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TANZVERBOT (eng.: "Forbidden to Dance") is a German content creator, a former lolcow, a fakecel and a simp.[1]

Name: Kilian Roberto Heinrich
Date of Birth: 8 February 1997
Occupation: Content Creator
Ethnicity: White (of German origin)
IQ: 100 (Estimated)
RS: 0

Career[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

He was born in Pankow, Berlin. He dropped out of school (special education) at the beginning of the 8th grade, meaning he does not have a school leaving certificate. In school, he had been a victim of bullying despite switching schools several times. After dropping out, he intensively played Crossfire and basically played the game the whole day long until obtaining internet fame.

Because a court suspected him of being addicted to video games and the internet, he was institutionalized for a few weeks as a teen.

He is confirmedly 185cm (6' 1") and weighs around 105 kg (230 lbs)

YouTube[edit | edit source]

Since his initial gaming videos didn't get too much traction, he decided to make aggressive videos directly confronting communities or other content creators: After his first viral ranting video about MCPE players (Smartphone version of Minecraft), he realized people like seeing him ranting about things or people. Consequently, he dedicated his content to "outcall" people for years, resulting in him having trouble with big figures in YouTube Germany [2], and also being bullied by smaller YouTubers such as "TheBaCorner".[3]

Furthermore, he talked a lot about his morbid masturbation behavior (≥ 5 times per day), going as far as saying that masturbation saved his life.[4] He disclosed having masturbated to still frames picked from videos of Bianca Heinicke.[5] He even tried no-fap for 5 days but stopped after 3 days since he suspected of endangering himself by not masturbating enough.[6]

In his video "I search a girlfriend"[7], he introduces and shows himself in order to find a girlfriend. He only got troll messages, insulting messages by Stacies and expressions of sympathy from Beckies who either lived too far away from him or would only friendzone him.

In early 2017, he disclosed having hired a prostitute to lose his virginity.[8]

After years went by, he got more calm with his statements and apologized for his obnoxious behavior in the past. He also started doing low-quality Food reviews, videos about what he eats per day and videos presenting himself showing his willingness to find a girlfriend.[9][10]

Nowadays, he is one of the biggest German Content Creators and is seen relatively positve.

In 2023, he revealed suffering under compulsive shopping and being financially pressured by major tax debts.[11]

Gamescom 2018[edit | edit source]

He had a physical dispute (but just pushing each other) with Haze, a Minecraft-YouTuber who hacks in Minecraft and sold his hacks irl with promotion codes.[12]

Legal problems[edit | edit source]

After TANZVERBOT posted a ironic picture of him holding a fake pistol on Twitter saying "those who beef the next time will get some bullets", his local police got tagged under the tweet so that they stormed the house of his mother and his apartment. [13]

Porn reactions[edit | edit source]

He created an PornHub-Account to react to porn. After having uploaded a few reactions, he got legal problems since "he'd expose his community mostly consisting of kids and teens to pornography".[14]

Racism accusation[edit | edit source]

On madeira (island where a lot of German content creators live), he had a dispute in a night club with Abdel, an arab born in Germany and YouTuber. After Abdel wrongly accused TANZVERBOT of racism, he was about to get cancelled. But after evidence released showed Abdel is lying, he got saved from getting cancelled.[15]

Gamescom 2022[edit | edit source]

He had a long-going online dispute with the streamers Orangemorange and Scurrows because he thought they're both "honorless" for streaming Casino which could lead to a gambling addiction to their viewers.

When they encountered each other (with many other friends and content creators surrounding them), TANZVERBOT came to them screaming that they're bastards and that they "sold their soul" (for streaming casino content). The situation escalated quickly but nothing serious happened eventually. Worth-to-note is that TANZVERBOT accidentally threw Quitelola, his second girlfriend, on the ground whilst the dispute.

Doxxing[edit | edit source]

Due to TANZVERBOT having a lot of people who hate him, all through out his internet career, he had issues with doxxing which goes from people delivering pizza to his house to regular occurances of police and firefighters coming to his apartment. He is already widely known to the police in Berlin. [16][17]

Because of an internet beef with Orangemorange, his new address got leaked in a livestream with thousands of viewers, too.[18][19]

Girlfriend history[edit | edit source]

According to TANZVERBOT's statements, he had two girlfriends in total. But his first girlfriend now leaked that he had at least 3 or more relationships through out his life course, yet he only mentioned 2 to his community.

In early 2016, Kilian made a video claiming to have had sex with a girl named Anika.[20]

First girlfriend "Nanu" and fakecel controversy[edit | edit source]

In his videos and lifestreams from 2016 to the end of 2018, he tried to be seen as a virgin who isn't able to get a girlfriend, as seen in numerous videos of him talking about how he can't get laid. He also publicly sexualized a lot of female German YouTubers, indicating he could'nt have a girlfriend. [21][22]

But in reality, he already had his first girlfriend with 19 (she was 16 at that time) while having had his first kiss with her around at that time.

In the beginning, she didn't want intimacy but he wanted it, yet it never gone beyond simply touching her in normal body areas in their "games" used to evaluate how much they trust each other. He was never physically abusive. Whilst their relationship, he kissed another girl, Marie (falsified name), and even told Nanu he fucked Marie on the parking spot of McDonald's (he lied) to piss her off. Due to that accident, Marie's relationship broke down, and, at least what's known, TANZVERBOT and Marie haven't had contact ever since.

The relationship lasted 4 months, and she explicitly didn't want to be associated or seen with him in public; this went so far that she didn't even want that her parents knew about him. She also told him definitely not wanting to lose her virginity to TANZVERBOT. According to him, she was also obsessed with YouTubers, e.g Taddl, and now, after about 8 years, he thinks that she may have used him to get to know other YouTubers.

He admitted having his first girlfriend in his now-deleted video "I had a girlfriend for 2 years", but after he experienced huge backlash, he made a statement trying to talk himself out of the situation.[23] His first girlfriend never got revealed, and according to his depictions, she was a mid-tier becky (Now, after she's got public, it get's clear that she's more of a low-tier Becky at that time). After this epiphany, people questioned the personna behind TANZVERBOT and how real he displays himself in his videos.

After his relationship ended, he did dozens of whinny videos being sad about the new status quo in his life without having a girlfriend, resulting in him doing public videos clarifying that he searches for a new girlfriend.

On 22 July 2024, his first girlfriend Nanu uploaded the now-taken-down video: "The truth behind TANZVERBOT" (reupload) trying to expose him, yet the majority of people are still on his side. Ever since, more clarity was given since before only minor certain things were known.

2nd Girlfriend "QuiteLola"[edit | edit source]

At the Twitchcon 2022 in Amsterdam, QuiteLola and TANZVERBOT randomly encountered on a street while both live streaming after she approached him asking him if he's the real one.[24] She was a relatively small streamer at that time gaining a massive increase of popularity through him. She is older than 30 (she doesn't wanna tell her age...), relatively skinny, blonde and small (approximately 155cm or 5' 1").

After they've met each other, they spent a lot of time together (privately and publicly), eventually getting into a relationship.[25] Although their relationship only lasted for a couple of months, disputes were heavily present which was already seeable in live streams where both parties often more or less reveal issues. Furthermore, a mod of QuiteLola quit his "moderation job" due to him hating TANZVERBOT. According to TANZVERBOT, QuiteLola was also generally unaware of her viewerbase consisting of simps believing to have a chance for her.

At the end of their relationship, jealousy on the part of TANZVERBOT was revealed after QuiteLola streamed with male streaming colleagues who were seen as potential threats by him. Even though he openly told QuiteLola so, she didn't care and proceed to stream with them.

TANZVERBOT eventually ended their relationship. Up to this day, it is uncertain whether or not QuiteLola cheated and if she just tried to use him to get cloud.[26] The majority of his communitiy agrees on QuiteLola probably having used him for getting attention on social media, which she did get since she now still has plenty of viewers. [27]

After their relationship ended, a depressed state (which was already present when problems in the relationship started) led him to being inactive on all social platforms for months afterwards. In his streams, he still alongside mentions still feeling down but he certainly feels better afterwards.

Lola wanted to friendzone him by still trying to reach out to him "as friends" but he didn't let that slide and ghosted her.

Simp allegations[edit | edit source]

When TANZVERBOT interacts with women, he often puts them on pedestal. He himself admited to know that his behavior may resemble a simp.

References[edit | edit source]