Toxic masculinity

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Toxic masculinity is a label for exaggerated, societally unproductive displays of violence, status seeking, antisociability, and other forms of aggression. In other words, when male intra-sexual competition becomes maladaptive to society. Men are toxically masculine because women are sexually attracted to it. Those who campaign against toxic masculinity the most vocally today also ridicule men for not being able to compete to secure sexual intimacy efficiently. This is odd as the main reason men are toxic masculine is because of this competition for women.

The term can be applied to women. Notably toxic masculine women include Aileen Wuornos and Jane Toppan.

PUAs are vocal proponents of real or simulated toxic masculinity.

A 'toxic masculine' society may allow 'sneaker males' to mate, thus decreasing inceldom[edit | edit source]

Funnily enough, in group-living primates, increased male competition (often cited as toxic masculinity) tends to decrease male reproductive skew, or reduce the difference in access of females between males.[1] This also applies to male aggression in general. One study found that the high amount of aggression in chimpanzees may be what makes it have lower reproductive skew than bonobos, because incel bonobos use aggression to sneakily coerce females they do not have broader permission to be with. The higher cohesion of bonobo society may be why bonobos have more sexual-access inequality among males, as this limits the ability of males to be sneaky and coerce females.[2]

This may explain why highly-competitive polygamous human societies (Nigeria) seem to have less inceldom than polygamous societies with low competition (Brunei).

Related quote[edit | edit source]

Female sexuality is capitalist; the hypergamy of women guarantees the winner-take-all distribution that reinforces the ruthless pursuit of resources by men. As women favor men with wealth, power, and success, so does the economy, and the more natural female sexual preference is celebrated and defended the more capitalist and toxic society and men will be to meet women's sexual desires.[3]

Just talk about your feelings[edit | edit source]


References[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]