Name: | Hamudi Ebalz |
Date of Birth: | 2 September[1] 1973 |
Occupation: | Unclear |
Ethnicity: | Disputed (either Syrian or Turkish) |
Hamudi ("Hamudi" in Arabic is a diminutive of "Muhammad" and other derived names), who also self-identified heavily as "Syrian Subhuman" is one of the few incels of Middle-Eastern descent to discuss inceldom openly online. He did so in English, German and Turkish[2]. He was a vlogger, whose channels were suspended multiple times by YouTube. He deleted his last channel in September 2020.
Personal Life[edit | edit source]
According to himself, Hamudi comes from Syria,[3] attended a German school there[4] and already became blackpilled in elementary school[5] (however, there are no German schools in Syria,[6] but only a Goethe-Institut with branches in Damascus and Aleppo[7]). He got bullied by the alpha boys and laughed at by the girls, the experience of which traumatized him until this day.[5] Because of this experience, he concluded that there are unspeakable truths.[5] In 2011, he immigrated to Germany as a refugee.[3] As of May 2019, he claimed to be 45 years old.[8]
Hamudi lives in the Stuttgart region, as indicated by him speaking in the Swabian dialect of German, with Hamudi pronouncing "s" as "sch". He claims to suffer from multiple sclerosis.[8] In June 2016, he joined Lookism.net under the alias Asylantenboy, where in 2017 he claimed he would kill himself.[9] He also uploaded several incel videos on Vimeo during this time.[10] In 2019, he had been active in the German 'Absolute Beginner' incel community for a short time, but he got banned after promoting the blackpill to other users.[11] So far, he is Germany’s most prominent self-identified Incel and was described as the country's sole blackpill YouTuber by German-speaking MGTOW vlogger Niccolò in April 2020[12].
Description[edit | edit source]
Hamudi has very well developed and symmetrical facial aesthetics, despite being balding and being overweight, and gets tons of IOI's from women in public, some of them being Stacies. Hamudi may one day be a successful betabux. There are even claims he is a Fakecel and secretly a tall Chad.[13][14] However, three videos where he took part in a counterprotest against right-wing anti-Islam Zionist Michael Stürzenberger in Stuttgart show he is definitely not tall but obviously shorter than Stürzenberger,[15][16][17] who is 5'10.5" (179 cm).[18] During a livestream on YT in July 2022, Hamudi's close friend Incel TV said he doesn't believe Hamudi was larping, since his performance appears to have been too elaborate for a larper.
Basically, Hamudi creates blackpill content. His core message relates to JBW theory. Hamudi also touches upon lookism, the heightpill, and the dogpill in his videos. On 28 May 2018, a user named "Link" reposted a video titled "Blackpill facts 2018", and it received critical acclaim on various incel communities. The video is a short, crude version of Eggman's famous 'take the blackpill' video and it delivers eye-opening facts in a humorous manner. He is known for his very low level of social inhibition. Many of his videos involve him accosting random people and discussing blackpill topics, and they also frequently consist of him utilizing PSL and incel terms and slang in public.
Hamudi's channels were closely associated with Incel TV and FACEandLMS.
Blackpill facts - 2019 edition[edit | edit source]
Hamudi made another sensational video regarding the Blackpill in which he claimed he had been blackpilled on an even deeper level which he dubbed 'the Hiroshima-Nagasaki blackpill', updated for the current year (2019). In the video, a deeply melancholic Hamudi proclaims himself 'the next Elliot Rodger'. Hamudi then states that his viewers will likely 'rope' (commit suicide) after learning of the blackpill facts he will reveal.
He then lists many flaws that he proclaims are a death sentence in terms of SMV for the bearers of them. Such as dicklets, baldcels, manlets, ethnics, and blackcels.
Hamudi goes on the praise and agrees with then U.S President Trump's controversial statement that third-world, and especially Middle-Eastern countries, are 'shitholes'.
'Left-wing' white women in Germany to are subjected to condemnation, with Hamudi accusing them of hypocrisy for praising the mass importation of refugees, but continuing to direct their romantic affection towards white men, saying "If it comes to fucking or to get pussy they don't want the Abdul from Syria or the ugly African sand-nigger (in their speech) they want white people".
He then states that 'it's over' for those with a low-iq because they can't get a decent job, thereby attracting women with their financial status, but then states that it's also over for successful wagecucks, as they are competing with far wealthier men.
Hamudi then proclaims that it's also over for disabledcels or those with poor eye-sight that require eye-glasses, stating that he himself has a disability. He then argues that simply being born as a male is a disadvantage, as women live on tutorial island while males are forced to partake in a brutal Darwinian struggle for existence. An example of this dynamic he provides is the fact that even landwhales manage to obtain plentiful orbiters and romantic prospects.
Finally, he blasts members of the MGTOW movement, proclaiming that they are simply ugly men that were 'forced to go their own way'. He states that women do not care about MGTOWs withholding their attention from women, because they want ugly men dead. Just like the first video in this series, it received plenty of internet attention.
Conflict with Ali Iscitürk and dispute over identity[edit | edit source]
During 2019, Hamudi had been in conflict with Turkish realtor and flat earth conspiracy theorist[19] Ali Iscitürk, who is a denialcel according to him. Thereby, Hamudi accused Iscitürk of fraud.[20] In doing so, Hamudi made several statements about himself which are difficult to reconcile with his other 'incel activist' videos. He claimed to run a business in Nordenham which went bankrupt in 2018,[1] while he had still been unemployed in May 2017 according to his Lookism.net posts,[9] and his Vimeo videos were already filmed in Stuttgart during this time.[21] Regarding his bankruptcy, he claimed to sleep until 1 P.M (implying unemployment),[1] while he had earlier claimed to work in a Döner shop in 2018.[22] He also claimed to act out of his conscience towards God,[1] while he stated he was an atheist in a later video.[23]
Iscitürk reacted against Hamudi by creating the YT channel "Incel and Black Pill".[24] There, Iscitürk claims Hamudi is no Arabcel but "a Turk, who grew up well and secure in Ludwigsburg", and that he is a Freemason and a Satanist.[25]
In a booklet published by the leftist, government funded Amadeu Antonio Foundation, in which Incels are linked to right-wing extremism, Veronika Kracher calls Hamudi a "German".[26] There is no proof supporting this claim, since Hamudi himself never said he is one, neither by ancestry nor by passport.
Opposition to COVID measures and withdrawal[edit | edit source]
In 2020, Hamudi additionally became critical of the COVID-19 measures, gaining new subscribers. Part of his German audience only knows him because of this. He eventually became a vocal supporter of German-Turkish vegan cookbook author and COVID critic Attila Hildmann: "You are laughing at Attila Hildmann. But Attila Hildmann is a man of honor. He dares. He is real."[27]
In July 2020, Hamudi claimed he is not doing well, in a more emotional way than usual. Close to tears, he said it's about time for him to decide whether he will "meet Baraka" (commit suicide like Baraka) or not.[23] He chose the song "Unutamam" from the Turkish drama series Endless Love for this as background music.[28] Veronika Kracher mentions the video in her book Incels: Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults, describing him as "obviously depressive and suicidal".[29]
In September 2020 Hamudi published his last video, in which he announced that he will close his channel since he claimed he was being surveilled and that cars were following him because of his anti-COVID activism.[27] He then said there were plans for a second lockdown in Germany, which would affect Christmas and New Year's Eve.[27]
Hamudi's channels on BitChute and Vimeo still exist, but are inactive. According to Incel TV, he also doesn't respond to emails anymore,[30] although Incel TV had planned to make a collaboration video with him before he disappeared.
See More[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
Incel Vloggers Navbox | |
Active on Youtube |
Kyle Incel • FACEandLMS • Hell by the Dashboard Light • HeedandSucceed • DownhillDMiller • Eggman • Rejected-From-Eve .Zero • DBDR • Samuel Maxwell • BigBossCalvin83 • William Greathouse • Mainländer • Steve Hoca • Off Grid Prosperity • Just James • nevergiveup • Marshall Mathers the 4th • Blue Skies Media • VVS • St. Nevergiveup • Incel TV • Pinkyculture • Lone Wolf87 • Forever Alone Guy • TriforceOfAdam • BASEDandLMS |
Retired from Vlogging |
jsanza29 • Kent • Blaze1 • Catfishman • Oreo Man • Eurasian Tiger • JamiltheKing • Dwayne Holloway • UglyLoser • Grotesque Subhuman • Syrian Subhuman/Hamudi • Kickspassion • James FT |
Dead |
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Saint Hamudi: Der Immobilienclan von Alanya, BitChute, 14 September 2019.
- ↑ Black Pill Türkiye - Türk Kadınlar ve Gerçekler | Hamudi Ebalz - Black Pill [Belgeseli], YouTube (Hikikomori Pi Germany), 27 February 2020 (reupload).
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 master: ideal, Vimeo, 2017.
- ↑ This forum should be completly in German, Lookism.net, 27 March 2017.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Die Wahrheit über Frauen in Deutschland 2019 Black Pill Germany, YouTube (Bernd Lauert), 9 February 2020 (reupload).
- ↑ Weltkarte der Auslandsschulen, Auslandsschulwesen.de.
- ↑ List of Goethe-Institut locations, Wikipedia.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Hamudi Ebalz: Selbstversuch 120 000 Einheiten hochdosiertes Vitamin D, Aktiv-mit-MS, May 2019.
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Asylantenboy: Suicide is coming ! 40 % Bodyfat ( beer belly ) ( VIDEO PROOF from me INSIDE ), Lookism.net, 2 May 2017.
- ↑ Hamudi's Vimeo channel.
- ↑ Zu hässlich, keine Chance bei Frauen., Absolute Beginner Treff, 1 October 2019.
- ↑ Niccolò: Die Black Pill - (mit Hamudi Ebalz), YouTube, 26 April 2020.
- ↑ azier: Hamudi the "syrian subhuman" - Is he gigachad?!, YouTube, 11 September 2019.
- ↑ Chad of Mercia: Saint Hamudi feat. Right said Fred - I'm too sexy for Incels, YouTube, 1 December 2019.
- ↑ Saint Hamudi: Syrian Incel Hamudi vs German Right Wing Group KKK, BitChute, 9 November 2019.
- ↑ EWO Live: Michael Stürzenberger BPE Live aus Stuttgart, YouTube, 9 November 2019 (Hamudi wears a blue shirt under his jacket, while Stürzenberger is the orator with the mike).
- ↑ MACHTTV: Die Zerstörung des Islam-Hetzers Michael Stürzenberger, YouTube, 15 November 2019 (Hamudi and Stürzenberger standing close to each other).
- ↑ Ist Michael Stürzenberger 1,80 m groß oder eher größer?, gutefrage.net.
- ↑ alanya-villas-and-homes: Alanya - Flache Erde die üblichen Reaktionen - Ali Iscitürk, YouTube, 20 February 2020.
- ↑ Saint Hamudi: Das öffentliche Tribunal von Alanya gegen den Betrug, BitChute, 1 December 2019.
- ↑ master: competition, Vimeo, 2017.
- ↑ Red Pill Reality in Germany as a sub8 Male, YouTube (Link), 28 May 2018 (reupload)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Blackpill - The Lost Files of Saint Hamudi: The Fallen Ones., YouTube (Draulix), 16 January 2021 (reupload).
- ↑ Incel and Black Pill, YouTube.
- ↑ Incels its not over!!! saint Hamudi is Over! i learn you to have a good live with a good girl, YouTube, 7 December 2019 (comment section).
- ↑ Veronika Kracher: Frauenhassende Online-Subkulturen. Ideologien – Strategien – Handlungsempfehlungen, Berlin 2021, p. 26.
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Hamudi Ebalz Saint Hamudi letztes Video 09/2020, YouTube (Telegram Youtube Kanal), 9 January 2021 (reupload).
- ↑ nani nani: Kara Sevda Unutamam, YouTube, 19 February 2017.
- ↑ Veronika Kracher: Incels. Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults, Mainz 2020, p. 202-203.
- ↑ Incel TV: Heightpill | When Donald Trump ENDED Mike Bloomberg's political career, YouTube, 3 September 2020 (comment section).