Stalker sarai tu

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Stalker sarai tu is an Italian antifeminist blog of the Italian manosphere, from the author Davide Stasi.

Its main goal is counter-information about the mainstream feminist narrative in the mass-media.

It started by criticizing the Italian family court system and in particular the recent art.612-bis c.p. law, also known as Legge Stalking, which has been considered too inaccurate and vague; thus it could be exploited against men for revenge purposes.

It has since become one of the most notable Italian manosphere's websites, discussing daily topics about men's rights.

The first approach of the blog to the Italian incel community was negative; Stalker sarai tu labeled them as losers, and used a white-knighting rhetoric.[1]

Afterwards, the website became less critical towards incels - recognizing them as victims of the contemporary feminist society.[2]

Initially born as a Facebook page, the website is reachable at the address

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