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Leftbook, short for, "left wing" Facebook groups, is an extremely large network of violent feminists with borderline personality disorder. Not all left wing Facebook pages are "leftbook", it's a specific type of Facebook group which falsely believes itself to be left-wing. Leftbook groups are mainly, "tag groups", or groups where participants "call out" people on the internet or real life for being sexually deviant, too heavy handed with truth, unusual, critical of female nature, eccentric, politically incorrect, racist, etc

These groups are generally radically misandrist and anti-incel and are mostly composed of white men/women who are trying to enter the professional class but failing (college students/graduates).

One possible theory for the way they act is that they are scared of the people who they are finding out are on the same level of social status that they are after failing to enter the professional class. Academic research also backs up the idea that people scapegoat ugly/average men when they fail to pairbond with someone above-average in status [1][2].

Former anti-incel composition[edit | edit source]

As of 2018, there were three anti-incel leftbook groups with almost 100 thousand total members, including found the incel, incels say the darnedest things, and how can incels even survive legitimate edition. They were generally just as violent as the worst incel forums, constantly calling for the rape, death, and mass execution of incels, and sometimes people with their real names calling for violence against specific incels with their real names. All three groups got banned or went secret VERY quickly after people "called out" their questionable posts in the same way they do to incels. This exposed these types of groups as more vulnerable than incel forums as it did not take much effort or time at all to get them banned.

Anti-incel groups get banned[edit | edit source]

In 2019, the largest anti-incel group: Found the Incel, was banned from the internet by Facebook for violent speech after an outing of sample posts on Youtube by William and courageous flagging by Master and others.[3][4][5][6][7]

Later, the anti-incel group "How can incels even survive legitimate edition" was banned after posts were flagged for terrorism, including one it's most recent posts before the banning which was trying to incite people to run over incels with a van.

The last remaining large group, "incels say the darndest things", responded by creating antiviolence rules and banning hundreds of people that they thought would flag violent posts they didn't have the energy to search for and delete. After the flagging of those posts inevitably started, including posts by anti-incels containing terroristic threats and legally actionable violent threats towards individual people, they changed the group name to ISTDT and went secret.

References[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]