonic companionship to offload their emotional baggage onto, or avoid them altogether.

In general, the idea of lesbian incels as a concept is comparable to Femcels and Gaycels: it is not real in the majority of cases (in the West at least). Moreover, the solution would be for lesbiancels to date each other.

Korephilic women[edit | edit source]

Korephilia is a paraphilia and sexual attraction of an adult woman towards a pubescent or postpubescent girl, a subset of lesbianism. Some sources describe being korephilic as a lesbian hebephilia or lesbian ephebophilia while others describe korephiles as having the orientation thats the feminine equivalent to pederasty, which constitutes an adult male and young boy. Lena Dunham was once cited for engaging in a korephilic relationship, because in an autobiography she wrote, she detailed intimate incidents between herself and her younger sister. Although because the korephilic incidents were also familial, it might better be termed as a sibcon (sibling comlex) korephilia or siscon (sister complex) korephilia.

See also[edit | edit source]

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See also: Causes of celibacy, and -cel
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