Just be first

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Just be first is the theory that deflowering a foid with being her first serious romantic partner fosters intense pair bonding that is improbable to occur at the same intensity with future partners. This gives a man a tremendous advantage allowing to date a woman out of his league he otherwise wouldn't be able to obtain if he wasn't her first partner. But even for Chad, with current divorce laws, there is no guarantee that it will last forever as soon as divorce porn starts to hit her.

Data[edit | edit source]

Findings suggest an important role for mammalian attachment and reward mechanisms in generating high-quality pair-bonds resilient to declines in romantic love over time. In addition, it provides initial evidence of how genetic polymorphisms mediate variability in behaviors related to romantic love maintenance and pair-bonding during the first year of marriage. Finally, the results are consistent with the overall hypothesis that romantic love is part of a suite of human reproductive strategies, particularly long-term ones, and a developed form of a mammalian drive to pursue and keep preferred mates.[1]

The neurotranssmitters Oxytocin, Dopamine, and Vasopressin play a crucial role in forming and maintaining pair bonds. Being the first romantic partner can trigger the release of these chemicals, facilitating a strong initial bond that may be harder to replicate with subsequent partners. The theory of "Mother-Infant Bonds" also suggests that early-life nurturing experiences influence later romantic relationships, so being the first partner might evoke a profound bonding experience akin to primary attachment bonds, creating a lasting emotional connection.

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