Kyle Incel

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Name: Kyle Incel
Date of Birth: 1994
Occupation: NEET
Ethnicity: white

Kyle Incel is a YouTuber and incelebrity who has been vlogging about his inceldom and his life for years. He lives with his parents, is unemployed, appears to have a rational attitude about his own appearance due to women on dating apps only picking chads, and has trouble controlling his anger. He is self proclaimed as looking slightly above average. However, he feels he is not good looking enough for any women on Tinder he calls them femoids which is derogatory. He became well known after he made a video threatening suicide if he continued to not get Tinder matches called "The Life of UnicornLover69--On Tinder and My Suicide Plans". Re-uploaded here:[5]. This is not the first time he has made a public suicide threat[1]. His general mysterious aura also helped his channel become popular as he almost never engaged with youtube comments made directly at him for years. He also made very dramatic video titles. He was known on /r/foreveralone and Youtube at first as "UnicornLover69".

Vlogs[edit | edit source]

He vlogged for years about his trouble with inceldom and trying to have a long-term relationship. He has had one night stands during the course of his vlogging but has not been able to find a girlfriend. After a certain amount of time, his second channel "Kyle Incel", became so popular, that he felt uncomfortable. This caused Kyle to delete all his videos in the summer of 2018, after which he started a third channel, simply named "Kyle Incel 2"

In the Spring of 2019, he renamed "Kyle Incel 2" to "Kyle H.". Later in 2019, he renamed it back to "Kyle incel".

Dreams of Threesomes[edit | edit source]

Controversy[edit | edit source]

His reluctance to engage directly with incel forums, the dramatic video titles, and his lack of linking social network accounts has prompted many incels to think he is acting for female attention, fun, or profit. Although that wouldn't explain why he closed his channel after he became popular.

Incel Groupies[edit | edit source]

Kyle has, through being a public figure, obtained a number of female orbiters who comment on his page, often offering to date him or let him have babies with them. However even after releasing his snapchat account in mid-2018, no woman to date from Youtube has actually followed up on their cockteasing.

"BDD"[edit | edit source]

Kyle often feels he is being viciously hairmogged by other men his age, which is a rational thought. However he hyperfocuses on it, missing more positive features of his body/face. He may also be a manlet, also possibly disproving notions of BDD. Kyle if you are not feel free to edit this.

References[edit | edit source]

See Related[edit | edit source]

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