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E-thots are women whoring on the internet in front of webcams, dressing in sexually provocative clothing for the purpose of siphoning money off desperate incels. They self-identify as "performers" and "entertainers" however, some e-conservatives are opposed to this idea, claiming they are using their sexuality for financial gain and validation which is immoral.

Ethics & Moral Corruption[edit | edit source]

E-Thots know that men seek validation, and since female validation is scarce nowdays- they are using it for financial gain and e-fame. These performers range from camgirls, gamer girls and youtube content producers all the way to actual instagram models. According to the capitalist playbook, these women are doing nothing wrong, but most people in the online conservative movement say that society is built on more than just money & numbers, and those girls should judged for their actions.

Tradthots are a subset of E-thots. These are often disingenuous since they usually don't practice any of their tradtional sentiments in real-life. most trad-thots were revealed to be childless.

Gamergate[edit | edit source]

The Gamergate controversy stemmed from a harassment campaign conducted primarily through the use of the hashtag #GamerGate. The controversy centered on issues of sexism and progressivism in video game culture. Gamergate is used as a blanket term for the controversy as well as for the harassment campaign and actions of those participating in it.

Beginning in August 2014, a harassment campaign targeted several women in the video game industry; notably game developers Zoƫ Quinn and Brianna Wu, as well as feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian. After Eron Gjoni, Quinn's former boyfriend, wrote a disparaging blog post about her, #gamergate hashtag users falsely accused Quinn of an unethical relationship with journalist Nathan Grayson. Harassment campaigns against Quinn and others included doxing, threats of rape, and death threats.

Gamergate proponents ("Gamergaters") have stated that they were a movement, but had no official leaders or manifesto. Gamergate supporters organized anonymously or pseudonymously on online platforms such as 4chan, Internet Relay Chat, Twitter, and Reddit. Statements claiming to represent Gamergate have been inconsistent, making it difficult for commentators to identify goals and motives. Gamergate supporters said there was unethical collusion between the press and feminists, progressives, and social critics. These concerns have been dismissed by commentators as trivial, conspiracy theories, groundless, or unrelated to actual issues of ethics. As a result, Gamergate has often been defined by the harassment its supporters engaged in. Gamergate supporters have frequently responded to this by denying that the harassment took place or by falsely claiming that it was manufactured by the victims.

The controversy has been described as a manifestation of a culture war over cultural diversification, artistic recognition, and social criticism in video games, and over the social identity of gamers. Many supporters of Gamergate oppose what they view as the increasing influence of feminism on video game culture; as a result, Gamergate is often viewed as a right-wing backlash against progressivism. Industry responses to the harassment campaign have focused on ways to minimise harm and prevent similar events. Gamergate has led figures both inside and outside the industry to focus on methods of addressing online harassment.

#ThotAudit[edit | edit source]

Thot Audit, also known as #ThotAudit, is an online campaign urging people to report online sex workers to the IRS so that they would be audited for unreported income. The operation was widely circulated members of 4chan's /pol/ board (also known there as Right Wing Tax Squads or /RWSS/) in late November 2018.

See also[edit | edit source]