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my article on feminism is not funny enough William (talk) 10:24, 12 April 2019 (UTC)

Lede[edit source]

The current lede portrays feminism as a reaction to technology and post-hoc credit taking, rather than a particularly effective or active force on its own, which I believe is the most accurate takeWilliam (talk) 22:04, 9 March 2020 (UTC)

I guess it's both, a reaction and a movement. I'm not sure what came first, tech or ideology, but I'd bet on tech. Without tampons and service sector women would be too dependent on men to make up much of a movement and there would be no meaningful economic incentive to change that Bibipi (talk) 00:04, 10 March 2020 (UTC)

Also RE inceldom, gender equality doesn't seem to correlate much with inceldom in modern countries, rather the opposite. Inceldom is arguably exacerbated by the destruction of any long-term social institutions geared towards social cohesion (like the family, the welfare state, or maybe even religion), but that is neither the root cause of inceldom nor the result of any active movement imo.William (talk) 22:11, 9 March 2020 (UTC)

Disagree. Destruction of the family seems to be the main cause of femceldom and inceldom, mainly driven by feminist and environmentalist ideologues, some economists masquerading as such, as well as atheists. Bibipi (talk) 00:04, 10 March 2020 (UTC)
How did incels start with the destruction of family if there were tons of them when family was enforced/encouraged? Exacerbated != root cause. And I'm just granting that decreased marriage increased young adult celibacy rates before the '08 crash, which is dubious at best.William (talk) 16:52, 10 March 2020 (UTC)William (talk) 16:51, 10 March 2020 (UTC)
Yeah, life used to be much harsher which may explain high incel rates in the past. I think incel life used to be more bearable prior to the false notion that all males are privileged. Economic stagnation is very likely also a main factor, which in turn leads to more ideology as lack of growth means a lower rate of creative destruction. Bibipi (talk) 18:26, 10 March 2020 (UTC)

Feminism as an government ploy to control society[edit source]

I just watched a long video detailing how the godmother of second-wave feminism (Gloria Steinem) was really just a CIA agent. The CIA promoted feminism and other forms of identity politics and post-modernism as a way to fracture and split the traditionally marxist left. I'm a bit busy and tired at the moment to do it myself, but maybe someone should write a section detailing such facts and explaining how feminism might really be just a project by the powers that be to manipulate the human population of the world.

Here is the video for those interested:

Three Class of Feminism, and problems with the Househusband argument[edit source]

  • There are three classes of Feminists according to CRP
  • The idea that feminists hate househusbands falls apart, when:
    • there are innate differences of preferences in feminist leaders and the average "independent woman", and that dark triad women desires dark triad men
    • It is more likely that the average "independent woman" would like a non-provider who is at minimum Chad-Lite (thus facilitating the myth of "The Way of the Househusband")
    • Since surveys are likely inaccurate regarding Lookism, we can at least infer through physiognomy that agreeableness, extraversion, and emotional stability trumps openness and conscientiousness

Ideology[edit source]

I propose to incorporate word "ideology" cause it's nothing more, but that. Feminism can be summed as an absolute freedom for female in their right to choose mates at cost of all other males as gender breed.