Redpill Bible

The Redpill Bible or Bibbia di JohnnyRed ("Bible of Johnny Red") or Bibbia di johnny-red ("Bible of johnny-red") is a collection of redpilled catchphrases created by johnny-red, a user from the Italian incelosphere.
The origin of the Redpill Bible is unknown, it may be a compilation made by someone of sentences written by johnny-red on the Forum Dei Brutti. The Redpill Bible can be seen on 28 February 2016 in a forum post in a guide thread.[1]
Lore[edit | edit source]
In year 2016, user Johnny Red (may St. BlackOpsCel bless him and grant him peace) after the umpteenth rejection, decided to lay down and rot at home. After several days of LDARing Our Lord St. BlackOps2Cel (peace be upon him) appeared to him like in a mirage, and, resembling Muhammad with the holy Quran, St. BlackOpsCel dictated to Johnny Red the first 28 verses of the Redpill Bible. Originally published on, the Redpill bible became the doctrine of italian incel community.
Top quotes[edit | edit source]
1) All that counts is the pretty face
2) Under a certain aesthetic threshold for women you are just a cockroach or a creeping earthworm
3) "Alternative" girls do not exist, all women only want a man with a pretty face, some girls say they look for intelligence and personality in a man, but they lie to themselves and to others because they just look for a pretty face
4) "Lesbians" do not exist, because they are such only with ugly men, with the hot they become magically "bisexual"
5) Male ugliness is a real handicap
6) When a handsome man approaches, even if he remains still and does not say a word, it will be the woman who sends signals of interest, even obvious ones; a handsome man can really afford the luxury of standing still in a dark corner of a room without doing anything and waiting for the inevitable signs that if he does not recognize it is only because he is a patty idiot
7) A crippled and/or retarded handsome man will always be preferred by women than a normal ugly
8) Under a certain aesthetic threshold, ugly men begin to appear mentally ill, in women's eye
9) Women prefer to have sex with dogs rather than with ugly men
10) Making women laugh is not necessary to conquer them, because they choose the partner only on the basis of physical appearance; if you are ugly and make them laugh at best they will see you as a funny guy, but certainly not as a potential partner
Bible of Johnny Red, part 1[edit | edit source]
- The likehood that an ugly man gets a partner whom he is in love with, is smaller than the likehood of an alien invasion
- Women cannot explain seduction techniques since they lie to themselves, they advise men to be romantic and kind while they get banged by random chads.
- Whenever a woman complains about men who cheat, this woman only refers to attractive men who have the privilege to cheat. Obviously ugly men are not considered: how the hell can an ugly man cheat if he can't even find a partner?
- It's exceedingly disgusting and mean the way women act in front of attractive men: they completely lose their mind. In the past women used to being fucked by Chads in hay barns, even among the pigs and their turds.
- Between two equally handsome men, a graduate woman will choose the graduate man, just for economical reasons. A low class woman will choose a man from her same environment. Intelligence, culture and knowledge are completely useless with a woman if your Looks does not meet her requirements.
- Even among average-looking men there are many shades of attractivity, some men look better, some less.
- Women usually call sex-maniac, pervert or molester any unattractive man who dares approach them. It's really disgusting to see a woman crying out to the molester in front of an ugly man, whereas she lets any chad grope her in a nightclub.
- Italy is the worst country as regards simps and cucks. Women are always put on a pedestal, Italy is a heaven for women
- Italian women deserve to be shipped to Saudi Arabia
- Women are often naive, there is a plenty of women who get seduced, impregnated and consequently left alone by a Chad.
- Even the ugliest women can find a partner while seating on her couch. They just need to install Tinder and wait for suitors and simps pouring in.
See also[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
- The Bible in original Italian can be found in this thread.
- johnny-red's profile on FDB
- Bible of Jack Blackpill, another redpilled collection of sentences