The List

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"The List" is a redpilled episode of South Park (Season 11, Episode 14).

Synposis[edit | edit source]

In the episode, the girls of the fourth grade class have made a secret list that rates every boy's looks from cutest to ugliest. When the boys steal the list, they are completely unprepared to deal with the results, ranking Clyde the best and Kyle the worst. Kyle, now realizing not being a looksmatch with his friends, then proceedes to hang out with The Ugly Kids, the most unfortunate looking individuals at their school.

When Kyles wants to sleep, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appears and takes him on a journey around town: He shows him that attractive people are cursed because when they know they are attractive, they do not have to work to be special and become nothing when they reach age 40. Meanwhile, kids like Kyle's ugly friend Yamal work hard for the respect that the attractive automatically get, and because of that "he will have character which is something those who are attractive rarely get"; which certainly is a cope and not complying with reality at all.