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Name: IceCat7
Date of Birth: 1983
Occupation: ?
Ethnicity: HAPA

IceCat7 or icecat767 (also known as IceCutter) is a ghettocel, oldcel, incelphobe, incel in denial former vlogger/podcaster, livestreamer, and perhaps the most prominent former member of the forums as of late 2018. He is an advocate of PUA. He has been a member of almost every incel and PSL forum and has one of the longest forum history usages across the various communities. He has female friends and believes in the existence of femcels.

As of 2023, icecat7 maintains a reddit account by the username of icecat767 and has swallowed the bluepill after joining the bluepilled incelphobic subreddit inceltear, where is the most active poster.

He doesn't believe incels are oppressed.

Dating Life[edit | edit source]

He lives in the UK and once dated a "very unattractive girl". He only had sex with her once and then took a long shower afterward. He then said he knew what prostituted women must often feel like.

Current state[edit | edit source]

His account @Fured on .is has been banned for incel shaming and infiltration,[1] as of now he is the most active member on the incelphobic subreddit r/inceltear (a successor subreddit to r/inceltears).[2] ,in mid 2023 r/inceltears was resurrected, icecat7 has been active there aswell.

Incelcon[edit | edit source]

Icecat7 seemed to have had a part in organizing an incel meetup in the UK (incelcon), including FaceandLMS.

See also[edit | edit source]

Incel Vloggers Navbox

Active on Youtube

Kyle IncelFACEandLMSHell by the Dashboard LightHeedandSucceedDownhillDMillerEggmanRejected-From-Eve .ZeroDBDRSamuel MaxwellBigBossCalvin83William GreathouseMainländerSteve HocaOff Grid ProsperityJust JamesnevergiveupMarshall Mathers the 4thBlue Skies MediaVVSSt. NevergiveupIncel TVPinkycultureLone Wolf87Forever Alone GuyTriforceOfAdamBASEDandLMS

Retired from  Vlogging

jsanza29KentBlaze1CatfishmanOreo ManEurasian TigerJamiltheKingDwayne HollowayUglyLoserGrotesque SubhumanSyrian Subhuman/HamudiKickspassionJames FT


Baraka TV