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Soyjak Party is an online english-speaking imageboard created in 2020 by user Soot, originally created as a bunker for now defunct 4chan board /qa/, it has amassed 10,000,000 posts ever since. Users of this website are very hostile to trannies and to a lesser extent other LGBT groups. their initial board /qa/ was wiped and deleted off 4chan due to cross raiding /lgbt/, many users overlap with soyjak party and they have their own /r9k/ which is arguably superior to 4cuck's /r9k/, incel discussion can be found on their /fit/ board too.

On January 22, 2025 a blackcel that was obsessed with this website committed a School Shooting and killed 2 people.

Speak/slang[edit | edit source]

Soyjak party has their own slang you may or may not have seen floating around the internet the general list is:

  • Gem = Good
  • Coal = Bad
  • Brimstone = Awful
  • Gemerald = Really good
  • -ACK = The sound a tranny makes when they rope
  • geg = kek
  • Marge = What?/confused , reference to a /tv/ meme of Homer Simpson telling Marge he's confused.
  • 4cuck = 4chan, in reference due to the increasing mod abuse of 4chan and general decline in quality.
  • keyed = based, another /tv/ loan-word that was made due to users being upset that based has become mainstream with normies.
  • HWABAG = Parody of YWNBAW, "He Will Always Be A Gem" usually referred to the Cobson soyjak variant, but can be said about other things of high quality too.

Spin-off websites[edit | edit source]

The Sharty has a few spin-off sites to list, Soyjak Wiki, a wiki for their culture, Soybooru, a gallery and collection of soyjaks, countrywars can also be found there,, a blog forum that uses the same software as And a ton of splinter sites made due to disagreement with the main site's current administration.