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The Incel Wiki

1,490 articles, founded 06/16/18


Incel is an academic sociological term that is short for involuntary celibacy. Inceldom was first academically recognized as a sociological phenomenon by the Donnelly Study. This study defined incels as adults who fail to find a sexual partner for six months or more despite active efforts, however, in the incelosphere, there is disagreement about the exact definition.

Incel is not a movement or a community, but a gender-neutral life circumstance. Incels are a demographic group with highly heterogeneous political, racial, philosophical and socioeconomic backgrounds. Philosophies like the blackpill and political parties like the Incel Party do not represent all incels. Roughly 15-30% of American millennials are incels and roughly 51% of millennials do not have a steady partner.

The currently largest incel internet forums are:,, Facebook's Incelistan,, Incelswithouthate, and Foreveralone. No mass murderers have been users of forums explicitly designated for inceldom. 4chan and PUAhate are not self-described incel forums, even though incels may frequent them. Journalists have sort of a collective delusion about this, which can be treated with antipsychotic drugs or electroconvulsive therapy. This wiki does not support or condone violence, nor the incitement of violence.

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