Vintologi (bible)

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Vintologi is the bible of the religion, Vintologi, as promulgated by its creator, the incel forum user and not-so-secret anti-incel, Vintologi. It is currently in its 17th edition, which was purposefully cut back or expanded as needed to reach exactly 88 pages. Although some call it a manifesto, due to its containing calls to action, Vintologi regards it as a bible.

Works plagiarized in Vintologi[edit | edit source]

Although Vintologi has numerous external links, it often borrows large or small segments of text without attribution. He sometimes brags about doing this, as when he used a post by u/AverageToHot at r/FemaleDatingStrategy[1] about how to cuck men out of their money and remarked, "I stole a lot from her post, she will not be credited".

Pages Work Author
1-2 Ragnar Redbeard Might is Right[2]
16 Wikipedia Polycentric law[3]
16-17 Hans-Hermann Hoppe Democracy: The God That Failed[4]
22 Kai Murros Psychological aspects of the European Revolution[5]
23 UNESCO Chapter 30 - Hybrid Vigor, "Statement on Race", 1950

Dialect[edit | edit source]

The Vintologi bible is written in a dialect of Vintologi's own design, in which, for example, he comes up with novel prepositional constructions such as "Government is founded over property". When it is pointed out that this is essentially broken English that does not even bring up any Google results of similar phraseology used by curries (apparently even they know better), he says that is just an appeal to popularity, and that "Having our own language will be valuable in signaling that you truly follow vintologi while still maintaining plausible deniability. Of course to be 100% stealth vintologi supporter you shouldn't use that signaling."

Criticism[edit | edit source]

FeminismIsCancer has taken issue with the epistemology of several Vintological assertions, noting that "consciousness has no first beginning or final end" and "there is only one universe" are untestable hypotheses. Also, with regard to "free will ≡ quantum indeterminism" he says, "There's actually some evidence from MRI scans that free will is an illusion" and accurately sums up Vintologi by saying, "It's all a rehash of new age quantum woo."

References[edit | edit source]