Joseph Goebbels

Paul Joseph Goebbels was the German Reich Minister of Propaganda (ger.: "Reichspropagandaminister") of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler's closest friend.
Among his political enemies, he was mocked for being only 165cm (5' 5") tall due to his Osteomyelitis he developed at the age of 4. He is the pinnacle of a the German term "Schrumpfgermane" (eng.: "short statured germanic") since he's a manlet, and generally lacks in terms of then ideal aryan phenotypical features.
He and his family eventually ropemaxxed in the Führerbunker (eng.: "Bunker of the leader [Hitler]") when the allies were already in Berlin. (last speech 7 weeks before he ropemaxxed)
Life[edit | edit source]
He was born into a relatively poor family next to 5 siblings in the rhine region.
Goebbels interpreted his illness making him a manlet as a “sign” by a higher power and tried to compensate for it throughout his life by nerdmaxxing as a teen: He almost only got A's in school, and even talked in the final farewell speech.
He afterwards wanted to be a volunteer in the military but got rejected for his physical disability, so he instead studied german studies and history.
His second girlfriend was Else Janke, a half-jew, that he would've married if she wan't jewish.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Elliot Rodger was fascinated by the Nazis, including Goebbels. He even suspected him being Jewish, according to his search history.