Ich bin hässlich, keiner mag mich

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"Ich bin hässlich, keiner mag mich" (eng.: "I am ugly, no one likes me") was a German 6-episode-long series revolving around a teen femcel-lite wanting to ascend.[1]

The life story itself is real but the visits at the barbershop, optician, discotheque and the self-defense course and the roles of her mother and stepdad were scripted, as she afterwards said in a FAQ on her Instagram account.

Synposis[edit | edit source]

Nicky Werner, a then 17-year-old introverted female student living in a relatively poor household (father left; stepdad joined), gets bullied (she was even hospitalized once after an physical altercation) in school for her looks and acne; she consequently has no self-esteem, and thinks she's ugly. She wants to have a boyfriend, since everyone else apparently has had at least one boyfriend now. She even thinks her younger sisters are more attractive than her, since they themself tell her that (brootal). Apparantely, her little sisters get more attention and compassion by the parents than her.

Her mother recommendes her not using Make-Up, but simply washing her face; she's bluepilled claiming that lookism isn't real and getting self-esteem is the only thing important in order to ascend. The mother-daughter relation is tensed.

She compares herself to models, and prominents; she sometimes had thoughts about ropemaxxing. She's so unpopular among her peers that only one person attended her birthday party. Her 18-year-old sister, Jenny, is a role model for her since "she's eloquent, has self-esteem and is beautiful"; she wants to be like her.

Nicky wants to buy contact lenses, so she doesn't have to wear her nerdy glasses, but due to their financial situation, she can't rid off her glasses.

Her older sister decides to go clubbing with her; Nicky then gets put on Make-Up. She was clumsy while dancing and didn't get cold-approached. They fastly left the club as she felt uncomfortable seeing others staring at her, as she's less attractive.

Her stepdad proceedingly registered her at a self-defense course "so she gets more confident", and can defend herself.

Jenny gave her the "just get a haircut, bro"- advice, so got a new shorter haircut; it didn't solve the problem. Her mom cried for some reason after she saw her new haircut.

See also[edit | edit source]