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Misandry is the hatred of men, boys or males, a mainstream attitude. A practitioner or advocate of misandry is a misandrist. Chelsea G. Summers of Vice news noted that, "2015 was the year misandry went mainstream, and that's a good thing."[1]

Because of the fact that much of the first world is deluded into believing that they live in a "patriarchy", the matriarchy tries to spread the false statement that misandry is not real due to men's imagined "privilege". However, this is not true as misandry is as pervasive as ever in modern society.

One of the most successful procedures employed by misandrists is the demonization of male sexuality. They do this by indirectly implying that males inherently have a proclivity for rape.

References[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]