Mr. C
Mr. C., or "Michael", was the third and last admin of
Attitude[edit | edit source]
Mr. C had a strict moderation style. In an interview with Michael, Elle Magazine stated that Michael claims to disown any misogyny left on the board, which he describes as still a cesspit but with some more moderate members to act as a buffer. The interview also contains the following sentence, "While Michael says the vitriol and indignation are misguided at best—'By becoming resentful, you're not going to endear yourself to many women. I may have some of the same feelings, but I deal with them' [says Michael][1]".
Forum Transfer[edit | edit source]
The previous admin Rammspieler suffered a personal misfortune a few years ago prompting him to hand over the site to 'Mr. C.'. 'Mr. C.', or 'Michael', from the Shy Boys IRL documentary, is the current main admin as of 2018. The current mod ieatboogers is the site's (guarded) historian.
Rammspieler went on to distance himself from his site, implying the forum encouraged an unhealthy mindset. This despite him being one of the most caustic members of the forum in the past and being the the person who let the more abrasive people run wild for years on the forum.
Now as the site has distanced itself from both Gilmartin's work and inceldom in general through laziness, the site eventually died then closed down in mid-2020.