Private Jim

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Private Jim is a German blackpilled YouTuber notable for being a mentalcel (socially anxious), standardcel and escortcel who is presumably in his mid-20s.[1]

Life[edit | edit source]

As a child, he wasn't as shy as he is now; he believes his shyness derives from his trauma.

He was diagnosed with a low IQ as a kid and since he didn't really care about school, he had to repeat 4th grade. As a kid, his ginger friend (who's gay and sub5 by now) wanted to kiss him.

After switchting to a new school, he got bullied and mocked due to his sub5 looks. His beta dad told him to not care about the bullies and generally gave him bad advice regarding his precarious situation.

After getting mocked by a fat guy, Jim had his first physical altercation in the sports locker room and defeated him.

On a second occasion, someone spitted on him for no reason, and he spitted back; the bully wanted to start a fight but Jim ran away because he didn't feel like it. Normies proceedingly grabbed him and dragged him to the bully, he then punched him in the face and the normie-classmates celebrated his win.

Many other students wanted to provocate him to fight but he tried to avoid such scenarios, and according to him, he never got his ass beaten in school.

Due to getting acne and after getting ghosted by a girl, his sub5 looks manifested, increasing mockery in school and developing an inferiority complex.

He thinks his "prime years" were between 5th to 8th grade, since he had his first girlfriend in this time period; yet they only kissed without using their tongue and the relationship only lasted about 3 months.

He had to repeat 8th grade, got sent into special education and got bullied again; but according to the special education evaluation, he isn't low IQ and rather high IQ (he's still unsure).

After getting a new haircut, girls started to notice him and even complimented him; he continued to inform himself about darktriadmaxxing, particularly in the context of James Holmes who received many love letters after commiting mass murder (he still explicitly says that going ER is not worth the obscure affection of foids, since you're never gonna be free ever again, probably)

He believes that even low-tier normies are able to obtain Beckies, as long as they're extroverted, not socially awkward, have status and didn't go through childhood trauma.

According to him, he is a high-tier normie standing 185cm (≈ 6' 1") while having experienced affection by foids (e.g coworkers). But due to him having higher standards and having endured such trauma, he never had sex with women he didn't pay.

He lost his virginity to an escort, and is regularly paying for sex up to this day; multiple prostitutes told him that he's handsome. In his opinion, having your first time with an escort shouldn't be deemed negatively.

His Family[edit | edit source]

His dad is a high IQ normie/betabux and his mom is a stacy (of whom he suspects to suffer under a borderline disorder), who was even offered to model but she declined. Their marriage ended after his dad cheated on his mom, which negatively effected him afterwards.

His older brother is a tall and jacked "alpha chad", having experienced many sexual encounters with females.

One of his brothers has a mental disability due to him not getting enough oxygen whilist pregnancy, resulting in brain damage.

He suspects his other brother (who is 8 years older than him) to be a psychopath, since he regularly viciously hit him in the past.

Advice to other Incels[edit | edit source]

  1. Looksmaxxing
  2. Surgerymaxxing (if looksmaxxing isn't enough)
  3. Personalitymaxxing (getting dominant, assertive etc... essentially not being a pussy)

See also[edit | edit source]