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Firegoden was a German YouTuber who got trolled and mocked for his sub5 looks, which is possibly the main reason why he left the internet. His content primarily consisted of commenting current events in the German-speaking hemisphere, and of unironically teaching how to "think successfully", as if he's intellectually superior.[1] He numerously got mocked to look like Max Estevez from Jimmy Neutron.[2][3]

CuzImSara, a female Minecraft-YouTuber and former acquaintance of him, rejected him in a FAQ-video where he himself asked her in the comment section if they're together, to which she responded "no".[4] Nowadays, CuzImSara feels embarrassed when others mention his name around her, ask her about him or their relation to each other.

It was unknown whether or not he ever had a girlfriend or sex. He never explicitly told anyone the reason he left the internet, and probably cut off with his former content creator colleagues. Incels speculated he roped, which he didn't do: He instead proceeded to create a pretty successful and big social-media-marketing company[5]; he's probably rich by now, and possibly has a girlfriend (since he kinda embraces a girl in an image his company published).

See also[edit | edit source]