
Catfishman, also known as, 'Drdolittle23' on reddit, and 'Killerryan675' on lookism and former puahate member, is a 33 year old current or former real life janitor known in the incel communities for cyberstalking incels and normies. He is also known for catfishing girls on dating apps before meeting them, video taping 50 plus encounters and uploading it on a now defunct Bitchute channel. Catfishman has told other incels that he has 'fucked over 35 females', but says that this all happened a long time ago, before the Tinderization of Western society, when hypergamy was less extreme and dating was easier.
He was banned from in early March 2019 by cocksucker, and people remarked that this was the logical conclusion of the line of cases that began with Zesto, Zyros, and Leucosticte.
Around 2015 to 2016 He used to be a pickup artist, cold approaching females during the day and getting rejected by nearly all of them. While he was trying to make sense of his rejections, he stumbled upon an anti-PUA website that convinced him he was ugly. Then one of the user's of the anti-pickup artist site referred him to a site called lookism, where he started posting in 2016.
Arrest history[edit | edit source]
Catfishman has gone to jail quite a few times. In his chronological order of previous jail visits:
- Feb 2012 - May 2012: month and a half, restraining order and domestic violence
- Sept 2012 - May 2013: 8 months, protection order violation
- May 2017: 3 days, cyberstalking
YMCA Chess Playing[edit | edit source]
He also has played in many tournaments against children, which he has a 19-5 record and plays often.
list of chess playing tournaments in which he played with children or against children
- Idaho chess open
- Portland winter open
Piss Drinking[edit | edit source]
The piss drinking occured in the incel discord server known as the abode. He apparently annoyed so many people that someone insisted that he drink his own pee, videotape it, and upload it, which he did. The girl he orbited was a girl named talia aka noodles, a mentally ill teen girl. Little did he know he was baited by her mentally disturbed self as an individual only to get him as an orbiter while paying the ultimate price for giving the unknown female attention
Banned from[edit | edit source]
He was banned from in early 2019. All of his catfishing vlogs have disappeared from bitchute not long afterwards.
4chan/Green text Catfishman[edit | edit source]
Apparently there was a previous catfishman, green text Catfishman was on a site called 4chan. The alternate catfishman basically documented his catfish escapades. It's unknown whether Green text Catfishman documented catfishing was real or just story telling.
But the incel Catfishman has no connection to the green text Catfishman nor did he ever post on 4chan. Incel Catfishman was discovered prior to the r/incels ban.
External links[edit | edit source]
- His YouTube Vlog (no longer available due to a privacy claim by a third party)
- A podcast interview
- World star hip hop video
- BBC documentary
See also[edit | edit source]
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