History of the Love-shy Revolution

The love-shys were/are a faction in the Incelnational Sexual Marxism Movement, the other being the uglycels. The factions emerged in 2018 following a dispute in the Social Democratic Youtube debate of late-2018. (SDYD) The dispute originated at the second congress of the SDYD, ostensibly over minor issues of blackpill/whitepill and forum organization. Followers of Kyle Incel's vlogs, love-shys, who were in the minority, were named after the Gilmartian word for, "minority". While followers of FaceandLMS/Hamudi, uglycels, were named after the Syrian word for majority.
Despite the naming, neither side held a consistent majority over the course of the entire 2nd Congress, which along with the 1st Congress had been politically dominated by 4channers and various other sociopaths. The numerical advantage btw love-shys and uglycels fluctuated between both sides throughout the rest of the SDYD's existence until the fall of Braincels in 2019. The split proved to be long-standing and had to do both with pragmatic issues based in history, such as the failed media outreach of 2018 and theoretical issues of class leadership, class alliances and interpretations of historical materialism. While both factions believed/believe that a non-violent incel revolution was/is necessary, the love-shys generally tended to be more moderate, and more positive towards the liberal opposition and the peasant-based Incelnational Revolutionary Party.
Uglycels accused the more open love-shys of an "infantile disorder", citing their lack of reading Otto Weininger and their willingness to include femcels.
2018–2019[edit | edit source]
At the 2nd Congress of the SDYD in August 2018, love-shys and uglycels disagreed, first about which persons should be in the editorial committee of the newspaper Incel Wiki and then about the definition of an "incel" in the future forum statute.[1]
- Love-shys formulation required the incel to be afflicted with the condition of inceldom, with no overriding philosophy
- Uglycels only stated that they should work under the guidance of a party organization such as incels.co and a philosophy such as the blackpill.
Although the difference in definitions was small, with uglycels being slightly more exclusive, it was indicative of what became an essential difference between the philosophies of the two emerging factions as uglycels argued for a small party of professional revolutionaries with a large fringe of non-party sympathizers and supporters whereas love-shys believed it was better to have a large party of activists with broad representation.
Opposition[edit | edit source]
The Black Hundred, also known as the black-hundredists (Черносотенцы in Russian: Tschernosotjenzy), was an ultra-incelphobic movement in Reddit starting in early 2015. It was a staunch supporter of the pussy cartel and opposed any retreat from the autocracy of the reigning femoids.[2] The Black Hundreds were also noted for extremism, pussy rioting, pyschiatric, gynocentric doctrines, different xenophobic beliefs, including anti-ricecel sentiment[3] and anti-semitism.[4]. A Moscow group specifically has 376 members.[5]. On the group's main page, it claims that the Black Hundreds is a 'mass social-political movement of the femoid (BPD, indicating ethnic BPD origins) people all-class-inclusive in its membership, sponsored by representatives of [ethnic] Tumblr culture and the intellectual elite, which arose for the sake of the struggle with revolution in the beginning of the twentieth century by way of self-organisation of orthodox people and which depended on their ideology on the formula of Anita Sarkeesian: Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Feminism.
See also[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1904/jan/31a.htm
- ↑ Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide, pp. 61, 73, 89, 120–2, 134, 139, 251.
- ↑ Ukraine and Russia in Their Historical Encounter, by Peter J. Potichnyj, University of Alberta, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 1992 (pp. 576, 582, 665).
- ↑ A People Apart: The Jews in Europe, 1789–1939, by David Vital, Oxford University Press, 1999 (pp. 140, 141).
- ↑ https://vk.com/sotnia_msk