Talk:Alex Undersky
Alex vs Whatever[edit source]
Alex does not believe sexual freedom is bad, unlike the character in Whatever he believes capitalism/traditionalism/conservatism made women capitalists, not freedomWilliam (talk) 15:53, 31 January 2020 (UTC)
- In other words, Alex is opposed to markets and conservatism broadly, and believes markets create inceldom. Houellebecq believes markets are part of the solution (third world country exchange with first world etc)
Alex is arrested[edit source]
Undersky was arrested a few days ago, he is accused in sex (literally)
Feminist vocabulary used unironically in this article[edit source]
"However, his inability to receive sex on demand has spurred his 'incel activism', which seems to revolve around the promotion of various schemes to turn women into collectivized sexual commodities for horny men." - really? Feminist language on incels wiki? I could take a Wikipedia "Incel" article, and it uses the same sort of language as this one, no difference. Just because he's a halfcel doesn't mean he should be hated, and even if he were a total LARP, using feminist language in the article is absolutely terrible. What is even the point of incel ideas if this sort of thinking is utilized? It's either the feminist "entitlement to sex is wrong" take or the misogynist "women being sexual commodities is good" take, and neither is great.