South Park

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South Park is an American animated sitcom parodying current societal events or prominents. Some characters and episodes can be loosely related to the incelosphere or incels.

Incel-related Characters[edit | edit source]

Butters[edit | edit source]

Butters is a white punching bag often getting thrown under the bus in emergencies due to his low dominance. His parents are strict, and often wrongfully give him house arrest. His grandma bullied him.[1] In one episode, he payed 5 dollars for a kiss, and eventually became a pimp initially selling kisses to other kissless, hugless, handholdless virgins.

Kip Drordy[edit | edit source]

Kip Drordy is the most incel-ish character in South Park, as an outcast who has no friends at all since he's ugly. In fact, he went six months on Facebook without a single friend request. As a result, he seemed to suffer from severe depression and would sit at his computer all day, waiting and praying for a friend request. This changed when Kyle felt sorry for him and added him as a result. Subsequently, he seems obsessive, even taking his computer to the movies in order to "watch a movie with Kyle" by taking his laptop with him to the cinema.[2]

The Ugly Kids[edit | edit source]

The Ugly Kids are a mixed-gender clique who got ostracized from the general community and do not interact with other students, as they were instead forced to sit together at one table at lunchtime due to their ugliness.[3]

Yamal[edit | edit source]

Yamal is the most prominent part of The Ugly Kids, as an arab sub5 with a speech impediment (rhoticism) who hates school and subsequently has the thought of burning the school down. He copes with playing piano.[4]

Becky[edit | edit source]

Becky, who ironically isn't a becky but rather a stacy due to her relatively big breasts, gets praised due to her nice-grown breats by the boys, while getting envious results by her female friends since she's breastmogging them.[5]

Incel-related Episodes[edit | edit source]

"Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" (Season 6, Episode 10)[6][edit | edit source]

After their teacher's death, the boys return to school and become obsessed with Bebe, who has developed small breasts as the first girl in class. The boys unknowingly start to find her smart and cool, leading to tension and jealousy among the girls. Their obsession escalates, causing the boys to regress into primitive, ape-like behavior as they fight over her. Distressed by the attention, Bebe considers getting a breast reduction but decides against it. Meanwhile, Wendy gets breast implants to compete, but the boys mock her instead. Realizing their behavior was driven by Bebe's breasts, the boys vow never to let breasts affect their friendships again.

"The List" (Season 11, Episode 14)[7][edit | edit source]

The girls of the fourth grade class have made a secret list that rates every boy's looks from cutest to ugliest. When the boys steal the list, they are completely unprepared to deal with the results, ranking Clyde the best and Kyle the worst. Kyle, now realizing not being a looksmatch with his friends, then proceedes to hang out with The Ugly Kids, the most unfortunate looking individuals at their school.

When Kyles wants to sleep, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appears and takes him on a journey around town: He shows him that attractive people are cursed because when they know they are attractive, they do not have to work to be special and become nothing when they reach age 40. Meanwhile, kids like Kyle's ugly friend Yamal work hard for the respect that the attractive automatically get, and because of that "he will have character which is something those who are attractive rarely get"; which certainly is a cope and not complying with reality at all.

"You Have 0 Friends" (Season 14, Episode 4)[8][edit | edit source]

Stan is reluctant to join Facebook, but his friends create an account for him anyway. As Stan becomes overwhelmed with managing his digital social life, Kyle befriends a lonely boy named Kip Drordy, causing Kyle to lose many of his own friends, so Kyle removed Kip as a friend afterwards. Stan attempts to delete his Facebook account but is sucked into a digital world resembling the movie Tron. After a series of challenges, Stan wins a Yahtzee game against his rogue profile and deletes his account. Meanwhile, Kyle is pressured to unfriend Kip to regain his popularity, but Kip unexpectedly gains hundreds of thousands of friends and is happy believing he can now statusmax.

References[edit | edit source]