"Tricenarian", is a term used in the incelosphere to refer to someone who is in their 30s.
Men's appearance may decline in their 30s, especially their late 30s, but it is more common in men than in foids that there will be a graceful transition from cuteness to handsomeness rather than a harsh transformation into being outright ugly, to the point that the youthful version of them is unrecognizable as being the same person. Many men begin getting gray hairs in their 30s.
Human sex ratio[edit | edit source]
One of the most dramatic changes in humans towards the tricenarian years is the change in the sex ratio. From birth, through to teenagehood and up to the vicenarian years, males outnumber females in western countries. By the time one reaches the tricenarian years, (i.e. one's thirties) this begins to even out. When coupled with other factors, such as a greater proportion of males in prison, a greater male mortality rate (such as disproportionately high male suicides), and a greater proportion of males in encumbered or isolating professions, such as working on an all-male oil rig, or an all-male military base, the thirties constitutes the age range wherein in terms of demographics, males and females are equal. A major by-product of this shift in demographics is that men who previously considered themselves to be incelish genetic dead ends doomed to a life of trueceldom, suddenly feel like they might have a chance at deincelization and escaping involuntary celibacy.
Post-wall[edit | edit source]
A woman who has reached the age of 30 is referred to in manosphere/androsphere spaces as post-wall.
This is because tricenarian foids are perceived to have already past their prime in terms of looks, fertility mate-bonding abilities and other attraction measures. She will often hit the wall hard in their early 30s and her fertility begins a sharp decline in their late 30s that continues into their early 40s until menopause.
From childhood prudishness to adult degenitalization[edit | edit source]
Prudishness means a social code which centred on sex-negativity. There are some intellectuals who proclaim that the growing up in a prudish household doesn't have long-lasting side-effects. These intellectuals who also refer to themselves sexologists, suggest that celibacist and puritan values ingrained during childhood can be outgrown to eventually overcome such sex-negativity which was sustained during one's impressionable years. However in reality this really depends on how severe the sex-negativity was. Examples of extreme forms of prudishness whilst growing up includes telling one's children they should refrain from any interactions with the opposite sex until finishing their degree. This may inculcate a fear of the opposite gender. Such prudishness would be especially extreme if this individual has taken on a range of extracurricular activities over the course of their studies. For example, such students may decide to take a sabbatical or gap year(s) in their studies, or they might seek some work-life balance, such as taking an overseas break for a while. Other students may attempt to fund their studies by working for a few years, or even partake in volunteer work in an attempt to discover who they are. Now imagine that this student does eventually graduate in their preferred field of study. Overall, this may eventually result in an elongated period of studying, which for some students means they won't fully graduate until their tricenarians. And then, they may need to get a few years of work out of the way until they eventually dispense with their student debt and finally manage to balance the budget. As such, it is easy to see why such indoctrination of "don't date until you've finished your studies" is a form of psychological abuse by parents. Human beings are creatures of habit and it becomes difficult to overcome a habit if it has been ingrained into you over the course of several decades. Although the aforementioned scenario seems ridiculous, many men and women grow up in such households. Although it is true that for some, they have the ability to undo or reverse the psychological impact of prudishness, for others, it eventually leads to a kind of learned asceticism, i.e. habitual abstention from indulging in natual inclinations such as the sex drive.
If this habitual asceticism is focused on abstention from sex, this may naturally evolve towards habitual degenitalization. Ingrained degenitalization means that you've become so used to the futility of one's sex organs, that over time, you have learned to be more comfortable in not using it rather than using it - hence adult degenitalization and thereby adult mentalceldom.
See Also[edit | edit source]