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A university is a state sanctioned indoctrination camp.

It is in these camps that Beckies are conditioned to believe that they are Stacies, and are thus entitled to the top 5% of Chad phallus. The postmodern theory peddled by beta professors (in the hope that it will get them access to the femoid cervical gateway) is calculated to decouple the relative fuckability of men from the sexual capital of the recipient femoid, thus distorting the sexual marketplace in a Marxian perversion of sexual selection. To paraphrase Amartya Sen: 'no sexual famine has ever taken place in the history of the world in a functional democracy with state mandated girlfriends'. Quothe the lobster: 'never-whore'.

However, Higher Education is also considered achieved status, and may be able to compensate for ascribed status. As such, Universities will be beneficial for long life history strategists. In addition, Higher Education may allow for low status males to compensate for women's hypergamy.

See also[edit | edit source]