Nrg Dizzy

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Name: Coby Meadows
Date of Birth: unknown
Occupation: gamer
Ethnicity: unknown

NRG Dizzy was an pro player and one of the best players in Apex Legends the world at its peak. However, tragedy struck when he had revealed his face and received a vicious amount of ridicule and bullying due to his face reveal [1]. His popularity drastically decreased. It was a slow process but he still never managed to return to old numbers again. He switched onto other games but his career remained stagnant and he had never lived up to the hype around his name. A year ago, he stopped doing YouTube and now priorities streaming on Twitch without a face cam.

As well as his truecel face. His height is estimated to be a mere 5’4 and appears to be a framecel as well. He bears similarities to another YouTuber who goes by AnnoyingTV who is about 5’4 as well as a turbo framecel.

His case and Mitten Squad's case prove the halo effect and blackpill.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]