Incels: Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults

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Incels: Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults (eng.: "Incels: History, Language and Ideology of an online-cult") is a German anti-man book itterating the general distorted societal and medial stance against inceldom, written by Veronika Kracher- Germany's only known incelologist who is not only mentally ill according to herself but also Anti-German, feminist and communist.[1] Her book is a communist paper for her, so she would be disappointed if people wouldn’t realize that.[2] It's therefore more read as an ideological own opinion, rather than a scientific evaluation of the incel phenomenon.

Although claiming to have been researching for 2 years, she is unable to differentiate between memes, exaggerated/provacting formulations and meaning of incels participating on dedicated forums [e.g. she believes that incels in reality unironically glamorize and believe Elliot (of whom she believes is part of the "incel-community"; btw, he didnt even use the word incel in his manifesto...) and other bad guys are saints..., even though the majority of involuntary celibates dont even know about the loose gatherings in obscure internet forums...]

Common Misconceptions spread in her "communistic work"[edit | edit source]

Incels[edit | edit source]

Her description of the book already insinuates that Incels collectively believe that sex is a natural fundamental right of men, which is certainly bullshit:

  • Incels do not have any collective beliefs (and therefore also can't be a cult): Inceldom is a life circumstance, not a movement/community. For example, people listed on this wiki, including incels, are not "members" of anything (see Template:Warning). Most incels do not participate in any incel-related spaces; they simply endure life without affection on their own, often having no friends and/or family. (its naive to think that those few thousand active members on obscure internet forums consist the whole "incel community"; there are millions upon millions of human beings involuntary celibate nowadays who are not connected in any means...)
  • It is not about sex per se, it's about not receiving love-and-belonging; the resulting absence of sexual activity is just a symptome easily depictable, the underlying deprivation of received fondness is of much deeper meaning and significance of the resulting desastrous well-being of involuntary celibates. (short: if it'd really be about sex, inceldom could be cured by prostitutes, which obviously lacks any common sense...) Believing that just shows one's personal shallow misunderstanding of human affection; therefore ignates her misunderstanding of the state of the friendzone: she cant or doesnt want to differentiate between the lack of platonic and romantic love, as it seems...

"it's impossible to be simultaneously blackpilled and not-misogynistic" (p. 54)

"The average men ideologically isn't much away from the incel" (p. 10)

"the society - in which we live in - is built upon supressing women" (p.10)

"(...) and not only Incels react with violence due to their narcissistic personality when getting rejected by women. Men reject women as independent subjects, and punish them when they insist on their status of subject" (p. 10)

"When you find out that women got raped, you feel no empathy. You're glad that violence was imposed on us. When we get beaten or killed." (p. 210)

"Femcels"[edit | edit source]

For her, femcels are more valid than incels: She believes that women endure much more pressure in this system (e.g. while incels are LDARing alone and also being bullied in social functions, the poor teen girl is unsure and pressured by society about when she's ready to fuck; she seriously used this argument in page 210...) and they're basically the real ones getting harshly rejected for their appearance due to the institutional patriarchal system imposed upon them:

"In contrast to incels, femcels do have a point: That the female capital is her beauty, rather than her intelligence or personality. An unattractive apperance of a woman gets sanctioned harsher than for men. (...)" (p. 54)

"While unattractive male losers function as Love Interest in movies, series and porns, female protagonists have to be conventionally attractive. (...)" (p. 54)

"Femcels criticise beauty standards and the misogyny of the "incel-community". While the victim role of incels is widely imagined, femcels do have legitimate stances within their thinking." (p. 54)

"Epilogue: Letter to an Incel"[edit | edit source]

Advise to Incels[edit | edit source]

(will follow if i wanna read it)

DISCLAIMER[edit | edit source]

i honestly got a headache from skimming in a few passages, so im probably not gonna read all of that. i decided to mostly just quote her sayings, i guess its enough hearing her absurd logic, arguing would feel like talking to a wall...

her statements are blank generalizations of men and "incels" (i cant believe she still didnt get that there is no such "community"...), and basically wants to insinuate that women have it worse than men while the 80% of suicides are made up by men, when men are the ones getting forcefully conscripted into war while women can flee the country (as seen in the russia-ukraine conflict, or basically any other political dispute where megalomaniac politicians send their for-them-viewed-as-worthless cannon fooder (aka MEN) die in trenches for rich politicians; all that while the women are allowed and even encouraged to flee for a better life...), when women are the ones getting fucking quotas for position. just a big old just-world-fallacy honestly