
A teenager is a person aged 13-19.
In modern society, the teenage years are considered a more "carefree" time than adulthood because teenagers do not yet have the responsibilities of the work world. For those men who are destined to be betabuxxers, though, the teenage years can be devoid of sexual opportunities because they do not yet have the ability to provide for a foid and get sex in return. Instead, foids go for the best men on the sports teams and much more rarely, prettyboys, but most of them don't pursue relationships.
Public opinion in society[edit | edit source]
Society has a universal stigma against men dating teenagers aged 14 to 17 (which incel forums often refer to as agecucking or agecucks), even if the man is only a few years older. Age gaps between legal adults who are both 18 or older are also stigmatized, particularly if the younger person is age 18 to 22. Age gaps like 25 year old women dating 45 year old men also are also frowned upon but to a lesser extent. It is very common for feminists on Twitter to condemn men in their early 20s who date high school-age girls or even men who date 18 or 19 year old women. When an 18 year old dates a 14 year old, the 18 year old is considered an "evil pedophile" and a "grown ass adult" but if an 18 year old dates a 25 year old, for example, then society infantilizes the 18 year old and says they're still a "child". 18 year olds, however, are adults both biologically and legally because they are post-pubescent and have reached the age of majority.
Although people usually only want to torture, rape or kill actual child molesters (those who molest prepubescent children), there are some people who want to these extremely painful things to men who have sex with underage teenagers. Nevertheless, people wishing death or torture on men who have sex with underage teenagers is a lot less common than people wishing such things on child molesters (those who molest prepubescent children). Due to the extreme stigma against age differences in relationships, many men refuse to date women who are even a couple years younger. For example, on social media, some men will say "I'm 21 and the youngest I'll date is 20" or "I'm 23 and even 20 is too young for me". Men who think this way don't genuinely feel disgusted by dating 18-20 year olds, but refuse to date them because of the extreme stigma against age differences. Many fear being judged by society or ostracized. Some might worry they could be physically assaulted, due to the Internet's encouragement of violence and torture against men who like younger women. If the stigma didn't exist, many of these men would be willing to date younger women. When interracial marriage became more accepted, it also became significantly more common, and when homosexuality became more accepted, it also became more common for homosexual people to come out of the closet.
Public opinion on incel forums[edit | edit source]
Incel forum users tend to be very open-minded towards the JBpill. Many admit to finding JB girls attractive although they might not actually act on it. Some even think that girls look most physically attractive at ages 14 to 17. Incelphobe subreddit IncelTears, however, thinks that finding anyone under 18 even remotely attractive is both extremely rare and pedophilia. Agecucking, however, is done once in a while on incels.co but is not very common. Most users are not agecucks. Incels.co was created by SergeantIncel on November 7, 2017. In 2018, the forum did have some agecucks, but it wasn't universal on the forum. In 2019, agecucks became extremely rare on the forum. In 2020, agecucks started to exist a little but not much, and the vast majority of users aren't agecucks. Some people on incels.co will even desire girls as young as 13, but some believe the minimum acceptable age is 14 or even 15.
Prevalence of sexual attraction to JB girls among men[edit | edit source]
Contrary to what most people think (the notion that it's rare to find teenage girls attractive), it is actually common for men to find teenage girls sexually attractive, but most men do not actually act on it. This has been in confirmed in multiple phallometry studies and has all been confirmed by sexologists like James Cantor, Michael Seto, and Fred Berlin, who all have researched about pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia. According to studies, the age group that men find the most attractive is late teens and early 20s. Attraction to early-mid teens and mid-late 20s, however, is also extremely common. Many believe that finding teenagers attractive is pedophilia, but pedophilia is actually a predominant sexual attraction to prepubescent children, not teenagers. Hebephilia is a predominant sexual attraction to pubescent minors ages 11 to 14, and ephebophilia is a predominant attraction to older teens ages 15 to 19. Pedophilia is classified as a psychiatric disorder and is in the American Psychological Association's DSM-V. There is debate among experts on whether or not hebephilia should be included, but none of them agree to classify ephebophilia is a disorder because older teens are sexually mature, post-pubescent and reproductively mature and because men usually are attracted to older teens. For studies on the JBpill, see Scientific Blackpill#Age.
The teenage brain myth[edit | edit source]
Many agecucks argue that because teenagers (including 18/19 year olds) aren't fully developed in the prefrontal cortex of the brain until 25, they aren't old enough to date older people, even though 18-19 year olds are old enough to handle war and fighting for their country. The brain notion however is a myth. A man named Robert Epstein has written a book called The Case Against Adolescence where he argues that the notion that teenagers are inherently immature is actually a myth and that immaturity in teenagers is a result of society infantilizing them. Society extended childhood to 18 (and to a lesser extent, 21) and has treated teenagers and young adults like children, which causes immaturity and psychopathology in them. In many preindustrial societies, teenagers did not show any signs of immaturity or turmoil. Robert Epstein said that the teen brain isn't what causes immaturity and that immaturity causes the teen brain, and that immaturity is caused by society's infantilization of teenagers and young adults. He writes that laws restricting adult responsibilities for teenagers didn't begin to exist until the 1800s and became much more common in the late 20th century. Girls usually start puberty at 10 or 11 and finish it at 15 to 17 while boys start puberty at 11 or 12 and finish it usually at 16 or 17 (there are outliers, like girls starts puberty at 8 or 9 or finishing it at 14 or boys starting puberty at 13 or 14 and finishing it at 18). In other words, older teens are biologically adults and as a result, their brain tells them they are supposed to have adult responsibilities, which is why they try adult responsibilities and activities. But society's infantilization of them made them try these activities rather recklessly. Studies show that infantilization of teenagers is harmful and causes psychopathology in them.
Trauma from sex with older people and pregnancy complications[edit | edit source]
Many people argue that teenage girls are traumatized or psychologically damaged by consensual sex with older guys, but the trauma and damage clearly comes from society's extreme disapproval of the sexual relationship and age difference. In many societies a long time ago, it was common for teenage girls to be married, sometimes to older men. In some cases, they would even become mothers as teenagers. Pederasty (a sexual relationship between an adult man and an adolescent boy) was also common in a few ancient societies. There are zero records of teenagers being traumatized by these marriages and relationships back then, yet they have records of knights, warriors, and other people being traumatized by war and other problems back then, and society's knowledge of what trauma is has existed even back as early as ancient times. In the 1950s, a man named Paul Tappan wrote an article about myths about sex offenders, and wrote how some sex crimes (depending on the crime) only cause trauma because of society's reaction to such crimes, and that without society's reaction or strong disapproval of these crimes, victims of crimes such as statutory rape would not be traumatized at all, and that the inherent nature of these crimes doesn't actually cause the trauma. This of course depends of what sex crime it is. Some sex crimes are inherently traumatic and some aren't.
Some agecucks argue that teenage girls cannot give birth to healthy babies and have an extremely high risk of pregnancy complications or even death, saying that it's the most common cause of death among teen girls due to biological immaturity and an underdeveloped pelvis. The problem with this argument is that the vast majority of pregnant teens don't die from pregnancy and the reason why it might be the most common cause of death is because teenage girls in general rarely die, pregnant or not pregnant. For example, among some groups of people, the most common cause of death is suicide, but that doesn't mean that the vast majority of that particular group of people become suicidal. Also, experts on teen pregnancy don't have an agreement on whether it's caused by biological immaturity or socioeconomic factors like lack of prenatal care access and smoking while pregnant. Some studies show that biological immaturity is a factor even when controlling for socioeconomic factors like prenatal care and smoking and some show that biological immaturity is not a factor and that smoking or lack or prenatal care is the real problem. One study showed that with prenatal care and avoiding smoking while pregnant, complications among pregnant teens are significantly reduced but still a little more common than complications among women in their 20s. Nonetheless, multiple studies show that pregnant teens are only a little bit more likely to suffer from complications such as miscarriages, premature birth, low weight births, etc. (For example, it might be around 6% for women in their 20s and only 14% of teenage girls). Also, studies show that if a pregnant teen has good access to prenatal care, good nutrition and avoids smoking while pregnant or doing drugs while pregnant, she has a very high chance of giving birth to a healthy baby. Many pregnant teens, however, do not have access to prenatal care and lack necessary education and it's pretty common for them to smoke while pregnant, while it's rare for women in their 20s to smoke while pregnant. Additionally, studies show that pregnancy complications are more common among early teens (13 or 14), not older teens (15 to 19). Also, although the pelvis is 100% developed at ages 25 to 30, it's developed enough for childbirth in the late teens (in rare cases, early 20s but the vast majority of the time it's late teens). Being 100% developed at ages 25-30 doesn't mean 15-24 year olds are too young to get pregnant.